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Date Title Type Record
2024 Pursuing sustainable performance in healthcare organizations: a sustainable business model perspective Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Determinants of performance drivers in online food delivery platforms: a dynamic performance management perspective Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Environmental Voluntary Programs in the Transport Industry in the Post-COVID Situation: The French Experience Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2022 Pouring new wine into old bottles: A dynamic perspective of the interplay among environmental dynamism, capabilities development, and performance Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Il dynamic business modelling per lo sviluppo e la prevenzione delle crisi delle piattaforme multi-sided Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Fostering growth patterns of SMEs through business model innovation. A tailored dynamic business modelling approach Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Can business model innovation help SMEs in the food and beverage industry to respond to crises? Findings from a Swiss brewery during COVID-19 Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Using System Dynamics modelling to frame environmental voluntary commitment programs: the French experience Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2021 I percorsi di bonifica delle aziende infiltrate dalla criminalità organizzata Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2020 Supporting Multi-Sided Platform firms to maintain rapid growth (and to avoid failure) over time through a Dynamic Business Modelling approach Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2020 Applying Dynamic Performance Management to Public Emergency Management: An Analysis of the Wenchuan Earthquake Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2020 Fostering Collaborative Governance in Chronic Disease Management Programs: A Dynamic Performance Management Approach Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2020 Editorial: Special issue on Simulation in Transportation Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Applying Dynamic Performance Management to foster collaborative governance in Higher Education: A conceptual framework Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2019 Overcoming managers’ myopic decisions in a waste collection company: Lessons from a system dynamics-based research Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Neural Multimodal Belief Tracker with Adaptive Attention for Dialogue Systems Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2019 Applying systems thinking concepts in the analysis of knowledge sharing on WeChat. Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2019 Sistema di Controllo Interno e prevenzione delle infiltrazioni della criminalità organizzata Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 What limit the research productivity of universities? A case study of a Chinese university Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2019 Designing a Multi-Sided Platform business model assessment framework: a Dynamic Performance Management perspective Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Designing Outcome-Based Performance Management Systems to Assess Policies Impacting on Caesarean Section Rate: An Analysis of the Sicilian Maternity Pathway Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2017 L’analisi delle politiche di riduzione dei cesarei attraverso il dynamic performance management: La valutazione del percorso nascita in un’azienda sanitaria Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Framing caesarean section reduction policies through a dynamic performance management approach: A maternity pathway case-based analysis Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2016 Understanding how Human Resource Knowledge Accumulation, Depletion Processes impact on a Service Firm Performance eedings Go to
2015 Designing a Dynamic Performance Management System to outline patients mobility policies Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2015 Evaluation of asset replacement strategies considering economic cycles: lessons from the machinery rental business Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 A Towards a Sustainable Social Service Delivery System Through Public-Private Partnership: A Conceptual System Dynamics Approach eedings Go to
2014 Outlining the impact of intellectual capital accumulation and depletion processes on the performance of an insurance firm: a dynamic resource-based perspective Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Strategic Resources and Reestablishing Presence in the German Olive Oil Markets: A DPM Case Study eedings Go to
2014 A Research Framework To Design Sustainable Patients’ Mobility Policies In Sicily eedings Go to
2014 “Dealing With Patients’ Mobility Issues: An Inter-Institutional Perspective To Analyze The Phenomenon And To Support Sustainable Policy Making In Sicily” eedings Go to
2014 Exploring Airports’ Landside Congestion Impacts on the dynamic of Passengers Satisfaction eedings Go to
2013 Designing a Dynamic Performance Management System to support Local Health Authorities’ Managers in facing patients mobility eedings Go to
2013 A System Dynamics Approach to Enhance Tourism Service Delivery Performance through Value Co-Creation eedings Go to
2013 Il processo di risk management Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2012 Processi di accumulazione e degrado del “capitale intellettuale” nel governo dello sviluppo aziendale Una prospettiva basata sulla dinamica delle risorse strategiche Monografia Go to
2011 Using System Dynamics to Assess a Web 2.0 Governance Model for Public Service Delivery eedings Go to
2010 Understanding short- and long-term implications of "myopic" fleet maintenance policies: a system dynamics application to a city bus company Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 Public Sector Applications of the System Dynamics Approach Contributo a forum/dibattito, Introduzione Go to
2010 Applying system dynamics to foster organizational change, accountability and performance in the public sector: A case-based Italian perspective Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 Analysing a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy through a System Dynamics perspective: evidences from a Colombian case-study eedings Go to
2009 Implementing a sustainable CSR Strategy through a System Dynamics Perspective: evidences from a Colombian case-study eedings Go to
2009 Supporting Small Medium Enterprises planning through the use of a step-by-step System Dynamics model building process eedings Go to
2008 Exploring the Underground Economy through System Dynamics to support Public Decision Makers: a preliminary qualitative analysis Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2008 Building Long-Term Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships through Strategic Human Resource Management Policies: A System Dynamics Approach Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2008 Exploring intellectual capital in a call centre through a 'system dynamics' resource based view Articolo in rivista Go to
2008 Exploring the Underground Economy to support Public Decision Makers to tackle the Growth of Irregular Workers eedings Go to
2008 Introducing in a Non-Profit Organisation a CSR Strategy through a Learning Oriented Perspective: the Emssanar case-study eedings Go to
2008 Exploring the Relationships Between Tangible and Intangible Resources in a Learning Alliance Dynamics: Comment on the Paper by Kapmeier Articolo in rivista Go to
2007 Three Interactive-Learning-Environments (Iles) To Play With Market Penetration And Growth Strategies Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2007 Exploring Intellectual Capital Investments Policies in a Call Center through A ‘System Dynamics’ Resource Based View eedings Go to
2006 Investigating how Intellectual Policies in a Telecom Call-Center affect Company Performance: a System Dynamics approach Paper non pubblicato Go to
2006 Managing Tangible and Intangible Assets Through a Learning Oriented “Structured Approach” – A System Dynamics Simulation Model to Support Decision Makers in a telecom Call-Center Paper non pubblicato Go to
2004 Il governo del capitale intellettuale attraverso il raccordo tra modelli contabili e di System Dynamics. Una prospettiva di programmazione e controllo per l’area Organizzazione e Sistemi Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2002 Opportunities and pitfalls related to e-commerce strategies in small-medium firms: A system dynamics approach Articolo in rivista Go to
2000 Commercial and financial policies in family firms: The small business growth management flight simulator Articolo in rivista Go to