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Ivan Giuseppe Cammarata



Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze Edificio 15, Palermo, 90128, Italy.




Master’s degree in social, Work, and Organizational Psychology


Current Positions

PhD Student in Health Promotion and Cognitive Sciences



PhD project title and a short abstract

PhD project title

Online vs. Face-to-Face: Evaluating the Efficacy of the RISE Intervention in Enhancing Nurse Mental Well-Being.



High levels of stress and burnout are common in the nursing profession, especially in light of the difficulties the COVID-19 pandemic presents. In the healthcare industry, burnout syndrome is a frequent result of persistent stress. Due to their exposure to patients' suffering and distress, nurses are also susceptible to compassion fatigue. These elements may negatively affect nurses' physical and mental well-being as well as hospital departments and healthcare organisations.

The Resilience, Insight, Self-compassion, and Empowerment (RISE) intervention was created to address these issues and promote nurses' mental health. In this 8-week psychoeducational group intervention, learning, therapeutic techniques, skill improvement, and social support are all combined. RISE aims to improve nurses' coping skills, foster a sense of meaning and purpose, and lessen the symptoms of burnout.

This research project's objectives are to test the effects of the RISE intervention on mental well-being in two groups of nurses: one receiving the intervention online and the other face-to-face. The outcomes to be measured include resilience, insight, self-compassion, empowerment, perceived stress, and burnout. The study will be a parallel randomised controlled trial, with data collected at baseline and 1-, 3-, and 6-month follow-ups. The expected results are that both groups

will show improved levels of mental well-being compared to baseline. This research contributes to the understanding of the efficacy of the RISE intervention, particularly when delivered online, and has implications for enhancing nurses' mental health and overall well-being.


Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Boca


Curriculum Vitae


Main research areas of interest

Implicit Prejudice and Bias. Stereotyping and Discrimination. Authoritarianism and Social Attitudes. Gender Stereotypes and Roles


Researcher ID