Research Area
Active Research fields
Research interest on the field of the indoor thermal comfort, Indoor Air Quality, lighting, energy aspect in smartcity, renewable resources in urban environment, energy performance of buildings, solar radiation, EIA, green roofs and natural materials, new energy conversion systems fed by low enthalpy sources.
Research projects of the last 5 years
- “i-NEXT Project (Innovation for greeN Energy and eXchange in Transportation)” (PON), funded by the Italian Operative Program "Research and Competitiveness", November 2012 – December 2015;
- "RESPIRA - Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality and Respiratory Health in Malta and Sicily", 2011-2013.
- "MobybriquetteS", July 2011 – July 2014, funded by Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea of Italy.
- “AR.CO.VERDE - Studies on shrub and ground-cover species for urban design in the Mediterranean area”, 2009-2013, Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies of Italy.