From 25th to 27th March 2025, the international workshop "TIMEKEEPERS IN HISTORICAL OBSERVATORIES: Challenges in conservation, restoration and maintenance"* will be held in Palermo, organised by the INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Palermo in collaboration with the University of Palermo.
The workshop will discuss the challenges of conserving, restoring, and maintaining historical timekeeping instruments in astronomical observatories. In Italy, more than one hundred chronometrical instruments (pendulums, chronometers, chronographs) are preserved across various astronomical observatories. One of the most ancient and rare collections is kept in Palermo at the Museo della Specola (which is part of SiMuA, the University Museums Network) at the INAF Astronomical Observatory.
The workshop will gather international experts in the fields of history, conservation, and restoration of observatory timekeepers. Through thematic presentations, participants will gain a unique opportunity to examine in depth both the historical and technological aspects of astronomical clocks, along with conservation methodologies.
The programme includes practical sessions at the Museo della Specola and visits to university scientific collections.
The event is open to a maximum of 50 participants, with a registration fee of €150, which includes visits, workshop kit, coffee breaks, light lunches, and a social dinner.
Registrations will close on 5th March 2025. Further details and the full programme are available on Home - Observatory Clocks.