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Medicina di Precisione in Area Medica, Chirurgica e Critica

Presentation of the Department of Surgical, Oncological and Stomatological Disciplines


The Department of Surgical, Oncological and Oral Sciences (acronym Di.Chir.On.S.), activated with D.R. n ° 4823 of 12.12.2012 promotes, coordinates, verifies and disseminates research activities in compliance with the scientific autonomy of each individual teacher and contributes to teaching activities as established and in compliance with the Statute of the University of Palermo and the laws in force, in the following fields: general and specialized surgical disciplines, stomatological sciences, clinical and experimental oncology, medicine and regenerative surgery.

The Department:

1. promotes research activities and the training of research groups in strategic and innovative areas, promotes and carries out internal consultancy, research on contract or agreement and training, also on behalf of external clients (in compliance with 'art. 8, paragraph 4 of the University Statute);

2. contributes to the management of educational activities, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

The activities of research and teaching are inevitably intertwined with that of medical-surgical assistance to patients, although the Di.Chir.On.S. does not hold the functions of DAI (Integrated Welfare Department).

The synergistic collaboration with the “P. Giaccone "is implemented through the constant coordination of the Departments, the membership of UOC (Complex Operating Units) and the related Welfare Departments of the teaching staff of Di.Chir.On.S., and through the School of Medicine and Surgery.

The areas of intervention of the Department enhance the strong surgical vocation (General Surgery, Plastic, Vascular, Thoracic, Urology, Orthopedics), oncology (Medical and Experimental) and dentistry, without neglecting other disciplines, of value and characterizing, such as Anesthesia and Resuscitation, Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine, Otolaryngology and Applied Dietetic Technical Sciences, for a total of n. 15 SSD (Scientific Disciplinary Sector) interested.

The Department has n. 3 Research Laboratories, specialized in Molecular Genetics and Oncology, Cellular and Molecular Physiopathology, Regenerative Medicine and Plastic Surgery. The highly qualified staff and the specific equipment available make it possible to develop excellent research activities and to provide targeted services with high technological content.

The assistance activity is implemented in synergy with the "P. Giaccone "and is embodied in the membership of UOC (Complex Operating Units) and the related Welfare Departments by the teaching staff of Di.Chir.On.S.
In addition, the close collaboration with the Polyclinic extends to actions to improve the National Health Service-SSN and to research areas through the implementation of targeted projects, funded by the Ministry of Health with dedicated programs.

The experimentation and transfer of medical innovation is one of the Department's priorities, together with the study of the care needs of the weakest social groups and the development and application of methods and techniques that allow to improve the information and proximity services to patients and citizens. .
Through the projects financed by the National Health Plan - PSN, which indicates among its objectives to strengthen the integrated systems of networks both at a national or supra-regional level (rare diseases, transplants, etc ...) and at an interinstitutional level (social and health integration) and between different levels of assistance (prevention, primary care, etc ...) and to promote innovation and research, or from the Finalized Research Program, strongly oriented to results directly transferable to the NHS (so-called translational research) in the biomedical and clinical care area, the Department pursues the objective of providing a health service focused on the centrality of the person and the health needs of citizens.

Director: prof.ssa GIUSEPPINA CAMPISI
