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Medicina di Precisione in Area Medica, Chirurgica e Critica

Departmental bodies





  • Department Board
  • Department Council


The powers of the Department bodies are defined in articles 27, 28, 29 and 30 of the Statute of the University of Palermo.

Members of the Department Board


The Board is made up equally of at least three first-level professors (PO), three second-level professors (PA), three permanent researchers (RU), an additional member representing the fellows and fixed-term researchers or contractors, a student representative, two representatives of the technical administrative staff, the Director and the Administrative Manager (RAD).


  • Prof.ssa Campisi Giuseppina (President)

  • Prof. Agrusa Antonino (PROFESSORE ASSOCIATO - MED/18)
  • Dott.ssa Bilello Giuseppa (RICERCATORE - MED/28)
  • Dott. Cicero Giuseppe (RICERCATORE - MED/06)
  • Prof.ssa Cordova Adriana (PROFESSORE ORDINARIO - MED/19)
  • Dott.ssa Crapanzano Assunta (RAD)
  • Dott.ssa Di Stefano Anna Barbara (Rappr. Pers. TA)
  • Prof.ssa Giuliana Giovanna (PROFESSORE ORDINARIO - MED/28)
  • Dott.ssa Graceffa Giuseppa (RICERCATORE - MED/18)
  • Dott.ssa Iurato Martina (Rappr. Dottorandi e Specializzandi)
  • Prof.ssa Letizia Mauro Giulia (PROFESSORE ORDINARIO - MED/34)
  • Dott.ssa Palmeri di Villalba Cesira (RICERCATORE - MED/41)
  • Dott. Palumbo Vincenzo Davide (ASSEGNISTA DI RICERCA - MED/18) - [Decaduto]
  • Prof. Pantuso Gianni (PROFESSORE ORDINARIO - MED/18)
  • Dott. Pecoraro Felice (PROFESSORE ASSOCIATO - MED/22)
  • Prof. Salamone Giuseppe (PROFESSORE ASSOCIATO - MED/18)
  • Prof. Scardina Giuseppe Alessandro (PROFESSORE ASSOCIATO - MED/28)

Department Council Members


The Council is composed of:

  1. the Director, who convenes and presides over it;
  2. professors, permanent researchers and temporary researchers;
  3. the Administrative Manager with the function of minutes secretary and voting vote;
  4. a representation of the technical-administrative staff equal to 10% of the teaching staff;
  5. a representation of the holders of scholarships or research grants or multi-year research contracts assigned to the Department in a number equal to 10% of the teaching staff;
  6. a representation of students enrolled in specialization and research doctoratecourses of which the department is the administrative headquarters equal to 10% of the teaching staff:
    • dott.ssa Filorizzo Clarissa (Scuola di Specializzazione in Oncologia Medica)
    • dott. Frisella Antonio (Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia, rianimazione, terapia intensiva e del dolore)
    • dott.ssa Iurato Carbone Martina (Dottorato di Ricerca in Oncologia e Chirurgia Sperimentali)
    • dott.ssa La Mantia Maria (Scuola di Specializzazione in Oncologia Medica)
    • dott. Magrin Luigi (Scuola di Specializzazione in Oncologia Medica).


COUNCIL REPORTS (Reserved access)