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Savannah Olivia Mercer


phd_XXXIX_Savannah_Olivia_MercerDepartment of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze Edificio 15, Palermo, 90128, Italy.




Master of Science (MSc) in Psychology


Current Positions

PhD Student in Health Promotion and Cognitive Sciences



PhD project title and a short abstract

PhD project title

Exploring future teacher emotions through innovative technology and wearable devices



As part of the Samothrace Spoke 3 ’S2-COMMs Micro and Nanotechnologies for Smart & Sustainable Communities“ project, my research focuses on intelligent systems and devices. My project explores the use of wearable electrodermal activity (EDA) devices to measure future teacher emotions in educational settings, particularly in inclusive classrooms. Teacher emotions significantly impact their well-being, professional efficacy, and classroom environments, influencing student outcomes. Elevated teacher stress levels can lead to burnout, reduced teaching efficacy, and compromised student-teacher interactions, which are critical in fostering positive learning environments. Despite increasing attention to students’ emotional regulation using innovative technology, there is a noticeable gap in research focused on utilizing similar tools to understand and manage teacher emotions.

EDA, also known as Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), is a physiological measure of arousal that provides objective data by tracking changes in skin conductance. Wearable EDA sensors offer a novel method of biofeedback that can assist teachers in reflecting on their emotional states and managing stress, ultimately enhancing their well-being and effectiveness in the classroom. While traditional emotion assessment methods like self-reporting and interviews are limited by subjective biases, EDA presents a more objective measure, highlighting its potential to reshape the way teacher emotional regulation is understood and supported.

This project aims to assess the potential of EDA technology in educational contexts, focusing on how it can improve teacher emotional regulation, support the creation of inclusive classroom environments, and inform future strategies for professional development. By contributing to the development of strategies to enhance teacher well-being and foster inclusive classrooms, the research also lays a foundation for future exploration of intelligent systems and devices in education, bridging the gap in the understanding of teacher emotions and their management, and offering insights that could lead to better educational practices.


Supervisor: Prof.ssa Alessandra La Marca


Curriculum Vitae


Main research areas of interest

Innovative educational technologies; Inclusive and special education; Neurodiversity-affirming approaches to interventions and research


Researcher ID

ORCID: 0009-0002-5289-618X

Research gate:

UNIPA Laboratory: