These products and actions have been supported from Italian Ministerial grant PRIN 2017 “From high school to job placement: micro-data life course analysis of university student mobility and its impact on the Italian North-South divide.”, n. 2017HBTK5P - CUP B78D19000180001
Note for authors: how to cite the Project and the Database (update 06/07/2021)
Outcomes here reported have been produced by PRIN's RUs and by all the MUR agreement project partner universities on MOBYSU.IT database (Univeristy of Siena, Florence, Turin, Enna Kore, Rome Cattolica).
Last update: 10/24/2023
Journal Articles
Conference sessions
Chapters in Books and Proceedings
Attanasio M., Ragozini G., Porcu M. (2020) (Eds.) Verso Nord. Le nuove e vecchie rotte delle migrazioni universitarie, Franco Angeli, ISBN 978-88-35-10562-6
Chapter's Authors: Albano A., Attanasio M., Carta A., Ezza A., Fadda N., Ferrante F., Giambalvo O., Marinò L., Pischedda G., Plaia A., Porcu M., Priulla A., Ragozini G., Santelli F., Scolorato C., Sulis I., Usala C..
Chapter's Authors: Albano A., Attanasio M., Carta A., Ezza A., Fadda N., Ferrante F., Giambalvo O., Marinò L., Pischedda G., Plaia A., Porcu M., Priulla A., Ragozini G., Santelli F., Scolorato C., Sulis I., Usala C..
Porcu, M., Usala, C., Sulis, I. (2023): I sentieri dell'università: I percorsi nell’istruzione terziaria in Sardegna. UNICApress