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Giulia Sciotto





 Giulia Sciotto

BSc, MSc









+39 091- 


+39 3383361644

 Mail:  –


Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, Viale delle Scienze, ed. 15 –Palermo  



Giulia Sciotto took a bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of Messina in 2016, discussing a thesis that compared educational and professional orientation services and activities implemented by Italy with those carried out in Germany. In 2018 Giulia obtained a master’s degree in Social, Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Palermo, where she took part in a longitudinal research project on the mediation role of employability in the relationship between psychological capital and career success. After graduation, Giulia spent a year of internship at the Psychology Department of the University of Palermo, where she continued to engage in psychosocial research and data analysis. In 2019 she attended a Summer School in Structural Equation Modeling at “Sapienza” University of Rome.

In January 2020 Giulia was admitted to the 3-year PhD in “Health Promotion and Cognitive Sciences”.

She is a member of AIP (Italian Association of Psychology).



Giulia’s focus of interest is work-related stress and its effects, in particular employees’ capability of proactively coping with stress in order to maintain high levels of well-being, work engagement and job satisfaction. 

Poster presentation: “Emotional Dissonance in workplaces: differences between jobs and perceived well-being” (Pace, F., Sciotto, G., & Foddai, E.). 19th European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Congress, Torino, 29 maggio – 1 giugno 2019. 

Poster presentation: “Far fronte all’utenza: la dissonanza emotiva e i rischi psicosociali nei diversi livelli di contatto con le persone” (Pace, F., Sciotto, G., & Foddai, E.). XVII Congresso Nazionale – Sezione di Psicologia per le Organizzazioni, Lecce, Università degli Studi del Salento, 26-28 settembre 2019. Abstract published in conference proceedings. 


In progress


Supervisor (s)

Prof. Francesco Pace


Thesis title/topic

Predictors and effects on individual and organizational well-being of job crafting and employability strategies. 



Work-related stress, Job Demands-Resources model, Academic workload, Emotional dissonance, Employability, Adaptability, Job crafting, Proactivity, Self-efficacy, Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment, Work engagement. 



International Mobility  In progress