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Art.2 Access to the Master’s Degree final exam: students who intend to write their Master’s Thesis must present the Thesis Request to a Professor involved in their course. This professor can become the Thesis Supervisor. Students must submit the request form at least 6 months before the session in which they intend to graduate and carry out the final exam. 


The request for graduation or renewal of the final title delivery from the Student Portal should be made in the following dates. The Admission tax must be paid by the same date. 


The thesis must be uploaded and validated (by the supervisor) on the student portal no later than 10 days after the beginning of the graduation exam period. The final exam must be passed and registered within 10 days of the beginning of the graduation exam period. 


Summer session academic year 


Master’s Degree Exams 

Presentation and renewal of the final study title request 


Extraordinary graduation session academic year 2022/2023 

1 January - 7 February 

For the summer session academic year 2023/2024

1-31 May 2024

For the autumn session academic year 2023/2024

1-31 July 2024 


The regulations for student contributions 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 determine the majority of the amounts to be paid for those who cannot insert themselves in the above mentioned dates. 




Summer session academic year 2023-2024 


Graduation exams for Master’s Degree students

19-26 July 2024


Autumn session academic year 2023-2024


Graduation exams for Master’s Degree students

1-11 October 2024


Extraordinary session academic year 2023-2024 


Graduation exams for Master’s Degree students

3-14 March 2025