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Shared Responsibility: author and public in JR's experience

  • Autori: Crescimanno, E
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2013
  • Tipologia: Capitolo o Saggio (Capitolo o saggio)
  • Parole Chiave: morfologia, street art, fotografia
  • OA Link:


New forms of art have implications that go beyond the aesthetics and the theory of the arts: they emphasize ethical, political and social aspects. The understanding of the new relationship between author and users is crucial to JR’s works and theories. In this paper we will provide a theoretical explanation of his work through the tools developed by Nicolas Bourriaud in Relational Aesthetics. What is the form of artwork today? What are the duties and the role of the artist? what are those of the users? And what are the effects on the social, political and ethical sphere? We shall argue that JR's live actions are able to overcome some of Bourriaud’s theoretical limits: his activity takes place not in museums (like the models presented by Bourriaud) but between people. Hence, through his work a new ethical and political community is born and grows up. Finally, JR turns everyday situations in artistic situations because he works directly on the real world. He is capable to create a new dimension of relationships and he reveals a new way to make art.