Mobility Programmes
The Università degli Studi di Palermo promotes different mobility programmes for students to spend study or internship periods abroad. All this is promoted according to UNIPA’s internationalisation policy.
Click on the following link for the the main programmes and participation information regarding Mobility Programmes - UNIPA | Università degli studi di Palermo.
Contact person for the Law Department
Ms Teresa Affatigato - email
Tel - 091/23892305
Double Degrees
The double degree programmes enable students to gain two study titles: one from their home university and one from a foreign partner university. After agreeing on a convention, the Università degli Studi di Palermo and the foreign partner University put together a common study programme: students will carry out half of this programme in a foreign partner university. At the end of the programme, students will receive Double Degree study titles from both universities and a single certificate signed by both institutions (joint degree).
The mobility must last a minimum of 6 months for a minimum of 30 CFU for Master’s Degrees and 60 CFU for Bachelor’s 1 cycle degrees.
Take a look at the call and the information
Double Degree Convention between the University of Jean Lorougnon Guédé di Daloa (Costa D’Avorio) and the Università degli Studi di Palermo.
Cooperation Agreement
Double Degree Convention between the University of Nottingham and the Università degli Studi di Palermo
Cooperation agreement
FORTHEM Programme
The Università degli Studi di Palermo is a partner of the FORTHEM “Fostering Outreach within European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility”, in the field of the pilot call for the 2019 (EAC/A03/2018) “European Universities” Action 2 Erasmus+ Programme.
The FORTHEM project develops, adopts and sets in motion a long term transnational strategy for higher education, where higher education is one of the UN’s sustainable development goals and follows the European Commission’s Vision of strengthening European identity through education and culture.
The FORTHEM partnership is constituted by the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany), the Université de Bourgogne (France), Universitat de València (Spain), Latvijas Universitātes (Lettonia), Uniwersytet Opolski (Poland), Jväskylan yliopisto (Finland) and the Università degli Studi di Palermo.
The student who is registered in Palermo has the right to attend courses in the Consortium Universities.
The FORTHEM Alliance’s main missions are:
Mobility: reach a 50% rate of innovative student mobility
Digital innovation: creation of FORTHEM digital academy or online platform for virtual mobility, collaboration and networking for students (Unipa is coordinator of the Digital Academy Creation)
Laboratories: FORTHEM labs in 7 areas of research (Unipa is responsible for the lab on “migration and diversity”)
For active and upcoming calls, visit this page
For more information: FORTHEM European University
Scholarships and Incentives
The Università degli Studi di Palermo carries out actions which aim to enable students to access higher levels of education at University.
In particular, the Regional Entity for the Right to University Study (ERSU - Ente regionale per il diritto allo Studio universitario ERSU) provides scholarships to students. These scholarships are contributions for university and living costs as well as prizes that reward student effort. ERSU scholarships are awarded to students through a public competition scheme. Through this scheme, students can obtain study and University accommodation grants, funding for journeys abroad, scholarships for international mobility, extra funding for EU programmes and other services.
For further information about ERSU initiatives, consult this website:
For further information on part-time calls and study scholarships, consult the Promotion section on the site.