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Dottorandi - XL Ciclo
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Tutor: Prof. A. Galati Co-Tutor: Prof. D. Vrontis Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. V. Farina Co-Tutor: Prof. G. Sortino Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. M. Iovino Co-Tutor: Prof. M. Crescimanno Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. E. Peri Co-Tutor: Prof. P. Bella Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. N. Francesca Co-Tutor: Prof. Vasileios Englezos, Prof. A. Alfonzo Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. P. Ruisi Co-Tutor: Prof. R. Ingraffia Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. M. Todaro Co-Tutor: Prof. M. Alabiso, Dott.ssa M.L. Scatassa Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. V. Farina Co-Tutor: Prof. D. Neri, Dott. G. Gugliuzza Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. Mugavero Co-Tutor: Prof. L. Sabatino, Prof. S. La Bella Research Interests:
Francesco MANGIACAVALLO Tutor: Prof. S. Orlando Co-Tutor: Prof. M. Mammana Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. N. Francesca Co-Tutor: Prof. Debeaufort, Prof. Maggio, Prof. A. Alfonzo Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. T. La Mantia Co-Tutor: Prof. E. Badalamenti, Prof. De Silveira Research Interests:
Faryadi SAMIRA Tutor: Prof. A. Bonanno Co-Tutor: Prof. A. Di Grigoli Research Interests: |
Tutor: Prof. G. Migliore Co-Tutor: Prof. V. Borsellino Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. R. Di Lorenzo Co-Tutor: Prof. A. Pisciotta Research Interests:
Dottorandi - XXXIX Ciclo
Tutor: Prof. N. Francesca Co-Tutor: Prof. G. Moschetti Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof.ssa G. Lo Verde Co-Tutor: Prof. V. Farina Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. V. Farina Co-Tutor: Dott. L. Franco Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. R. Scalenghe Co-Tutor: Prof. F. Saiano, Prof. L. Settanni, Prof.ssa A. Marchese Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. D. Planeta Co-Tutor: Prof. P. Conte Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. D. Giambalvo Co-Tutor: Dott. R. Ingraffia Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. M.Todaro Co-Tutor: Prof. L. Settanni Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. P. Conte Co-Tutor: Prof. P. Columba, Prof. P. Lo Meo Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. V. Farina Co-Tutor: Prof. D. Autovino, Prof. G Sortino Research Interests:
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Tutor: Prof. P. Inglese Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. N. Francesca Co-Tutor: Prof. G. Moschetti Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. R. Di Lorenzo Co-Tutor: Prof. A. Pisciotta Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. N. Francesca Co-Tutor: Prof. G. Moschetti Research Interests:
Dottorandi - XXXVIII Ciclo
Tutor: Prof.ssa M. Vallone Co-Tutor: Prof. S. Orlando Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. N. Francesca Co-Tutor: Prof. O. Corona Research Interests:
Alessandro ESPOSITO
Tutor: Prof. F. Vetrano Co-Tutor: Prof.ssa A. Moncada Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof.ssa G. Liguori Co-tutor: Prof. A. Todaro Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof.ssa G. Liguori Co-Tutor: Dott. R. Gaglio Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof.ssa V. Borsellino Co-Tutor: Prof. A. Galati, Prof. E. Schimmenti Research Interests:
Francesco SGADARI
Tutor: Prof. R. Schicchi Co-Tutor: Prof. M. Bruno Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. A. Cusumano Co-Tutor: Prof. E. Peri Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. M. Iovino Co-Tutor: Prof. G. Baiamonte e Prof. A. Motisi Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. N. Francesca Co-Tutor: Prof. R. Di Lorenzo Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. V. Bagarello Co-Tutor: Prof. D. Giambalvo Research Interests:
Dottorandi - XXXVII Ciclo
Ph.D. Student | MARIANNA PIPI |
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marianna.pipi@unipa.it | |
Orcid ID | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0061-4470 |
Location | Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4 |
Profile |
- Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science and Technology at Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy), 2018 - Master Degree in Entrepreneurship and Quality for the Agri-food System, curriculum Management of Agri-zootechnical (class LM-69) at Università degli Studi di Palermo awarded in October, 2020, with a thesis entitled “Microbiological characterization of the wooden boards used for maturing typical Sicilian cheeses” - A three-year PhD scholarship awarded in February 2022 |
Expertise |
- Scientific research in the animal feeding and nutrition |
Tutor | Prof. Antonino Di Grigoli |
Co-tutor | Prof. Adriana Bonanno |
Thesis topics | Use of alternative feed sources for sustainability of animal productions |
Research interests | Effect of use of alternative feed sources and different livestock farming factors on the nutritional properties of animal products |
Link to publications (IRIS data-base) | LINK IRIS |
International Mobility |
Ph.D. Student |
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riccardo.gannuscio@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), VialedelleScienze, Building 4 |
Profile |
- Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science and Tecnology at University of Palermo (Italy), 2018; - Master Degree in Entrepreneurship and Quality for the Agri-food System (class LM-69) at University of Palermo, 2020. - Winner of the scholarshipissued by theUniversity of Palermo, carrying out a research on Biomarkers of cheese from pasture-fed animals, 2021. - He is qualified to practice as Agronomist and Forestry Doctor, University of Palermo, 2021. |
Expertise |
- Scientific research in the field offeeding and animal nutrition - Laboratory analysis of animal feed and livestock products - Nutritional profile of cheese |
Tutor |
Prof. Massimo Todaro |
Co-tutor |
Prof. Isabel Berruga |
Thesistopics |
Use of by-products in animal feed according to a circular economy model |
Researchinterests |
Effects of animal feed on livestock production |
Link to publications (IRIS data-base) |
International Mobility |
Ph.D. Student |
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antonella.loporto@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF),VialedelleScienze, Building 4, Entry L second floor. |
Profile |
Master Degree in Agricultural Production and Technologies at Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2019
Expertise |
Tutor |
Prof. Alfonso Salvatore Frenda |
Co-tutor |
Prof. Luciano Gristina
Thesistopics |
Fattorigenetici, ambientali e agronomici in grado di influenzare la qualitàtecnologica e nutraceutica in Triticum sp. |
Researchinterests |
Link to publications (IRIS data-base) |
International Mobility |
Ph.D. Student |
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calogero.librici@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4 |
Profile |
- Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science and Technologies at Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2018; - Master Degree in Agricultural Production and Technologies at Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2020; - Scholarship from the A. & S. Lima Mancuso Foundation. Winner of the scholarship issued by the A. & S. Lima Mancuso Foundation - University of Palermo. Topic: Impact of microplastics on biological and agronomic characteristics of the soil and effects on plant growth. (January 2021); - Scholarship from the Institute of Biosciences and BioResources of the CNR. Winner of the scholarship issued by the Institute of Biosciences and BioResources of the CNR of Naples and carried out in part at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Sciences of the University of Palermo. Topic: Analysis of productivity and the extent of biological nitrogen fixing in alfalfa as the rhizobic consortium and water availability vary. (February 2021 - December 2021); - Worked as External Volunteer Researcher at the University of Palermo, Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF), carrying out a research on “role of mycorrhizal symbiosis in nitrogen dynamics in a grass-legume association; impact of microplastics on the biological and agronomic characteristics of the soil and effects on plant growth; productivity and nitrous oxide emissions in Mediterranean cropping systems; nitrogen withdrawal, assimilation and remobilization in durum wheat plants grown in the Mediterranean environment.” (December 2020 – December 2021).
Expertise |
- Soil chemical and physical analysis - Gascromatography - On-field experimental practices - Mycorrhizal fungi - Nitrogen fixation - Herbaceous crops consociation |
Tutor |
Prof. Pellegrino Conte |
Co-tutor |
Prof. Dario Giambalvo; Prof. Vincenzo Bagarello |
Thesis topics |
“Evaluation of the chemical-physical-biological effect of microplastic contamination in soils” |
Research interests |
Microplastics and their impact on soil structure and fertility. Evaluation of crops physiology under microplastics-polluted environment. |
Link to publications (IRIS data-base) |
Ph.D. Student |
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ermiojaydarryl@gmail.com; jaydarryl.ermio@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 5 |
Profile |
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture major in Plant Protection at the Visayas State University, Philippines, 2016 - Master of Science in Crop Protection at the University of Goettingen, Germany and European Master’s degree in Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems at the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain, 2018-2020 |
Expertise |
Plant Protection; Integrated Pest Management; Biological Control; Pesticide Ecotoxicology |
Tutor |
Prof. Stefano Colazza |
Co-tutor |
Dott. Antonino Cusumano |
Thesis topics |
Role of nectar-inhabiting microbes for biocontrol agents (Conservation Biological Control) |
Research interests |
I am into plant protection, specifically in entomology topics. I am interested in integrating different approaches in managing pest populations in the field, as well as the making use of biological control approaches and knowing the impacts of insecticides to the non-target organisms. Unraveling the mysteries on the interaction between plants and insects is also a field of specialization that I want to pursue because our knowledge on plant-insect interaction with possible mediation by external factors, like microbes is essentially critical in our pursuit of devising sustainable pest management strategy. |
Link to publications (IRIS data-base) |
International Mobility |
- Erasmus Mundus (Expert4Asia Project) Exchange Undergraduate Student at the University of Germany, October 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015 - Master’s Thesis at the Crop Research Institute Prague in Czech Republic (Biologically Active Substances in Crop Protection Section), February 7, 2020 – September 25, 2020 |
Ph.D. Student |
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nicasio.bova@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 5, Entry C, first floor |
Profile |
- Bachelor Degree in Agro-Engineering (Class L-25), University of Palermo, 2017; - Master Degree in Firm and Quality for the Agricultural and Food System (Class LM- 69), University of Palermo, 2020; - Qualification to practice as Agronomist and Forestry Doctor, University of Palermo, 2020; - Research contract with ITAKA SRL for the project: “Breeding for Resilient, Efficient and Sustainable Organic Vegetable production” (BRESOV). The activities have been carried out at the the University of Palermo, Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF). (May 2020 - May 2021) |
Expertise |
- Evaluation of biocontrol activity of microbial consortia and natural compounds against plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria; - Isolation of fungi and bacteria from plant tissue - DNA extraction from fungi and bacteria - Identification of fungi and bacteria by conventional PCR and real-time PCR; - Pathogenicity tests; - General methods for maintenance and preservation of cultural collection of bacteria and fungi |
Tutor |
Dott.ssa Patrizia Bella |
Co-tutor |
Prof. Alessandro Miceli |
Thesis topics |
Harnessing the seed-associated bacteria in Brassica vegetables for the control of black rot disease caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. |
Research interests |
Plant diseases, beneficial microorganism, biological control, molecular-based diagnostic methods, microbiome. |
Link to publications (IRIS data-base) |
International Mobility |
martina.agosta@unipa.it; agosta.m@libero.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4 |
Profile |
- Bachelor Degree in Forestry and Environmental Sciences (class L-25) at University of Palermo (Italy), 2019 - Master Degree in Forestry and Agro-Environmental Sciences and Technologies, Safeguard and Enhancement of Rural Areas curriculum, 2021
Expertise |
- Market Comparison Approach - Real estate appraisal - Land cadastre |
Tutor |
Prof. Antonio Asciuto |
Co-tutor |
Prof. Emanuele Schimmenti and Prof.ssa Caterina Patrizia Di Franco |
Thesis topics |
The application of Market Comparison Approach to agricultural land appraisal |
Research interests |
- Land market analysis - Market oriented approaches |
Link to publications (IRIS data-base) |
International Mobility |
Ph.D. Student |
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cristina.bondi@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4, Entry E, first floor |
Profile |
- She studied at the University of Palermo (Italy) where in 2019 she graduated in Forestry and Agro-Environmental Sciences and Technologies, curriculum Forest Systems Management, class LM-73; - She worked as External Volunteer Researcher at the University of Palermo, Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF), carrying out a research on "Hydraulic characterization of substrates for green infrastructure". (July 2021 – October 2021). |
Expertise |
- Laboratory measurement of soil water retention; - Measurement of soil particle size distribution; - Estimation of soil hydraulic properties; - Assessment of soil water repellency. |
Tutor |
Prof. Massimo Iovino |
Co-tutor |
Prof. Vincenzo Bagarello |
Thesis topics |
Research interests |
- Soil physics; - Soil hydraulic properties; - Soil water repellency. |
Link to publications (IRIS data-base) |
International Mobility |
Ph.D. Student |
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ignaziomaria.gugino@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4 |
Profile |
Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science and Tecnology (class L-26) at University of Palermo (Italy), 2018; - Master Degree in Mediterranean Food Science and Technology (class LM-70), at University of Palermo (Italy), 2021. |
Expertise |
− Scientific research in the field of food industry − Experimental tests of beverages fermentations and cereals malting − Food analysis − Beer and malt analysis − Brewing and malting process management |
Tutor |
Prof. Aldo Todaro |
Co-tutor |
Prof. Diego Planeta and Dott.Vincenzo Alfeo |
Thesis topics |
Analysis and characterization of old Sicilian cereals landraces to be addressed to the malt industry |
Research interests |
Brewing process, malting process, food technology, food analysis, hops cultivation, oenology |
Link to publications (IRIS data-base) |
International Mobility |
Ph.D. Student |
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francesco.vella09@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4, first floor |
Profile |
- Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science and Technologies at University of Palermo, 2019. - Master Degree in Entrepreneurship and Quality for the Agri-food System (class LM-69) at University of Palermo, 2021. - He is qualified to practice as Agronomist and Forestry Doctor from Palermo University. |
Expertise |
- Certifications of food products - Study analysis and application of ecological principles in agri-food production - Sustainable Agriculture - Organic farming |
Tutor |
Prof.ssa Giuseppina Migliore |
Co-tutor |
Prof. Giorgio Schifani |
Thesis topics |
The ‘green’ transition in Agriculture. |
Research interests |
Agroecology; Biodiversity; Ecology; Sustainable Agriculture; Consumer behaviour; Agricultural policies. |
Link to publications (IRIS data-base) |
International Mobility |
Ph.D. Student |
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alessandra.culmone@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4 |
Profile |
- Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science and Technology (class L-25) at Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy), 2019 - Master Degree in Agricultural Science and Technology, curriculum PhytoPatology (class LM-69) at Università di Bologna awarded in March, 2022, with a thesis entitled “Hydrolate and EO Application to Reduce Decay of Carica papaya during Storage” |
Expertise |
- Post harvest tecnology; - Agro-industrial processing plants and processes; - Enhancement of shelf-life fruits using edible coatings made with natural substances such as essential oils and their by-products; - Defence and prevention of foods from pathogens and possible contamination |
Tutor |
Prof. Vittorio Farina |
Co-tutor |
Prof. Luigi Botta |
Thesis topics |
Control of loss quality of mediterranean fruits caused by biotic and abiotic agents in various, with the aim of prolonging their shelf life using technologies such as modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), or edible coatings based on essential oils and their derivatives. |
Research interests |
Control and prevention of foods from pathogens with natural substances |
Link to publications (IRIS data-base) |
International Mobility |
Ph.D. Student |
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pasquale.roppolo@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4 |
Profile |
- Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science and Technologies (class L-25) at University of Palermo (Italy), 2019; - Master Degree in Entrepreneurship and Quality for the Agri-food System (class LM-69) at University of Palermo (Italy), 2021; - Qualification to practice as Agronomist and Forestry Doctor, University of Palermo (Italy), 2022. |
Expertise |
- Post-harvest treatments and food preservation; - Agro-industrial processing plants and processes; - Defence and prevention of foods from pathogens and possible contamination; - Evaluation of the organoleptic, nutritional and nutraceutical quality of foods; - Valorisation of quality production. |
Tutor |
Prof. Vittorio Farina |
Co-tutor |
Prof. Livio Torta |
Thesis topics |
Qualitative characterization and technological development of new products based on dried fruit and dehydrated fruit. |
Research interests |
Post-harvest; fruits quality; dried fruits; tropical fruits; sensory analysis. |
Link to publications (IRIS data-base) |
International Mobility |
Dottorandi - XXXVI Ciclo
Ph.D. Student |
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gaetano.caltabellotta@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4, Entry E, first floor |
Profile |
- He studied at the University of Palermo (Italy) where in 2019 he graduated in Forestry and Agro-Environmental Sciences and Technologies, curriculum Protection and Enhancement of the Rural Territory, class LM-73; - He worked as External Volunteer Researcher at the University of Palermo, Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF), carrying out a research on "Experimental methodologies for the hydraulic characterization of the soil". (November 2019 - February 2020); - He gained a scholarship at the University of Palermo, Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest (SAAF), concerning "Research applied to the agri-food sector for the improvement of soils". (March 2020 - August 2020). |
Expertise |
- Laboratory and field measurement of soil water repellency; - Measurement of soil particle size distribution; - Estimation of field saturated hydraulic conductivity by the Simplified Falling-Head (SFH) technique; - Estimation of soil hydraulic properties by Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameter (BEST) technique. |
Tutor |
Prof. Massimo Iovino |
Co-tutor |
Prof. Vincenzo Bagarello |
Thesis topics |
Effects of wildfire-induced water repellency on the soil hydrological processes |
Research interests |
- Soil physics; - Water infiltration; - Soil hydraulic properties; - Soil water repellency |
Link to IRIS data-base |
International Mobility |
Ph.D. Student |
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mark.massaad@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4 and 5, Entry A. |
Profile |
Successfully completed my Master Degree in Agricultural science with a specialization in Agrobiodiversity from the Lebanese University- Beirut- Lebanon |
Expertise |
Research assistant at the American University of Beirut- Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences. |
Tutor |
Prof. Tommaso La Mantia and Dott. Nicola Francesca |
Co-tutor |
Dott. Da Silveira Bueno. |
Thesis topics |
Evaluation of the ecological biodiversity and role of bats in agro and silvo systems in Sicily through advanced investigation technique. |
Research interests |
Biodiversity- Ecology- Forestry- Sustainable Agriculture- IPM |
Link to IRIS data-base |
International Mobility |
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antonino.pirrone@unipa.it |
Orcid ID | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5141-8998 |
Location | Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 5 |
Profile |
- Bachelor Degree in Agro-Engineering (class L-25) at University of Palermo (Italy), 2017; |
Expertise |
− Scientific research in the field of agricultural microbiology |
Tutor | Dott. Nicola Francesca |
Co-tutor | Prof. Vittorio Farina; Dott. Raimondo Gaglio; Dott. Raffaele Guzzon |
Thesis topics | "Technological development of new tropical fruit products and beverages” |
Research interests | Agricultural microbiology, brewing microbiology, tropical and subtropical fruit crops |
Link to IRIS data-base | LINK IRIS |
International Mobility | Erasmus + at Aleksandras Stulginkis Universitetas, Kaunas – Lithuania from September to December 2015 |
Ph.D. Student |
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rosario.prestianni@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 5 |
Profile |
- He studied at the University of Palermo (Italy) where in 2017 he graduated in Agricultural Science and Technology, LM-69. - He is qualified to practice as Agronomist and Forestry Doctor from Palermo University. |
Expertise |
- Scientific research in the field of agricultural microbiology - Experimental trials of wine and beer fermentation - Yeast isolation from food matrices and technological selection tests - Field analysis and grape ripening monitoring - Selection and management of lactic acid bacteria in the production of table olives - Application and monitoring of microbial starters (lactic acid bacteria) in the lactic fermentation of alcoholic beverages |
Tutor |
Dott. Nicola Francesca |
Co-tutor |
Prof. Giancarlo Moschetti and Dott. Antonio Alfonzo |
Thesis topics |
Selection and application of microbial starters (lactic acid bacteria and yeasts) to improve the aromatic profile and healthiness of wines. |
Research interests |
Agricultural microbiology and oenology |
Link to IRIS data-base |
International Mobility |
Ph.D. Student |
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dario.scuderi@unipa.it |
Orcid ID |
Location |
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4, Entry H |
Profile |
- Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science and Technologies at Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2018 - Master Degree in Agricultural Production and Technologies at Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2020 |
Expertise |
- Horticulture and Precision Agriculture - Environmental data monitoring - Soil texture analysis - Fruit quality analysis - Post-harvest management of fruit - Compounds extraction from plant material: oil, carotenoids - Statistical analysis and modelling |
Tutor |
Prof. Vittorio Farina |
Co-tutor |
Dott. Giuseppe Sortino |
Thesis topics |
Tropical fruit crops adaptation to the Sicilian and Mediterranean climate. Plant phenology, fruit growth dynamics and environmental and physiological factors influencing fruit quality |
Research interests |
I am primarily interested in Tropical and Subtropical fruit crops, and enthusiastic about the possibility of their cultivation in the Mediterranean area. Studying the adaptation of exotic species to the climate of the cradle of so many cultures is intriguing and gives me the feeling of pursuing a process that started at the same time as agriculture itself. |
Link to IRIS data-base |
International Mobility |
Erasmus + at Aleksandras Stulginkis Universitetas, Kaunas – Lithuania from September to December 2015 Erasmus + for Traineeship at Instituto de Agroquimica y Tecnologia de Alimentos, Valencia – Spain from March to May 2018 Internship at Institute for Olive, Subtropical Plants and Viticulture of Chania – Greece from September to November 2019 Study period abroad at CIRAD - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement - Bassin Plat, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, Francia, from June 2022 to January 2023 |