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Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche Chimiche e Farmaceutiche

Research Laboratories of Dept. STEBICEF



Laboratories of Animal Biology and Biologic Anthropology (via Archirafi, 18)



Applied Biodiversity


Evolutionary and population Biology


Sea Immunobiology 1


Sea Immunobiology 2


Molecular Immunobiology


Electron Microscopy




Zoogeography ed Animal Ecology (LABZEA)


Applied Zoology




Laboratoris of Cell Biology (Viale delle Scienze ed.16)



Cell Biochemistry and Biology


Cell Biology


Molecular Biology


Molecular Biology (Physiology)


Citology e Citogenetics


Chromatine and Epigentics




General Physiology


Molecular Genetics


Genomics and Proteomics


Microorganism Functional Genomics


Environmental Microbiology and Microbic Ecology


Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnologies






Laboratorie of Cell Biology (plesso Biochimica) (Via Parlavecchio )

Molecular Biology




Cell coltures




Fluorescence Microscopy




Laboratories of Botany and Botanic Ecology (Via Archirafi, 38)

Biology e Biotechnology for the Cultural Heritage


Plantae Biology and Botanic Conservation


Germplasm Conservation


Plantae Ecopysiology


Landscape Ecology


Electron Microscopy




Laboratories of pharmaceutical and biological chemistry (Via Archirafi, 32)



Medicinal Chemistry






Design and Synthesis of pharmaceutically active organic molecules


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


Heterocycle synthesis




laboratories of Chemistry (Viale delle Scienze, ed.17)

Electrochemical analysis


Natural products




Heterocyclic compounds


Education in Chemistry and Molecular simulations  


Spectroscopy and preparations                                                  


Technologic Paltform Multilab 1.2 (Chemical Safety), 3.2 (Process Quality), 3.3 (Food Traceability)


Bioinorganic synthesis


Synthesis of Bioinorganic complexes


Synthesis of metal complexes


Synthesis and characterization of Metal complexes, and study of their interactions with synthetic polynucleotides


Sintesi e Trasformazioni di proDri naturali


Stereoselective synthesis


Developement of analytical methods on matrixes of environmental or cultural heritage interest




Laboratories of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and technologies (Via Archirafi, 32)

Biological characterization of biomaterials and nanostructures


Physical characterization and spectrophotometric detection of organic compounds 


Microbiology and biological assays


Biocompatible polymers


Organic chemistry processes and putification of organic materials


Design and synthesis of pharmaceutical organic molecules


Design and synthesis of pharmaceutical organic molecules


Natural products


Pharmaceutical technology