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PRIN 2017

Mid-term Workshop on "Students' Mobility"


On 11 and 12 July 2022, the Project's mid-term Workshop will take place. The event will be held in Palermo, at the plexus of the church of S. Antonio Abate at Steri Complex (Piazza Marina 61, Palermo).
The workshop will aim to take stock of what has already been achieved and to illustrate future prospects in view of the Project's conclusion.
Representatives from all the Research Units as well as other academics and stakeholders from the university and social policy worlds will participate.

Workshop Programme

Events & Media


1) Students' mobility from the South of Italy: first considerations

(RAI Sardinia's news service dedicated to student mobility - video in Italian language)


2) Webinar organized by CISIA with the Conferences of Engineering (CopI) and Economics and Statistics (Area 13)

Participation and interest in the conference on the role of the entrance test in the orientation process held on October 23rd, 2020: “Il test di ingresso: valenza predittiva e rilevanza nei percorsi di orientamento. Le attività del CISIA  al servizio degli Atenei“. ("The entrance test: predictive value and relevance in orientation paths. CISIA's activities in service of universities.").

For further details, visit the CISIA newsletter website (in Italian): click here.


3) Article published in the newspaper "La Repubblica" on September 20, 2023.

(Article in Italian) Dal 2015 al 2020, in Italia, ogni anno, si sono registrati in media 260.000 immatricolati alle lauree triennali e circa 37.000 alle lauree magistrali a ciclo unico. Tra questi, il 32% era in possesso di un titolo di studio conseguito in un istituto tecnico o professionale. Prendendo in considerazione la coorte degli immatricolati nelle lauree triennali del 2015, circa il 23% dei laureati entro 5 anni dall’inizio degli studi (ovvero 27.500... continue reading it on the newspaper's website