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(cycle XL) Technologies and Science for Human Health (PhD course) - (ciclo XL) Dottorato in Tecnologie e Scienze per la Salute dell'Uomo 

PhD course description and objective

Aim of the PhD Course is to train highly qualified researchers in the field of Technologies and Sciences applied to Human Health. The course will provide the students with open-mindedness, methodological rigor and attitude in performing multidisciplinary research. This will be achieved through an intense training on experimental research topics related to Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology and Medicine, all aimed at developing knowledge applicable to human health. The research activities as well as the courses are carried out, by Board’s research groups with proven scientific skills in synergy. The research and the teaching activities are performed within a dense network of national and international collaborations in academia and with companies and research institutions. 

The possible research activities, dealing with human health, range from basic research in the field of nanosciences, biology, biotechnology, pharmaceutical sciences and medicine to applied research in the industrial, food, environmental, medical diagnostic and therapeutic fields. PhD students will acquire project and implementation skills through activities on innovative research projects and will be guided in the organization and management of experimental scientific research. During the PhD courses a minimum period of six months of research activity abroad will be planned. The high specialized training will be aimed at developing critical sense, specific experimental skills and the ability to self-manage research in a multidisciplinary and international context. Significant support in terms of instrumentation and laboratories is provided by the Board’s University Departments and by the ATeN Center of the University of Palermo (a research and development infrastructure in Europe in the sector of Biotechnology applied to human health which offers facilities in different fields ranging from the synthesis of materials to in vivo tests / Ministerial Decree No. 1082 of 09.10.2021 - PNIR 2021 -2027). 

To promote internationalization and the quality of research, the program requires PhD students to spend a research and training period abroad for at least 6 months (possibly at different locations). The end-of-year seminar activities are conducted in English, and the thesis must be written in English. 


Moreover, the following programs are available (optional): 

  • Dual Degree PhD Program: in collaboration with the “Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences”, University of Copenhagen, for eligible research projects with topics related to biophysics and pharmaceutical sciences. 


  • Co-supervised PhD Program: in collaboration with the PhD Medical School of Universidad Abierta Interamericana (Buenos Aires, Rosario, Argentina) for eligible research projects with topics related to medical and biomedical sciences. 


Main Research topics

  • Molecular Biophysics;  
  • Medical Physics; 
  • Theranostics; Materials and Nanotechnology for Human Health;  
  • Biotechnologies applied to Diagnostics and Pharmaceuticals;  
  • Study of Oncogenesis Mechanisms;  
  • In Vivo Models of Toxicology and Pathologies and their Use in Preclinical Assays of Active Molecules;  
  • Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics;  
  • Development and Validation of Systems and Technologies in the Prosthetic Field;  
  • Study of Genomic Instability Mechanisms and their Impact on Human Health;  
  • Development and Study of Tissue Engineering Devices for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Use. 



A 6 months’ research period abroad is required during the PhD program. In order to receive the expected 50% fellowship increase, the PhD board approval should be required in advance.

Missions and refunds: the rules of STEBICEF department have to be strictly followed ( )


Rules and regulations 


Doctor Europaeus

University may grant the certification of "Doctor Europaeus," in addition to the title and the national value of its Doctoral Programme on a proposal of the Academic Board in respect to individual requests from one or more graduate students, provided the following four conditions:

(a) positive assessment of the thesis given by at least two professors from two European universities different from each other and from the university where the thesis is discussed;

(b) at least one member of the final examination commission must belong to a different university in a European country respect to that where the thesis is discussed and of those of the professors referred to in point (a);

(c) discussion of a part of the thesis in one of the official languages of the European Union different from that of the country where the thesis is discussed;

(d) performance of the research presented in the thesis during a stay of at least 3 months even not continuous in a European country different from the one where the candidate is registered.

Verified the compliance with all the requirements, the certification issue of Doctor Europaeus occurs simultaneously with that of Doctor of Research.



(cycle XXXIX) Technologies and Science for Human Health (PhD course) - (ciclo XXXIX) Dottorato in Tecnologie e Scienze per la Salute dell'Uomo 


Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF) 



Research period abroad


This PhD program in Technologies and Sciences for Human Health is designed to provide students with the necessary skills for employment opportunities at research institutions, universities and specialized companies operating in the field of Nanoscience and Biotechnology for human health, of Theranostics and Translational Medicine. PhD students will be able to take advantage of the tools and skills available, as well as in the University Departments involved (STEBICEF, DIFC, PROMISE, DICHIRONS), also at the ATeN Center (a research and development infrastructure in Europe in the field of Biotechnologies applied to human health that offers the availability of a research chain that goes from the synthesis of materials to in vivo tests). The unifying theme of this course concerns the integration of skills and methodologies for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, tools and devices, as well as for the development of protocols, through the application of advanced biotechnologies and nanotechnologies, for the study of human pathologies and problems connected to human safety and health. The peculiarity of this frontier approach requires sharing competences in different scientific areas, complementary to each other (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, Engineering). The Doctorate is characterized by a high degree of interdisciplinarity and by internationally recognized experience of the board and state-of-the-art equipment.

Main research topics are:

  • Molecular Biophysics;
  • Medical Physics;
  • Bio Imaging;
  • Theranostics and translational Medicine;
  • Biosensors;
  • Materials and Nanotechnologies for human health;
  • Nanomedicine;
  • Applied Biotechnologies to diagnostic and pharmaceutical;
  • Omic applications for diagnosis and prognosis of pathologies;
  • Stem Cells and their applications on regenerative medicine;
  • Identification of oncogenesis mechanisms from cancer primary cell cultures;
  • Production of vectors for both experimental and gene therapy use;
  • Tissue engineering for diagnostic and therapeutic use;
  • In vivo models of toxicology and diseases;
  • Regenerative Surgery by 3D scaffold: experimental porcine model;
  • Optimization and customization of pharmacological therapies;
  • Preclinical assay of active molecules;
  • Development and validation of systems and technologies in the prosthetic field;
  • Origins and mechanisms of genomic instability and the impact on human health;
  • Development and validations of biomedical engineering devices;
  • Cellular and Tissue mechanobiology;
  • Biomechanics of the physiopathology response of biological system


  • A 6 months’ research period abroad is required during the PhD program. In order to receive the expected 50% fellowship increase, the PhD board approval should be required in advance.
  • Missions and refunds: the rules of STEBICEF department have to be strictly followed ( )
  • contact:
  • Rules and regulations

Doctor Europaeus
University may grant the certification of "Doctor Europaeus," in addition to the title and the national value of its Doctoral Programme on a proposal of the Academic Board in respect to individual requests from one or more graduate students, provided the following four conditions:
(a) positive assessment of the thesis given by at least two professors from two European universities different from each other and from the university where the thesis is discussed;
(b) at least one member of the final examination commission must belong to a different university in a European country respect to that where the thesis is discussed and of those of the professors referred to in point (a);
(c) discussion of a part of the thesis in one of the official languages of the European Union different from that of the country where the thesis is discussed;
(d) performance of the research presented in the thesis during a stay of at least 3 months even not continuous in a European country different from the one where the candidate is registered.
Verified the compliance with all the requirements, the certification issue of Doctor Europaeus occurs simultaneously with that of Doctor of Research.


(cycle XXXVIII) Technologies and Science for Human Health (PhD course) - (ciclo XXXVIII) Dottorato in Tecnologie e Scienze per la Salute dell'Uomo 


Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF) 



Research period abroad


This PhD program in Technologies and Sciences for Human Health is designed to provide students with the necessary skills for employment opportunities at research institutions, universities and specialized companies operating in the field of Nanoscience and Biotechnology for human health, of Theranostics and Translational Medicine. PhD students will be able to take advantage of the tools and skills available, as well as in the University Departments involved (STEBICEF, DIFC, PROMISE, DICHIRONS), also at the ATeN Center (a research and development infrastructure in Europe in the field of Biotechnologies applied to human health that offers the availability of a research chain that goes from the synthesis of materials to in vivo tests). The unifying theme of this course concerns the integration of skills and methodologies for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, tools and devices, as well as for the development of protocols, through the application of advanced biotechnologies and nanotechnologies, for the study of human pathologies and problems connected to human safety and health. The peculiarity of this frontier approach requires sharing competences in different scientific areas, complementary to each other (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, Engineering). The Doctorate is characterized by a high degree of interdisciplinarity and by internationally recognized experience of the board and state-of-the-art equipment.

Main research topics are:

  • Molecular Biophysics;
  • Medical Physics;
  • Bio Imaging;
  • Theranostics and translational Medicine;
  • Biosensors;
  • Materials and Nanotechnologies for human health;
  • Nanomedicine;
  • Applied Biotechnologies to diagnostic and pharmaceutical;
  • Omic applications for diagnosis and prognosis of pathologies;
  • Stem Cells and their applications on regenerative medicine;
  • Identification of oncogenesis mechanisms from cancer primary cell cultures;
  • Production of vectors for both experimental and gene therapy use;
  • Tissue engineering for diagnostic and therapeutic use;
  • In vivo models of toxicology and diseases;
  • Regenerative Surgery by 3D scaffold: experimental porcine model;
  • Optimization and customization of pharmacological therapies;
  • Preclinical assay of active molecules;
  • Development and validation of systems and technologies in the prosthetic field;
  • Origins and mechanisms of genomic instability and the impact on human health;
  • Development and validations of biomedical engineering devices;
  • Cellular and Tissue mechanobiology;
  • Biomechanics of the physiopathology response of biological system


  • A 6 months’ research period abroad is required during the PhD program. In order to receive the expected 50% fellowship increase, the PhD board approval should be required in advance.
  • Missions and refunds: the rules of STEBICEF department have to be strictly followed ( )
  • contact:
  • Rules and regulations

Doctor Europaeus
University may grant the certification of "Doctor Europaeus," in addition to the title and the national value of its Doctoral Programme on a proposal of the Academic Board in respect to individual requests from one or more graduate students, provided the following four conditions:
(a) positive assessment of the thesis given by at least two professors from two European universities different from each other and from the university where the thesis is discussed;
(b) at least one member of the final examination commission must belong to a different university in a European country respect to that where the thesis is discussed and of those of the professors referred to in point (a);
(c) discussion of a part of the thesis in one of the official languages of the European Union different from that of the country where the thesis is discussed;
(d) performance of the research presented in the thesis during a stay of at least 3 months even not continuous in a European country different from the one where the candidate is registered.
Verified the compliance with all the requirements, the certification issue of Doctor Europaeus occurs simultaneously with that of Doctor of Research.


 Technologies and Science for Human Health (PhD course) - Dottorato in Tecnologie e Scienze per la Salute dell'Uomo

Descrizione e obiettivi del corso

Il Corso di Dottorato in Tecnologie e Scienze per la Salute dell'Uomo è concepito per fornire agli studenti le necessarie competenze per sbocchi occupazionali c/o Imprese specialistiche, Enti di ricerca e Università che operano nel campo delle Nanoscienze e delle Biotecnologie per la Salute dell’Uomo, della Teranostica e della Medicina Translazionale. Il Corso offre agli studenti un’occasione unica di crescita in un ambiente accademico caratterizzato dalle seguenti specificità:

i) un approccio scientifico multidisciplinare (Fisica Applicata, Chimica, Biologia, Biotecnologie, Medicina e Bioingegneria), condotto da differenti gruppi di ricerca con accertate competenze scientifiche e una fitta rete di collaborazioni nazionali e internazionali;

ii) un significativo supporto in termini di strumentazioni e laboratori presso i Dipartimenti STEBICEF, DIFC, PROMISE, DICHIROS e il Centro ATeN dell’Ateneo di Palermo;

iii) una rete di aziende ed enti di ricerca che hanno creduto nel progetto mettendo a disposizione, già nel XXXIII Ciclo, fondi esterni per Borse di Dottorato e hanno portato a ottenere borse di tipo industriale finanziate dal MIUR;

iv) una ben consolidata esperienza didattica e formativa dei docenti del Collegio.

I dottorandi svolgeranno l'attività anche all'estero per un periodo di almeno 6 mesi.

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