Autoethnographic Dialogues: Co-creation and experimentation with co-creative ethnographic methods
On 12th December at 3 pm and Friday 13th December at 2 pm, in Aula di Grigoli, Piazza Bologni 8, Palermo
“Autoethnographic Dialogues”: Co-creation and experimentation with co-creative ethnographic methods
Presentation of “Auto-ethnographic Dialogues”: a set of creative ethnographic methods developed with the protagonists of a research on transformations in ways of being and knowing following disruption
Practical and creative activities will guide students to explore the move from an existential question or vague hypothesis to a research question and to the development of a suited approach. Ethnographic research methods will be experimented
Laura Di Pasquale Documentarist and PhD Researcher in Social Anthropology and Visual Media, University of Manchester
Free Partecipation