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PhD Students - XL Cycle

Phd Students Background and Research Project Curriculum Vitae

Francesco Campanella

My name is Francesco Campanella, a 24-year-old PhD student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management, and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo, where I also completed my MSc in Mechanical Engineering, graduating with highest honors.

My master’s thesis focused on developing and testing an innovative measurement system utilizing LVDT transducers for gauging wire produced through Continuous Friction Stir Extrusion (CFSE), a novel technique for recycling aluminum chips.

In my current doctoral research, carried out in collaboration with Tecnimpinti S.p.A., I am developing advanced measurement systems to monitor wear and tear on manufactured components. By equipping these components with sensors, I aim to correlate measurement data with sensor signals to enable predictive maintenance strategies. This project has the potential to significantly enhance maintenance efficiency.


Alessandro Genovese

My name is Alessandro Genovese, and I am a Ph.D. student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo. I graduated with the highest honors (110/110 cum laude) in Management Engineering from the University of Palermo, earning a special mention for my academic career.

My doctoral research focuses on paradoxical tensions in Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) investments, analyzed through the lens of Open Innovation. Despite representing 25% of global venture capital investments in 2022, CVC activities face tensions between exploration and exploitation, corporate integration and community alignment, and their dual role as risk or opportunity for startups.

By combining literature review, game theory modeling, and empirical validation using secondary data, my research aims to develop a theoretical framework that addresses these tensions. The results will provide insights for managing CVC investments, with implications for corporate strategists, venture capitalists, and policymakers. This project aligns with my passion for bridging academic research and practical applications to foster innovation in technology and business.


Maedeh Gourakani

My name is Maedeh Gourakani, and I am a PhD student in 'Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management, and Aerospace Innovation' at the University of Palermo. I earned my master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Amirkabir University. For my master’s thesis, I developed a machine learning-based system for detecting incomplete objects in Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) printers. This project provided me with hands-on experience in additive manufacturing (AM). By continuing my research in this field, I am building on my previous work and exploring new applications of artificial intelligence in manufacturing processes. My doctoral research focuses on enhancing Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) systems through advanced monitoring and control techniques, with the aim of improving efficiency, quality, and process consistency in WAAM. I am passionate about advancing manufacturing through AI-driven technologies and am excited to contribute to this transformation.


Giuseppe Ingrassia

My name is Giuseppe Ingrassiaand I graduated in Mechanical Engineering (LM-33) cum laude, from the University of Palermo. I am currently a PhD student in Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation at the same University. My research activity is focused on internal combustion engines, with a particular interest in the issues of environmental sustainability and the use of hydrogen as an alternative energy source, considered crucial for the future of sustainable mobility.

My experimental thesis, supported by an internship at the engine bench and the use of a CFR (Cooperative Fuel Research) engine, aimed to study the effects of water injections in internal combustion engines. Through some technical modifications, I examined how water injection can help reduce detonative phenomena and NOx emissions, paving the way for new possibilities for the integration of hydrogen into combustion engines.
Prior to my research career, I gained valuable experience as a shop technician in the automotive industry, a field that I was passionate about from the beginning and that allowed me to develop practical skills and a hands-on approach to engine technologies. Today, I am driven by a desire to actively contribute to the future of the automotive industry, striving to integrate innovation and sustainability to create increasingly environmentally friendly solutions.


Elena Inzerillo

My name is Elena Inzerillo, and I am a Ph.D. student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management, and Aerospace Innovation” at the University of Palermo. I obtained my M. Sc. Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine curriculum, at the University of Palermo. During my academic career, I carried out an internship at the Department of Biological, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF). This experience allowed me to develop practical skills in cell manipulation in a sterile environment, getting manual ability in working under a biological hood and interacting with scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. My master's thesis, conducted at the Bio and Tissue Engineering Laboratory of the University of Palermo, focused on the "Preparation and Characterization of Poly-L-lactic Acid (PLLA) and Rosmarinic Acid Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications".

My Ph.D. project aims to develop an implantable, engineered 3D construct to promote endometrial tissue regeneration. The primary objective is to create a biocompatible and biodegradable device able of mimicking the native extracellular matrix, facilitating cellular adhesion, proliferation and tissue regeneration and providing, at the same time, structural support. This approach aims to address challenges associated with endometrial damage, offering potential advancements for future therapeutic applications in reproductive medicine.

Matteo Messina

My name is Matteo Messina and I am a 23-year-old PhD student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation” at the University of Palermo. I obtained a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering cum laude from the University of Palermo. My master’s thesis concerns the “Development of an application in an Augmented Reality environment for innovation in education”.

The objective of my PhD project is to develop Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) systems, valid in terms of ergonomics and usability, aimed at procedural improvement of industrial maintenance, assembly, disposal and recovery operations, training and creation of manuals. The main expected outcome will consist in the definition, development and optimisation of supports and procedures, based on the innovative technologies, in order to improve operational efficiency and renew the methodology in these areas.


Alessandro Muratore

My name is Alessandro Muratore. In March 2016, I graduated summa cum laude with a degree in Economic and Financial Sciences (LM-56) from the University of Palermo. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in “Development of advanced business analytics models for the management of physical supply chains” at the University of Palermo. My research focuses on the use of mathematical, probabilistic and physical models, mainly focused on the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence, to analyze and interpret behaviors within the world of large-scale retail, a sector for which I have a growing passion. I also work as a Financial Controller at Rocchetta S.r.l., where I apply my advanced analytical skills. I possess excellent skills in using the Office package and a particular flair for programming languages such as VBA, R, SQL, HTML and LaTeX, which effectively complement my professional and research skills. 



Salvatore Russo

My name is Salvatore Russoand I am a PhD student in Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation at the University of Palermo.

I obtained my Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Palermo in July 2024. During my Master's degree, I did an internship at the university laboratory, where I dedicated myself to the development of numerical models for the prediction of fracture phenomena in components with lattice structures made of titanium through Additive Manufacturing techniques.

My master's thesis concerned the development of a numerical model for the Solid State Additive Friction Surfacing process, a new deposition technology that has many advantages, but also some limitations to be addressed.

My PhD project aims to develop numerical models for different solid state deposition techniques. This objective will be pursued through the use of the most appropriate numerical simulation tools (such as FEM, CFD, SPH and, where appropriate, Machine Learning models).

The aim will be to raise the technology readiness level of the processes, enabling their use on a large scale.


Alessio Sclafani

I’m Alessio Sclafani. I graduated in Management Engineering, and I am currently a PhD student in the XL cycle of the M3AI program at the University of Palermo. My research focuses on integrating dynamic-stochastic optimization methods with machine learning to address complex decision-making problems in uncertain environments. In particular, I develop predictive models and optimization algorithms for operations management and supply chain applications, aiming to enhance the efficiency of data-driven decision-making strategies.  

Dario Tarantino

My name is Dario Tarantino, and I am a Ph.D. student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo. I earned a master’s degree with the highest honours (110/110 cum laude) in Biomedical Engineering curriculum biomechanical and medical devices, from University of Palermo, earning a special mention for my academic career.

During my master’s thesis, realised within the double degree programme between UniPA and École des Mines de Saint-Étienne, I analysed the correlation between the geometric parameters of cerebral aneurysms and the outcomes of coiling procedures by developing a fully automated workflow using a large database of advanced finite element (FE) simulations.

My doctoral research aims to develop an advanced predictive model to assess the rupture risk of ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms (ATAA) by combining computational tools, biomechanical models, and machine learning. Current risk assessment methods are mainly based on the diameter of the aneurysm, which is often inadequate as it does not take into account the complex pathophysiological mechanisms of the aortic wall. The innovation of this project lies in the integration of bioengineering, advanced simulations, and artificial intelligence to achieve a more precise risk stratification, with potential benefits for clinical practice and personalized patient treatment.


Mattia Tornabene

This doctoral project concerns the use of infrared thermography techniques for the structural evaluation of innovative materials, with a particular focus on their fatigue behavior.
Regarding the techniques, temperature signal processing algorithms will be developed to analyze the thermographic signal in the frequency domain. This will allow the measurement of the thermoelastic signal and derive metrics capable of evaluating the thermomechanical behavior of the material in the presence of fatigue loads.
As for the materials, the project aims to analyze the following two types: 1) metal materials made with additive manufacturing techniques; 2) composite materials in carbon fiber and thermoplastic matrix, with and without parts joined by ultrasound welding techniques.
In both cases, the ability of thermographic techniques to characterize fatigue behavior will be evaluated, with the relative monitoring of the development and propagation of defects.


Maria Gloria Trapani

 My name is Maria Gloria Trapani, I’m 23 years old and I'm a Ph.D. student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo. I earned my Master's degree in Management Engineering at the University of Palermo, following the Sustainability & Social impact track. I've decided to further embark on the sustainability journey for my research project, which is focused on the development of Decision Support Tools (DSTs) for the sustainable selection of Additive over Conventional Manufacturing. This is a crucial topic as, although several comparative analyses have been presented in literature, there is a lack of a clear vision and DSTs to be implemented for the environmentally-friendly manufacturing approaches selection.

Using LCA and LCC techniques I intend to build DSTs, with a comprehensive and holistic perspective, enabling to map and cluster processes' performances.

These tools will support and guide the selection of the best manufacturing route both for the environmental and economical impact minimization.


PhD Students - XXXIX Cycle


Phd Students Background and Research Project Curriculum Vitae

Simone Amantia

My name is Simone Amantia and I am 26 years old PhD student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation” at the University of Palermo. I graduated with the highest honors in Mechanical Engineering (MSc) from the University of Palermo. My master theses regards the numerical and experimental analysis about the Continuous Frictin Stir Extrusion (CFSE), an innovative techniques for alluminium chips recycling, based on solid bonding method, just to overcome the limitation about Friction Stir Extrusion (FSE). In this perspective, my doctoral research project aims to extend and improve (TRL growth) this new process to use wire as a material for WAAM (Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing) techniques. At the same time, the development of an alternative numerical model based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics logic is proposed.  

Eleonora Costagliola

My name is Eleonora Costagliola and I am a PhD student in Mechanics, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation at the University of Palermo. I obtained a Master degree in Biomedical Engineering cum laude. Building upon my thesis work on done at IRCCS ISMETT I intend to develop a visualization protocol for minimally invasive cardiovascular device implants using Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). The ability to simulate procedures before surgery optimizes time and resource utilization, benefiting both patients and medical professionals. I intend to refine the protocol for more complex scenarios and improve the clinician perception in the virtual environment with haptic sensors. This will offer an immersive and realistic experience by providing tactile feedback during simulations. Surgeons can gain better perception of tissue resistance and manipulation of minimally invasive devices. As a result, the project enables not only visualization but also interactive manipulation of the model, facilitating informed evaluations of interventions. This technology will likely reduce morbidity associated to percutaneous treatment in complex anatomies, optimizes surgical planning, and improves patient safety. I am excited about the prospects of the final stages of my PhD journey and the valuable contributions it can make to the medical community.  

Ignazio Niosi

Ignazio Niosi is a Ph.D. student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation, Cycle XXXIX” at the University of Palermo. Ignazio obtained his BSc in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Palermo (Italy) in 2019, specializing in the field of biomaterials. Subsequently, he relocated to Milan (Italy) in March 2020 to pursue a MSc in Biomedical Engineering for biotechnologies, cells, and tissue (BCT), provided by the Politecnico di Milano. During his MSc program, Ignazio embarked on an enriching academic journey by participating also in the Erasmus+ program at the Universidade de Coimbra in Coimbra (Portugal). This six-month experience provided him with valuable international exposure and an additional understanding of his chosen field of study within an European environment. Moreover, Ignazio spent a period at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna during his post-lauream fellowship at the Biorobotics Institute, within the Regenerative Technologies Lab. Ignazio's research area is currently focused on the design and biofabrication of novel cardiovascular valves; the aim of his doctoral project is to complete an in-vivo experimental campaign on large animal models. He lays the foundation for his research at the Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering Lab of the Ri.MED foundation.  

Dheeraj Verma

I am Dheeraj Verma, and I obtained a master's degree in management engineering in October 2023 from the University of Palermo. During my internship I have got an opportunity to work with ISMETT (Scientific Institute for Hospitalization and Care (IRCCS) for the treatment and research of terminal organ failure. The project of my internship was the final thesis of my master’s degree course. The main objective of the project was to optimize and enhance the work process of the patient booking department by reducing time and automating some of its processes whenever possible. Using the lean management principle and Business process management methodology this work was carried out. My PhD research focuses on the application of business processes management  methodology and lean management approach in different sectors, such as healthcare, public administrations, manufacturing industries, E-government, and service sector. Mainly my research emphasizes the healthcare sector. The goal of this research is to develop an empirically validated framework that can study the impact of lean management and business process methodology in clinical care processes.  

Michele Agueci

My name is Michele Agueci, I’m 25 years old and I earned a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering in October 2022. Now, I’m a PhD student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo. My research project focuses on the exploitation of renewable energy sources at sea, specifically offshore technologies. The goal of my work is to design and optimize systems for harvesting energy from the sea, thereby contributing to the acceleration of the energy transition and showcasing the real potential of marine renewable energies. Throughout my university journey, I have shown particular attention to energy generation, the exploitation of energy sources, and the programming of these systems. This has allowed me to develop a solid theoretical and practical foundation, equipping me with advanced skills in engineering and sustainable technologies.


Kirill Kalashnikov

My name is Kirill Kalashnikov, and I am a Ph.D. student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management, and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo. I earned my Master's degree at the Department of Metal Physics of the National Research Tomsk State University in 2018. After graduation, I worked as an engineer and further as a researcher at the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS, located in Tomsk, Russia. My research interests are related to solid-state welding technologies such as friction stir welding and wire-based additive manufacturing techniques. The main direction of my research is the analysis of relationships between manufacturing parameters, structure, and properties of metallic materials and the manufacturing process optimization for aerospace components. My Ph.D. project focuses on the multi-pass friction stir processing application for surface engineering of additive titanium alloy products to improve their mechanical and operational characteristics.  

Niba Kainat

My name is Niba Kainat, and I am a PhD student in the “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management, and Aerospace Innovation program” at the University of Palermo. I hold both a bachelor's and a master's degree in Mathematics from Pakistan. My master’s thesis, titled “Flow over a Radiative Needle Moving in a Stream with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity," provided me with a solid foundation in understanding boundary layer flow, fluid behavior, and heat transfer analysis between fluid layers. Currently, I am engaged in a project titled “Efficiency Optimization of Radiative Needle Aerodynamics for Green Aviation,” which aims to enhance the aerodynamic performance of radiative needles to contribute to more sustainable aviation practices.

Adrien Audoin

After graduating from the Bachelor's degree in International Management, in Toulouse (France), I decided to pursue my academic journey abroad and started a Master's degree in International Management at the University of Bologna. The different international experiences that followed the progress of this degree, the rising urge of doing research, and the desire of contributing to the research community pushed me to pursue my academic path at the University of Palermo as part of the international PhD program in "M3AI". My PhD research relies on the study of the artificial intelligence and its impact, stake, opportunities, and limitations on the different managerial lines of the organizations.  

Guglielmo Marchesa

My name is Guglielmo Marchesa, graduated in Materials Engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin. During my studies I focused my interests on design and development as the founder of a student team involved in manufacturing of sustainable and innovative snowboards. Since then, testing and discovering new materials and technologies to improve the performance of a product has been my core professional activity and passion. Specifically, the target of my PhD project is to optimize the mechanical properties of bio-composites by means of nano-particle dispersion and surface functionalization.  

Alessandro Marrale

I'm Alessandro Marrale and I'm a Mechanical Engineer graduated from the University of Palermo. For few years, after my graduation, I've been working in the private sector for some Companies involved in different fields.
Few years ago I've ended up working for an Italian Central Public Administration.
This year I've attended by chance a presentation day promoted by the University of Palermo aimed to show the active Doctorate Courses with relative fields of research. Considering a PhD Doctorate Course as the best the way of gaining new knowledge and expertise useful for the Institution I'm involved with, I've applied to the public exam for joining the aforementioned Course.
Now I've started my PhD project related to the economic impact assessment of the National and European innovation supporting economic policies implemented in the Regional and National territories of Italy.

Rania Salem

My name is Rania Salem, a Tunisian cotutelle Ph.D. student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management, and Aerospace Innovation", Department of Engineering at the University of Palermo (Italy) and at INSA Rouen Normandie (France).  I started my research experience at the National School of Engineers of Monastir (ENIM) in Tunisia where I fulfilled my research Masters’ Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Numerical Mechanics).  Then, I started a teaching position in different public universities as a substitute teacher for one year. Currently, I am working on my PhD project. The proposed research topic englobes several aspects related with the fracture mechanisms in lattice materials/structures with bio-inspired lattice topologies for aerospace applications and it aims at establishing reliable computational models based on experiments. The investigation of crack propagation in cellular media loaded in tension will be addressed on a quantitative basis, developing an experimentally validated virtual element framework.  

PhD Students - XXXVIII Cycle

Nahid Amin Sabouri

I am Nahid Amin Sabouri, PhD student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation” at the University of Palermo. I recieved my bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering(optimization systems) and my master degree at Isfahan University. After my graduation I worked in the field of optimization, maintenance and innovation methods focused on quantitative methods to support decision making policies and strategies in the steel company and also worked as R&D member in the industry.   

Sergio Bagarello

Sergio Bagarello is a PhD student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and
Aerospace Innovation” at the University of Palermo. In 2023, he obtained his Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Palermo with highest honours discussing a thesis regarding the retro-fit of a conventional general aviation aircraft to electric propulsion.
The same year he started working on a PhD whose aim is to contribute to the decarbonization of the aviation sector utilizing hydrogen as an energy carrier with a specific focus on onboard storage technologies and cryogenic pressure vessel design, modeling and implementation.


Alessia Busacca

I am Alessia Busacca, PhD student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo. I obtained the Bachelor's Degree in Management Engineering and Computer Science (Management Curriculum) and the Master's Degree in Management Engineering at the University of Palermo. Now, I'm doing a PhD in the field of business models for circular economy. More specifically, my research aims at the study of circular and resilient supply chains that are consumer-oriented and how companies implement their transition from a linear to a circular economy.   

Giuseppe Crapa

I am Giuseppe Crapa, a PhD student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo. I obtained a Master degree in Management Engineering  with summa cum laude and special honors for academic curriculum in October 2022. My PhD project is focused on Sustainability Reporting and implications in marketing strategy and innovation, with WAYPOINT as a partner company. The goal of this research project is to understand whether, how and with which outcomes, companies that can effectively activate and communicate their environmental commitment achieve economic, environmental, and social benefits.  

Fabrizio Crascì

My name is Fabrizio Crascì, I am 24 years old and I graduated with honours from the Biomedical Engineering Curriculum Biomechanics and medical devices (LM-21) of University of Palermo.

My internship, and later on my thesis work, focused on the numerical analysis of the bicaval trans catheter system for the treatment of severe tricuspid insufficiency. In particular, I studied the implantation of the innovative system TricValve.

My project, named “Bioengineering for the clinical risk stratification of cardiovascular pathologies”, aims to investigate clinical risk stratification of cardiovascular pathologies using medical imaging, 3D printing and virtual reality in order to gain more information about the patient anatomy and provide novel metrics to support the clinical decision-making related to the intervention of cardiovascular disorders. This approach combines engineering principles and life science to uncover the functioning of diseases mechanisms at a detail hitherto impossible with current clinical equipment.

The output of the present project will be an enabling technology to support the clinical decision making of cardiovascular procedure or to guide prophylactic surgical intervention.


Rosalinda Iachetta

My name is Rosalinda Iachetta. I am 25 years old, and I have earned a master degree with the highest honours in Biomedical Engineering curriculum Biomechanical and medical devices, from University of Palermo. During my internship I had the opportunity to collaborate with ISMETT, where I started working on my thesis. My final paper was focused on the application of the Lean Management in the healthcare operations management. In particular I cundected a case study focuses on the discharge of medical devices to the patient. As a natural continuation of my academic work, my PhD project focuses on the “Application of Lean Management in healthcare”. The aim of this research project is to analyze the management of healthcare companies' operations by applying the principles of Lean Management in order to reduce waste and maximize the value perceived by the end user. The goal is to develop and empirically validate a framework that can study the impact of the Lean approach in patient care pathways in terms of: waiting times, reorganization of clinical-care processes, productivity, effects on staff, degree of patient satisfaction. Recognising the great value of the Lean approach in eliminating waste, reducing costs and increasing quality and safety. This research aims to provide useful guidance to healthcare companies in order to implement the Lean Management approach in managing their operations.   


Gianluca Diana

My name is Gianluca Diana. I am 23 years old and I'm a PhD student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo. I graduated  with honours in Biomedical Engineering from the same university in October 2022.
The main purpose of my research project, titled "Study for a numerical-experimental approach to evaluate the physiological conditions of blood vessels", is the study and design of a wearable system based on PPG sensors capable of providing information on the health of the blood vessels. Specifically, this research project aims to deepen and implement the potential of photoplethysmographic sensors to monitor biomedical signals by facing a numerical and experimental study for the evaluation of the physiological conditions of blood vessels.

Rosanna Leone

I'm Rosanna Leone, PhD student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation”, at the University of Palermo. I obtained my master's degree in construction engineering-architecture in October 2022 after carrying out an experimental thesis on the development of biocomposite mortars with the use of biological waste. Furthermore, in order to implement my knowledge on the characterization of innovative and sustainable materials, I carried out a period of scientific research at the Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering of the University of Aveiro in Porto. Finally, in April 2023 I started my studies as a PhD student, with a research project focused on the development of an industrial waste identification process, for reuse in the production of innovative and sustainable materials, with the aim of implementing industrial symbiosis between different sectors, with a view to a circular economy.

Melika Malekhosseini

am Melika Malekhosseini, a Ph.D. student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management, and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo. I obtained a Master's degree in Bio and nanomaterials at the university of Ca'Foscary in Venice, Italy. My Ph.D. project is focused on a Novel treatment strategy for Heart Myocardial infarction. This project aims to fabricate a bilayer Heart Patch with Microparticles drug loaded to inhibit or reverse cardiac remodeling.  

Riccardo Puleo

Riccardo Puleo is a 25 year old mechanical engineer graduated in the July of the 2021 in the Mechanical Engineering course of the University of Palermo. He worked on the solid bonding method (Friction Stir Welding) during my internship in Unipa’s laboratory. His master theses regards the study of hybrid joint between aluminium alloy in terms of mechanical resistence and granular properties. As his master theses, the PhD project is focused on solid bonding between dissimilar alloy, in particular Titanium and Aluminium, investigating the experimental and simulation aspect.  

Silvia Puleo

I am Silvia Puleo, I am 24 years old and I have obtained a Master degree with honours in Biomedical Engineering, curriculum Biomechanics and Medical Devices, from University of Palermo. My PhD project is focused on the study for a numerical and an experimental approach to evaluate physiological conditions of blood vessels.

The aim of the study is to carry out a computational framework for the Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) simulation of prosthetic valve. The main purpose is to virtually model the presence of sensors embedded in the valve to measure velocity, blood pressure and vessel deformation for monitoring the deterioration of prosthetic valve leaflets. The next step will faced the design of a novel in-vitro experimental set-up, in order to simulate different physiological conditions.

The result that we expected are the definition of techniques as potential tools to early diagnosis, and improvement management of patient with cardiovascular diseases by reducing health care system burden and offering high quality care.


Eleonora Rizzitello

I am Eleonora Rizzitello, PhD student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo. Graduated in International Management at ESCP Europe, I am pursuing a PhD focusing on Management frameworks conducting research about Innovation and Sustainability. More specifically, my research project aims at improving investments and companies performance while ensuring eco-sustainability, though the use of trade-off analysis software. My topics of interest are Ecosystem Services, Circular Economy, Corporate Venture Capital, Green Finance, Green Energy, Data Analysis, GIS and Software Development.  


Hanif Ullah

My name is Hanif Ullah, and I am a PhD student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management, and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo. I completed my Master of Engineering in Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation from Lanzhou University of Technology, China. My master's thesis focused on the stress and deformation analysis of oil-free air scroll compressors. My current PhD research aims to optimize Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) with morphing capability through compliant mechanisms. This research seeks to improve power output efficiency and extend the operational lifetime of VAWTs by incorporating compliant mechanisms.  

Roberta Scuoppo

 I am Roberta Scuoppo, and I am graduated in Biomedical Engineering with honours at the University of Palermo, in October 2022. In my PhD project, I will take advantage of my experience gained during my master thesis work on the Verification and Validation of transcatheter heart valves implantation to improve the accuracy and credibility of computational modeling. Computational modelling is a unique resource for assessing risk stratification, pre-procedural planning, and post-procedural assistance. The solution of patient-specific computational models provides essential metrics, which are otherwise impossible to measure with traditional clinical equipment.
My research project aims to provide rigorous and realistic patient-specific computational models, demonstrating their ability to predict the interaction between the human host and the device and allowing to evaluate the feasibility of the procedure, in according the patient's risks and comorbidities. The focus of the project involves a process of assessing the credibility of the model. Verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification can be used to establish trust in the predictive capability of a given computational model. This will be accomplished by probabilistic analyses on the role of patient-specific segmentation from medical images as well as the adaptation of different constitutive models and uncertainty of material properties.

Andrea Valenti

I’m Andrea Valenti, a Ph.D. student in Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation, with a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. Since my bachelor thesis, where a finite element analysis of an elbow intramedullary prosthesis was performed, my field of interest focuses on biomechanics and orthopedic implant design. During my master’s thesis, I carried out a comparative analysis of a new, innovative, intramedullary prosthesis for transcutaneous amputees. The idea for this device came from my internship at Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli in Bologna, where we started to study a patient-specific transfemoral stem for amputees. My research project is focused on developing a design methodology to obtain an osseointegrated prosthesis to broaden the range of people who can take advantage of the osseointegrated technology.  

PhD Students - XXXVII Cycle


Adelfio Luca

I am Luca Adelfio, a PhD student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace innovation" at the University of Palermo. I achieved my master's degree on October 2019 and then I collaborated with the hydraulic engineering department for a few months. From March 2020 I have started the collaboration with my current tutor, prof.ssa Giada La Scalia. After winning a six-month scholarship, in April 2021 I started working on the LCA assessment of industrial processes. This period I have deepened my knowledge on the principles of the LCA methodology and the circular economy. Finally, in November 2021 I started my studies as a PhD student with a research project based on the LCA assessment of industrial processes and their optimization. In particular, my project is focused on the research of industrial waste that can be used in other industrial sectors, in order to reduce the consumption of natural resources.  



Bruno Maria Giuseppina

I am Maria Giuseppina Bruno, PhD student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing Management and Aerospace Innovation” at the University of Palermo. I got my bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering on July 2018 and my master degree in Process Chemical Engineering on March 2021. During the last months of my graduation course I developed my master thesis at the Applied Physical Chemistry Laboratory of the University of Palermo; in particular, the research was focused on the development of electrochemical sensors in biomedical field and thanks to this experience I have developed a propensity for research. My PhD project is named “Sensors for real-time monitoring of oxidative stress” and it focuses on the health and safety of operators of manufacturing industries who are often exposed to accidents or diseases. Therefore, my project tries to develop a device that detects the level of hydrogen peroxide in exhaled air in real time in order to indicate the onset of serious diseases that are related to the condition of oxidative stress. The device must have micrometric dimensions since it must be transportable and wearable, infact, it must be inserted in the masks used by operators.  



Caruso Patrizia

Patrizia Caruso is PhD Student in "Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation" at the University of Palermo. Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering awarded in July 2021, with a grade of 110/110. Curricular internship carried out at the Ri.MED Foundation and concerning the creation of software and hardware aids to support the mechanical characterization of soft tissues subjected to biaxial tests; the aforementioned aids have been integrated into the use of the biaxial testing machine. Phd research project focused on the mechanical characterization of tissues for applications in regenerative medicine, with Ri.MED., As partner company; support is provided to the Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering team, with which it is possible to carry out analyzes for the mechanical characterization of heart valves through the creation of devices for performing mechanical tests.  


Catalano Chiara

Chiara Catalano is a 24 year old biomedical engineer who graduated with the highest honors at the University of Palermo. Since her masters degree, and thanks to her internship at ISMETT, she was able to obtain patient data and perform patient specific computational analysis of the transcatheter mitral valve replacement procedure. As a natural continuation of her academic work, her PhD explores in silico modelling of transcatheter aortic valve implantation. The PhD fellowship is funded by the H2020 research project (No 101017523) and focused on the numerical analysis of transcatheter heart valve implantation. It aims at describing more accurately and realistically this clinical overspreading procedure by means of patient specific finite element models. According to the latest findings and clinical trials, the main purpose of her research project is to assess the feasibility of the procedure and its biomechanical implications, especially for patients with borderline conditions. Her research also involves the assessment of the efficacy and feasibility of ‘off label’’ use of transcatheter aortic valve to treat mitral valve replacement. Therefore, the PhD offers the potential to uncover the mechanism of cardiac diseases and innovative treatments where implications cannot be easily determined by imaging techniques and whose feared complications could have fatal incidence for many patients.  

Muhammad Adnan

I am Muhammad Adnan, PhD student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation” at the University of Palermo. I have received my bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from UET Lahore Pakistan and Master degree in Mechanical Engineering from DUT China in 2021. I have two-year work experience as a Mechanical Engineer in Superior Technology Lahore. During my Master degree I have worked on laser additive remanufacturing of aircraft turbine disk. My M.S research project was to remanufacture the aircraft turbine disk by laser additive remanufacturing and to calculate its fatigue life. For simulation analysis Abaqus software have been used. Our main purpose was to remanufacture a turbine disk which meets or exceed the quality of new product. My doctoral thesis is concerned with the Analysis of Manufacturing processes for Material/component reuse. My research envisages an experimental and numerical approach for applying manufacturing (forming and solid state based processes) processes as Circular economy strategies enablers.  


Sciortino Vincenza

My name is Vincenza Sciortino, I am a Biomedical Engineering graduated with the highest honours in Biomedical Engineering, curriculum Biomechanical and medical devices, from University of Palermo. My research PhD project is on the Spinal column and its biomechanics. The spine is an articulated system composed of vertebrae, intervertebral disks, and accessory structures. The spine biomechanical response is very complicated. So, my principal aim is to fully understand the working mechanism of the spine, focusing on the muscular trunk that generates the follower force to its stabilization, the intervertebral disk, and its viscoelastic response and finally, the pathological situations of the whole spine, such as herniated discs or scoliosis. Experimental laboratory tests and mechanical numerical simulations will be necessary to achieve my research objectives.  

Tantillo Micol

Micol Tantillo is PhD Student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation” at the University of Palermo. Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering awarded in March 2022.
PhD research project is entitled “Methodology for systematic pre-operative planning and for the design and implementation of medical devices and surgical instruments customized for cranioplasty”. The topic of the project is the optimization of cranial surgeries by developing and validating a design methodology.

XXXVII CYCLE - PON R&I 2014-2020 scholarships (DM 1061/2021)

Lo Greco

Lo Greco Pierantonio



Pinto Valentina

I am Valentina Pinto, PhD student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation” at the University of Palermo. I have earned a Master Degree in biomedical engineering in 2021. During the last months of University, I had the opportunity to work in the bioengineering group of Ri.MED foundation, where I developed my thesis, working on a new approach to the implementation of PIV analysis for complex cardiovascular problems using SPH synthetic imaging. My PhD project is about the advanced structural characterization of shape memory alloys with superelastic behavior for the design of prostheses and biomedical devices. The project aims to use, in an innovative and combined way, two full-field measurement techniques, respectively of deformation and temperature: Digital Image Correlation and Differential Thermography using infrared cameras. The information obtained will offer the potential to develop more effective characterization, simulation and mechanical design tools for the creation of more effective and safe biomedical devices.  


Quaranta Salvatore

I am Salvatore Quaranta, PhD student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation” at the University of Palermo. This project idea stems from the fact that in recent decades and in particular with the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic there has been a net increase in E-commerce which has led to an increase in congestion in urban centers and therefore to an increase in 'pollution. So my research project focuses on the optimization of urban logistics through the exploitation of innovative electric vehicles. In particular, we intend to develop specific algorithms for the optimization of urban distribution systems based on the use of e-cargo bikes, to study new methodologies for the optimized design of support infrastructures for the implementation of urban logistics systems and to optimize the design. of the vehicle for urban delivery operations. Then a flexible and modular e-CB will be proposed capable of operating in different scenarios, which allows manufacturing companies to better satisfy the preferences of a diversified target market, while achieving good efficiency in their supply chain, and a decrease pollution in urban centers.  

PhD Students - XXXVI CYCLE

 Bongiorno Francesco

I’m Francesco Bongiorno and I’ve got a master degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Palermo in 2009. My research project over the development of new biocomposites. The research activity considered in this program is connected with that already carried out by the "biocomposite team" led by Professor Zuccarello which I have been a member for about two years; research activity regarding biocomposites made by green epoxy or PLA reinforced with optimized agave fibers. In more detail, the objective of reducing environmental pollution related to the production and use of synthetic materials has recently led to the development of environmental protection national ant european regulations that require the increasing use of eco-friendly or renewable materials, particularly in the automotive sector where for example car manufacturers are obliged to use an ever higher percentage of green materials. In this frame the so-called biocomposites, innovative materials obtained through the reinforcement of renewable polymers with natural fibers such as flax, jute, hemp, agave etc, are actractive materials. This research activity considers the development of high performance biocomposite laminates, consistitude of different matrices reinforced by agave fibers and the related non-destructive control techniques, which will be used for the characterization and the quality control of such materials.

Castellano Antonella

My name is Antonella Castellano, I am 24 years old and I graduated with the highest honors in Mechanical Engineering (MSc) from the University of Palermo. Since I am especially sensitive to the environmental impact of transport, I have been studying the hybrid electric vehicles powertrain.
In particular, I am focused on the power-split transmission system, which is the most promising hybrid technology. The wide variety of the viable power-split transmissions requires the exploitation of a proper mathematical model to lead the design engineer to a conscious choice of the transmission functional layout.
In this perspective, my PhD research project aims to extend and improve a straightforward parametric model, developed in our Dept. of Engineering and available in literature. The main purpose is to provide a flexible, all-inclusive tool in order to synthesize the best power-split transmission and achieve a better balance between vehicle performance, fuel consumption and emissions.

Cocchiara Chiara


Chiara Cocchiara is an Aerospace Engineer with over eight years of work experience in the space sector. Among other honours, Forbes listed her as 30Under30 Leader in the category Industry.

Her PhD about the New Space Economy aims at describing and analysing the today’s and tomorrow’s Space Economy, as well as highlight the change in the strategy of public organization and their new approach and need of developing partnerships with the private sector. The Phd will also analyse the role of Italy and Europe in the new Space Economy business, and will compare them with the international trend and lessons learnt from other big players of the Space Sector, addressing strengths and areas of improvements in Italy and Europe. Last but not least, the PhD addresses the role played by the technology within the international economic picture.


Guarino Giuliano

Giuliano Guarino graduated with a master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Università degli Studi di Palermo in March 2019. His master’s thesis, titled “An Equivalent Single Layer Discontinuous Galerkin Formulation for Composite Shells” inspired the doctoral work he his currently conducting at the same university. He is interested in analyzing advanced materials and structures, with a particular focus on shell structures in laminated composites. His doctoral research explores the numerical aspects of these topics, such as the use and characterization of methods in order to solve equations that describe the physics of structural problems. Through the application and comparison of innovative methods, he wants to use his research to find new, efficient alternatives to classic structural problem-solving methods.  

Abdul Latif

I am Abdul Latif, PhD student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation” at the University of Palermo. I received my bachelor and master degrees in mechanical engineering in 2016 and 2018 respectively from Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute Pakistan. During M.S studies, I worked as a graduate teaching assistant. From 2018 to 2020, I remained a visiting lecturer at the University of Technology Nowshera Pakistan. My M.S research project was to fabricate similar and dissimilar metals lap joints from aluminum alloy and pure copper through friction stir welding for electrical and aerospace applications. Besides we also focused the study to find out the optimum process and geometric parameters. My doctoral thesis is concerned with developing solid bonding through friction welding and its subclasses such as linear friction welding, friction stir welding, and friction stir extrusion. The aims of the thesis include modeling the process, identifying the optimum process and geometric parameters, and assessing the mechanical strength and durability of the final welded parts.  

Mattaliano Andrea

Andrea Mattaliano is a Ph.D. student in Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation. He holds a Bachelor and a Master Degree in Management Engineering from the University of Palermo. During his Master, he took part to the Erasmus+ Program (Wroclaw, Poland) and developed his Master Thesis at the Operations Management department of the Stuttgart University (Germany) where he worked as research assistant. Before joining the program, he worked as Healthcare Data Analytics Consultant for KPMG. His research interests are focused on healthcare management, quantitative methods to support decision making, public health policies, innovation management in healthcare, spatial analysis of supply and demand of healthcare services.  

Nuttah Muntaser 

I am Muntaser Nuttah, I am 23 years old. I have studied ali my early school years in Tripoli Libya, then i moved to Italy. I studied my bachelor's degree in management and computer engineering(computer engineering curriculum) at the University of Palermo. I did my master's double degree in management engineering between Vilnius Tech and the University of Palermo, during my master's i had a special interest on the machine learning field for that reason i took a machine leaming course of 6 credits. I did two internship one at Huawei and another one at Western Union. In my research project i will focus on applying the machine leaming methodologies in the context of management engineering with a specific interest on the marketing  and socia! advertising field.  

Pollara Gaetano

I am Gaetano Pollara, PhD student in “Mechanical, Manufacturing, Management and Aerospace Innovation” at the University of Palermo. I got my bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering on March 2019 and my master degree in Biomaterials Engineering on October 2020. During my graduation course, I did an internship at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Palermo, focused on the self piercing riveting and orbital forging LCA analysis for aluminium- composite hybrid joints for naval applications. My PhD project deepens my master thesis work that concerns the production of osteosynthesis devices through additive manufacturing techniques. The first step is producing a lattice structure to find a reasonable pore size to stimulate cell adhesion, to promote the transport of nutrients and to fit the modulus of the bone. Then, new surface modification techniques may be studied, for example, by coating the surface of the implant with a new bioactive material encapsulating antibacterial particles or growth factor, in order to reduce immune response or to accelerate bone healing.  

Terranova Pietro


My name is Pietro Terranova, I am 25 years old and I graduated from the Mechanical Engineering course (LM33) of the University of Palermo.

From September 2019 to February 2020 I did my curricular internship at the Department of Regenerative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. My work at Pitt has focused on the fabrication of engineered tissues capable of influencing cellular activity through substrate microtopography.

In October 2020, together with colleagues from Prof. D'Amore's laboratory, I filed a provisional patent to protect the technology I worked on in the previous months.

My research project for this PhD course aims to transfer the mentioned micro-patterns on the surface of complex geometry prosthetic devices such as: heart valves, vascular graft or patch.

The process of optimizing the manufacturing technique of these fabrics will be based on the substantial modification of the fiber deposition mechanism by proposing a new variant of electrodeposition.