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Fisica e Chimica - Emilio Segrè

Fisica I applicata allo spazio


fisicaspazio6, 10 and 13 March 2025

From 15:00 to 17:30

Aula A (6 march) , Aula C (10 e 13 march), DiFC,Via Archirafi 36, Palermo

Fisica I applicata allo spazio

Dott.ssa Elisa Guerriero - INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo

The seminar abstract can be viewed at the following link




luce21 FEBBRAIO 2025

dalle ore 15:15 alle 17:15

presso il Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica Emilio Segrè
Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 18, Palermo



a cura della prof.ssa Valeria Militello, Professore Ordinario del Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica - Emilio Segrè, Università degli Studi di Palermo


Locandina dell'evento


Solar and stellar UV spectroscopy


THE SUN NOW 15 maggio 2013 – La Macchina del TempoSi avvisa che, nell'ambito del programma CORI 2023, la Dott.ssa Paola Testa, dello Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA, terrà un ciclo di lezioni in Aula E, via Archirafi 36, su:


Solar and stellar UV spectroscopy

con il seguente calendario:
Lun 25/11 ore 15-18:30 (1/2 ora intervallo)
Mer 27/11 ore 8:30-12 (1/2 ora intervallo)
Ven 29/11 ore 8:30-10:30
Le lezioni sono aperte a tutti, con particolare riferimento agli studenti del III anno del CdL Scienze Fisiche.

Nobel Unfolded 2024


Nobel_Unfolded_2024Wednesday, November 20th 2024,

From 15:00 to 17:00

Aula A, DiFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo

Nobel Unfolded 2024



Prof. Donato Cascio, Prof. Giosué Lo Bosco, Prof. Rosario Mantegna, Dott. Michele Migliore




The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Interacting supernova remnants as high-energy and neutrino sources


LocandinaKM3NeTFriday, November 22th 2024, 15:00 h

Aula A, DiFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo

Interacting supernova remnants as high-energy and neutrino sources



Dr. Sabina Ustamujic, INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo G.S. Vaiana


With the participation of Prof. G.M. Palma, Dott.ssa A. Ciaravella, Dott. F. Bocchino, Prof. G. Cuttone, Dott. S. Ciancio, Dott.ssa R. Coniglione, Dott.ssa G. Umana, Prof. M. Miceli

The inauguration ceremony of the High Performance Computing room at the INAF-OAPA Supercomputing Center for Numerical Astrophysics in Via Ingrassia 31 will follow.

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Il microscopio ottico atomico e l’intelligenza artificiale


fisicaThursday, November 7th 2024, Seminar, 15:00 h

Aula A, DiFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo


Il microscopio ottico atomico e l’intelligenza artificiale





Prof. Alberto Diaspro, DIFILAB, Department of Physics, University of Genoa, Italy

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Casimir Physics at Equilibrium: Some recent results


Intravaia_Francesco_img1th Seminar: Monday, November 4th 2024, 15:00 h

Aula E, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36

Seminar Title:

Casimir Physics at Equilibrium: Some recent results


2th Seminar: Tuesday, November 5th 2024, 15:00 h

Aula F, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36

Seminar Title:

From Black-Body Friction to Quantum Friction


Prof. Francesco Intravaia, Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany

The abstract of the two seminars can be viewed at the following link

Series of seminars


messinarFrom 15:00 to 17:00,

on the dates described in the program

Aula D, DiFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo

Lesson schedule:

I. Introduction to near-field radiative heat transfer (22 october)
II. Near-field radiative heat transfer in nanoparticle systems (24 october)
III. Impact of material properties on near-field radiative heat transfer (28 october)
IV. Coupling between near-field radiative heat transfer and conduction (29 october)
V. Heat transfer in the extreme near-field regime (31 october)


Dr. Riccardo Messina del Laboratoire Charles Fabry (CNRS e Université Paris-Saclay), Palaiseau,

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Introduzione all’Analisi Dati


Introduzione_analisi_dati_2024Thursday, october 24th 2024,

and thursday november 21th 2024

from h 15:00 to 17:30 h

Aula Magna, DiFC, Viale delle Scienze, Ed.18


Introduzione all’Analisi Dati


AISF Palermo

Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica - Emilio Segré, Università degli Studi di Palermo



The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link 

Newton's laws of motion can generate gravity-mediated entanglement



marchese30 September 2024, h. 03:00 PM,

aula F, DiFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo


Newton's laws of motion can generate gravity-mediated entanglement



Dr. Marta M. Marchese

Theoretical Quantum Optics Group

Universität Siegen, Germany


The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Science with CTAO


ctaoMonday, September 16th 2024, 15:00 h,
Aula E, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo

Science with CTAO


Alberto Rosales De Leon 1, Olga Sergijenko 2
1. Sorbonne University and Laboratoire Univers et Théorie (LUTh), Observatoire de Paris, Meudon
2. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Main Astronomical Observatory of NASU &
AGH University of Krakow



The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Predicting the Rise of EU Right-Wing Populism in Response to Unbalanced Immigration


PredictingJuly 5th 2024, h. 11:00 AM

aula Seminari, DIFC, Ed. 18, Viale delle Scienze


Predicting the Rise of EU Right-Wing Populism in Response to Unbalanced Immigration


Boris Podobnik, Zagreb School of Economics and Management Zagreb, Croati



The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Ricerche ed innovazioni nel restauro del patrimonio culturale cartaceo e dipinto


seminario_restauroGiovedì 23 maggio, presso l'Aula Seminari - ED.18

e venerdì 24 Maggio 2024, presso Aula A - ED.17



Ricerche ed innovazioni nel restauro del patrimonio culturale cartaceo e dipinto



ANTONIO MIRABILE, restauratore di beni culturali, progetto Europeo GREENART


Abstract del seminario

Multiqubit Entanglement Distribution


augusti16 May 2024, ore 15:00 aula F,

DiFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo


Multiqubit Entanglement Distribution



Dr. Joan Agustí Bruzón

Walther Meissner Institute,

Technical University of Munich, Germany


The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Quantum multi-time probabilities: non-Markovianity and non-classicality


Pezzutto09 May 2024, h 14:00 room F,

DiFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo


Quantum multi-time probabilities: non-Markovianity and non-classicality


Prof. Andrea Smirne, Dipartimento di Fisica

Università degli studi di Milano, Italy


The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Josephson currents in superfluids and supersolids



08 May 2024, h 14:00 room F,

DiFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo


Josephson currents in superfluids and supersolids


Dr. Beatrice Donelli, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science 

Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Nonequilibrium qubit thermometers: Finite-time quantum metrological limits


smirne07 May 2024, h 14:00 room D,

DiFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo


Nonequilibrium qubit thermometers: Finite-time quantum metrological limits


Dr. Marco Pezzutto, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica

Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche, Florence, Italy


The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Lectures Series: Complexity Days


Immagine1Wednesday 03/04/2024

Graphs and Matrices 1

Thursday 04/04/2024

Graphs and Matrices 2

Friday 05/04/2024

Advanced Agent-based Models: Railways dynamics


All lectures will be held in Via Archirafi 36, Aula B 15:00-17:00


Prof. Vito Servedio, Complexity Science Hub, Vienna

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Machine Learning Methods for Quantum Thermal Devices


ErdmanThursday 28th March  2024, 15:00 h

Room F, DiFC, Via Archirafi 36


Machine Learning Methods for Quantum Thermal Devices



Dr. Paolo A Erdman

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science 

Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

 The abstract of the seminars can be viewed at the following link

Four two-hour seminars


machineFour two-hour seminars

Monday, March 18th 2024, 15:00 -17:00h

Tuesday, March 19th 2024, 15:00 -17:00h

Wednesday, March 20th 2024, 15:00 -17:00h

Thursday, March 21th 2024, 15:00 -17:00h


Aula B, DiFC,

Via Archirafi 36, Palermo.

Fundamental elements of statistical inference

Dr. Miguel Ibanez Berganza,

Networks division, IMT Alti Studi, Lucca

The abstract of the seminars can be viewed at the following link

Self-Organized Business Networks


TebaldiThursday, March 14th 2024, 16:00 h

Room B, Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica Emilio Segrè

Via Archirafi 36, Palermo


Self-Organized Business Networks


Prof. Claudio Tebaldi, Department of finance, Bocconi University

Director of the Bocconi Algorand Fintech Lab

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Ultrastrong coupling physics in cavity and circuit QED


Peter Rabl12, 14, 15 March 2024, h 15:00
Room B (12 Mar) e Room F (14, 15 Mar),

DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo

Team Code: qk0bqyz

Ultrastrong coupling physics in cavity and circuit QED

Prof. Peter Rabl, Technical University of Munich (Germany)

Abstract link

Analysing information back-flow in measurement-free teleportation


Hannah McAleeseWednesday, March 13th 2024, at 15:00

in room F of the  DIFC,

via Archirafi 36, Palermo.


Analysing information back-flow in measurement-free teleportation


Dr. Hannah McAleese

Quantum Technology Group, Centre for Quantum Materials and Technology

School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Why collapse dynamics imply diffusion and how to use this to test collapse models


DonadiThursday, February 15th 2024, room F,

DiFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo


Why collapse dynamics imply diffusion and how to use this to test collapse models


Dr. Sandro Donadi, Centre for Quantum Materials and Technology

School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast




The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

The road towards strongly correlated many-body cavity QED



Wednesday, December 20th 2023

room A, DiFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo


The road towards strongly correlated many-body cavity QED



Dr. Jamir Marino, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Institut für Physik, Mainz, Germany




The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Navigating Stress: Insights from Halide-Perovskites on Diverse Stress Responses



Monday, December 18th 2023

Room B, DiFC, edificio 17 viale delle Scienze

Navigating Stress: Insights from Halide-Perovskites on Diverse Stress Responses

Dr. Loreta A. Muscarella, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam



The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Measuring Time Series Reversibility with Machine Learning


BongiornoTuesday, October 24th 2023, 17:00 h

Aula AP1, Ed. 18, Viale delle Scienze DIFC


Measuring Time Series Reversibility with Machine Learning




Prof. Christian Bongiorno, Laboratoire Mathématiques et Informatique pour la Complexité et les Systèmes, CentraleSupélec, Paris, France

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Efficient quantum teleportation under noise with hybrid entanglement


PiiloTuesday, October 24th 2023, 16:00 h

Aula AP1, Ed. 18, Viale delle Scienze DIFC


Efficient quantum teleportation under noise with hybrid entanglement


Prof. Jyrki Piilo, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku, Finland

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Exceptional Non-Hermitian Topology


carollo DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, DIFC

Team code: pyitwim

Exceptional Non-Hermitian Topology


Aula D, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, DIFC

Prof. Flore Kunst, Max-Plack Institute for the Science of Light





Aula C              06/11/23                      Hermitian Topological Phases of Matter

10:00 – 13:00   

Aula B              07/11/23                      Introduction to non-Hermitian physics

10:00 – 13:00   

Aula C              08/11/23                      Non-Hermitian topological band theory

10:00 – 13:00

Aula D              09/11/23                      Non-Hermitian SSH chains

10:00 – 13:00

Aula B              10/11/23                      Two types of bulk-boundary correspondences

10:00 – 13:00

The syllabus of the Lecture series can be found at this link

Introduction to DFT and TDDFT


phd lectureIntroduction to DFT and TDDFT

Tuesday,     3/10/2023, 14:30 - 17:30
Thursday,   6/10/2023, 14:30 - 17:30
Tuesday,   10/10/2023, 14:30 - 17:30
Thursday, 12/10/2023, 14:30 - 17:30
Tuesday,   17/10/2023, 14:30 - 17:30
Thursday, 19/10/2023, 14:00 - 19:00 (hands-on)

Aula D, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo

Prof. Umberto De Giovanni, DiFC, Università di Palermo


The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Investigating Solar Wind Phenomena: Models, Observations and Acceleration Processes




Thursday, September 21tst 2023, at 3 pm
Aula B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, DIFC


“Investigating Solar Wind Phenomena: Models,
Observations and Acceleration Processes ”

Mr Anmol Kumar, Solar And Magnetospheric Theory Group, University of St Andrews (UK)

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Quantum many-body probes


PiccioneTuesday, July 11th 2023, 15:00 h Room B, DIFC,

Via Archirafi 36, Palermo


Quantum many-body probes


Abolfazl Bayat, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Saturation of Ozawa’s bound with flying qubits and interferometry


PiccioneMonday, July 10th 2023, 15:00 h Room B, DIFC,

Via Archirafi 36, Palermo

Saturation of Ozawa’s bound with flying qubits and interferometry


Nicolò Piccione, Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Institut Néel (France)

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

The physics of the unknown: future perspectives in theoretical physics


slide_1 (1)Monday, May 8th 2023, 15:00 h Room B, DIFC,

Via Archirafi 36, Palermo


"The physics of the unknown: future perspectives in theoretical physics"



Francesco Marino, Master’s Student, Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Beamlines for fixed target experiments, test beams and particle therapy


Immagine2Monday, April 3rd 2023, Seminar, 15:00 h

Aula A, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, DIFC


Beamlines for fixed target experiments, test beams and particle therapy


Prof. Alexander Gerbershagen, Medical Center, University of Groningen, Netherlands.

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Quantum Optics &Topology in Photonics Lattices


phd lectureFriday, March 31st 2023, 15:00-17:30,

Monday, April 3rd 2023, 15:00-17:30

Friday, April 7th 2023, 15:00-17:30

Monday, April 17th 2023, 15:00-17:30

Tuesday, April 18th 2023, 15:00-17:30

Wednesday, April 19th 2023, 15:00-17:30

Friday, April 21st 2023, 15:00-17:30

Friday, April 28th 2023, 16:00-18:30

Aula D, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, DIFC

Team code: ohjd5qn

Quantum Optics &Topology in Photonics Lattices

Prof. Angelo Carollo, Prof. Francesco Ciccarello, DiFC, Università di Palermo


The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Laboratori Nazionali INFN di Frascati


LongoMonday, March 20th 2023, at 15:00
room A of Department of Physics and Chemistry,
Via Archirafi 36, Palermo

Laboratori Nazionali INFN di Frascati

Dottor Massimo Ferrario, INFN


The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Seminars ExoPa group


astronomicoMonday, March 13th 2023, 15:00 h
Monday, March 27th 2023, 15:00 h
Monday, April 3th 2023, 15:00 h
Room B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, DIFC


Seminars ExoPa group


The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Beyond Brownian Motion: from Data to Modelsar


Ralf_Metzler24 February 2023, at 12:00,
room E of Department of Physics and Chemistry,
Via Archirafi 36, Palermo

Beyond Brownian Motion: from Data to Models

Prof. Ralph Metzler, Institute for Physics and Astronomy
University of Potsdam, Potsdam-Golm, Germany

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Deterministic Nanocrystal Self-Assembly into Multifunctional Artificial Solids


MarinoThursday, February 16th 2022, h. 15:00

Aula Magna, Ed. 18, Viale delle Scienze, Palermo
or Microsoft Teams (

Deterministic Nanocrystal Self-Assembly into Multifunctional Artificial Solids

Emanuele Marino, Laboratory "Roberto Boscaino" of Advanced Materials, Department of Physics and Chemistry "Emilio Segrè", Università degli Studi di Palermo

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Four Assorted Quantum Pieces


photoMonday, February 13th 2023, h 15:00
Classroom B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36

Tuesday, February 14th 2023, h 15:00
Classroom B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36

Wednesday, February 15th 2023, h 15:00
Classroom D6, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36

Thursday, February 16th 2023, h 15:00
Classroom B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36


Four Assorted Quantum Pieces:

The space of mixed quantum states

Quantum maps - unitary and non unitary evolution

Mutually Unbiased Bases and generalized measurements

Absolutely Maximally Entangled states and Quantum designs

Prof. Karol Życzkowski,
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Validazione statistica di reti di comorbidità


comorbidità9 January 2023, h. 15:00,

Classroom AP1, DIFC,

Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18



Validazione statistica di reti di comorbidità

Paride Crisafulli, Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems University of the Balearic Islands, Spain

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link



Immagine1 Thursday  15th december h. 15:00

Classroom AP2, DIFC, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18





Prof. Vito Latora, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London 

And Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN, University of Catania 

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Synchrotron light: opportunities for physics, chemistry and materials science


Longo29 November 2022, h15:00,

aula seminari, DiFC,

Viale delle Scienze edificio 18, Palermo


Synchrotron light: opportunities for physics, chemistry and materials science

A. Longo, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Geometric Quantum Mechanics - Foundations and Applications



28 november and 12 december 2022,

h.15:00, aula B, DIFC,

Via Archirafi 36, Palermo



Geometric Quantum Mechanics - Foundations and Applications

F. Anzà, University of California, Davis, California USA

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Seminar “LaBAM” group


poster LaBAMWednesday, November 23rd 2022, h 15:00

Aula A, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo


Seminar “LaBAM” group



Marco Cannas, Department of Physics and Chemistry – Emilio Segrè, University of Palermo

Simonpietro Agnello, Department of Physics and Chemistry – Emilio Segrè, University of Palermo

Alice Sciortino, Department of Physics and Chemistry – Emilio Segrè, University of Palermo




The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Nobel Unfolded


Poster2022Wednesday, November 3th 2022, h 15:00

classroom A , DiFC, via Archirafi 36, Palermo


Nobel Unfolded


Prof. Massimo Palma, Università di Palermo.









 The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link





On 26-27-28 September 2022

Aula 7, Via Archirafi 34, Palermo





Prof. Dr. Milena Grifoni, Institut I - Theoretische Physik
Universität Regensburg, Germany



The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Quantum Absorption Refrigerators


Immagine Di Chiara

Thursday, September 9th 2022, h 13:00

classroom D di via Archirafi 36

DIFC, Codice TEAMS: lsjn15r


Quantum Absorption Refrigerators

Prof. Gabriele De Chiara
Queen’s University Belfast

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

An introduction to random matrices and free probability in portfolio theory: a data science approach


andreas_garcia-medinaDr. Andres Garcia Medina

Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, CIMAT-CONACYT Mexico


An introduction to random matrices and free probability in portfolio

theory: a data science approach.



A brief introduction will be given to the theory of random matrices from its origins in statistical physics to its most modern formulation using elements of free probability. From this perspective, the family of rotationally invariant estimators will be described, and applications within Markowitz portfolio theory will be discussed. At all times, data science tools and Python simulations will be used to develop insight into the theory.



Day 1 Monday 11/07/2011 15:00 Aula AP1, viale delle scienze, ed. 18:

Preliminary concepts of random matrices such as the semicircle law and the Marchenko-Pastur law will be reviewed. Its application in portfolio theory will be discussed. Finally, the code of its implementation will be described.



Day 2 Tuesday 12/07/2011 15:00 Aula AP1, viale delle scienze, ed. 18:

Concepts of classical probability will be reviewed to introduce elements of free probability as an analogy. Some transformations will be defined to determine the spectrum of products and sums of random matrices. Its application in portfolio theory will be discussed.

Finally, an application of the theory will be shown.


Il bosone di Higgs: Se l'Universo è la risposta, qual è la domanda?


Locandina-1_page-0001Wednesday, May 28th 2022, h 15:00

DIFC, Codice TEAMS: vc41f7c

Il bosone di Higgs: Se l'Universo è la risposta, qual è la domanda?

AISF Palermo

Prof. Marcello Abbrescia, UniBa

A general centrality framework based on node navigability


seminar_frameworkTuesday, April 5th 2022, on line Seminar, Teams link, 15:00 h and Room AP1, DIFC, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18


A general centrality framework based on node navigability


Prof. Pasquale De Meo, Dipartimento di Civiltà antiche e moderne, University of Messina Italy

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link



Immagine AiSFThursday  10th  march 2022 h. 15:00 - 17:30

Aula B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo

online link



Dott.ssa Carla Distefano
I neutrini e l’esperimento DUNE


Dott.ssa Piera Sapienza
KM3NeT: un telescopio per neutrini nelle profondità marine

Abstract link

Dalla Relatività Generale alle Teorie Estese della Gravità


Locandina_BajardiTuesday  13th January 2022, h. 15:00,

online seminar, teams code: jr0xxph


Dalla Relatività Generale alle Teorie Estese della Gravità

F. Bajard, Dipartimento di Fisica – Ettore Pancini, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link

Modern platforms for quantum nonlinear optics


CalajoSeries of Lectures
24, 25, 26, 27 January 2022
Aula B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36,11:00

Team Code: qh5xiih


Modern platforms for quantum nonlinear optics



Dr. Giuseppe Calajò, ICFO (Spain)

Abstract link.