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Fisica e Chimica - Emilio Segrè



Beside teaching and research, DiFC – Emilio Segré is also committed to the promotion, application, dissemination and transfer of knowledge to society in general. These activities, overall described as the “Third mission” of the University, involve a range of interactions of University with the general public, institutions and enterprise outside the academic enviroment, with the goal of generating knowledge in the local territory and fostering a long-term social, cultural and economic development.

Delegate for third mission activities: Prof. Alberto Pettignano

ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Insitutes) guidelines (Italian)

Third mission activities:

Research valorisation

                                Intellectual property management


                                Work under contract

                                Cooperation with local institutions

Public activities with an educational, cultural or social impact

                                Preservation of Cultural heritage

                                Clinical experimentation, research infrastructures, medical training

                                Continuous learning

                                Public engagement