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Luca Di Bartolo



Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo, Via Giovanni Pascoli 6, Palermo, 90144, Italy.




Laurea Magistrale in Scienze delle Attività Motorie Preventive e Adattate e delle Attività Sportive (classe LM-67) conseguita presso l’Università degli Studi di Palermo – 2022 / Master’s Degree in Physical Adapted Activity and Sport Science (class LM-67) – University of Palermo - 2022


Current Positions

PhD Student in Health Promotion and Cognitive Sciences



PhD project title and a short abstract

PhD project title

Resistance training effects on anxiety, depression and sleep disorders in cancer patients and survivors: a randomized controlled trial




Cancer is a prominent cause of death worldwide. Cancer-related disease and therapies negatively affects people’s quality of life (QoL). The literature highlighted the benefits of regular exercise for improvements of cancer-related symptoms. However, there is still insufficient evidence for resistance training (RT) benefits on a few of these symptoms, namely: anxiety, depression and sleep disorders. This research project aims to investigate the effects of RT on these abovementioned symptoms to improve cancer patients and survivors QoL.


This research project is thought to be a randomized controlled trial (RCT) with an experimental and control group. The control group will continue with their usual care, meanwhile the experimental group, in addition to their usual care, will participate in a resistance training protocol for 16 weeks. Before and after the intervention, the International Physical Activity- Short Form (IPAQ-SF) questionnaire, the handgrip test, the Hospital anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) questionnaire, the Pittsburgh Scale Quality Index (PSQI) and the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire will be administered to assess the participants’ physical activity and strength starting level, anxiety and depression, sleep disorders and QoL, respectively. A follow-up period,16 weeks after the study's completion, is expected to assess the long term effects of the training program.

Expected results

This RCT is expected to reduce anxiety and depression levels and improve sleep quality in cancer patients and survivors. Furthermore, a positive correlation between primary outcomes and quality of life is also expected. These findings can expand current knowledge and provide guidelines about physical exercise in cancer patients and survivors and be useful for the trainers to plan a specific training program for these population which suffer from anxiety, depression and sleep disorders.


Supervisor: Prof. Ewan Thomas

Co-Supervisor: Prof. Antonino Bianco


Curriculum Vitae


Main research areas of interest

Cancer; Exercise oncology; Resistance training


Researcher ID