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Iva Marino


phd_XXXIX_iva_marinoDepartment of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze Edificio 15, Palermo, 90128, Italy.




Laurea Magistrale in Psicologia (classe LM 57), conseguita presso l’Università degli Studi G. Marconi, Roma, dicembre 2017.
Formazione Post lauream “7th International Attachment Conference, presso la “The New School University (New York)”, agosto 2015.
Master in “Esperto in Scienz e Forensi e Criminologiche”, Università degli Studi di Palermo, marzo 2013.


Current Positions

PhD Student in Health Promotion and Cognitive Sciences



PhD project title and a short abstract

PhD project title

Adolescents as the vulnerable users of digital technologies: the relationship between vulnerable Narcissism and sense of community.


The research aims to evaluate the relationship between vulnerable narcissism in adolescence and levels of self esteem and sense of community, consi dering the use of social networks as a moderating variable.

1. Verify whether vulnerable narcissism and the use of social media, as reinforcement for one's self, have a relationship with withdrawal from community relationships and with self disesteem, therefore with lower levels of sense of community and self esteem respectively;
1. Understand the role that the use of social networks plays in moderating any forms of vulnerable narcissism;
2. Consider the sense of community as a deterrent to this specific form of narcissism, in order to design targeted educational interventions.

The relationships among the variables (vulnerable narcissism, self esteem, sense of community, and passive social use) were analyzed using correlation and linear regression analyses. Completion of the online protocol.

Expected Results

1. We expect to detect a positive relationship between vulnerable narcissism and the use of social networks.
1. Negative relationships between narcissism and sense of community and between narcissism and self esteem.
2. Finally, we hope to understand the role and use of social networks in adolescents, and also to understand whether a high sense of community can be a deterrent to vulnerable narcissism.


Supervisor: Prof.ssa Cinzia Novara


Curriculum Vitae


Main research areas of interest

Research areas: adolescents, adults, bullying, cyberbullying, families, and narcissism.


Researcher ID