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Course presentation and educational aims


The PhD, or Philosophiæ Doctor, is the third level of education at university level. Mainly oriented towards university training, research and teaching, it also aims to train high-level professionals in diverse work fields, thanks to rigorous work methods.
In particular, the PhD in Architecture, Arts and Planning offers a program focused on the need to train high-profile scholars and professionals capable of managing cognitive processes and operational tools relating to the enhancement, transformation and management of cultural heritage, of the city and of the territory.
At the end of the three-year training period, PhD students will be able to operate in the field of academic research as well as to access prestigious roles for the administrative management of the historical-architectural heritage and historical archives, or take on leading roles in the creation of spin-offs dedicated to promoting innovation for architecture and for the city.
The interdisciplinary nature of the training path draws on complementary scientific areas, and has the aim of acquiring critical knowledge and methods of analysis and integrated intervention on heritage, cities and territories, as well as technical, historiographic and social knowledge.
Within the various curricula present, and in a balanced way between theory and practice, the PhD course offers methodologies aimed at the advancement of studies in the field of architectural heritage, with tools of a historical nature or connected to conservation and representation, as in the field of urban and regional studies, and aims to develop advanced skills in the field of physical and built environment design, as well as to develop specific specializations, both theoretical and applicative, in the field of urban studies and planning.
The PhD in Architecture, Arts and Planning is oriented, therefore, to train high-profile scholars and professionals in the field of enhancement and management of heritage, of the city and of the territory, who can aspire to an academic career or hold managerial roles in the public or private sectors, even at an international scale. The constant monitoring of the work situation of former PhD students who obtained the title shows, in fact, how the skills acquired at the end of the three-year period were useful for accessing the working world, also abroad.

Job market prospects
The PhD in Architecture, Arts and Planning has, with regard to the job placement prospects, some occupational outlets common to all curricula. Among these, certainly, there is the activity of research and teaching at universities, research institutions and schools of high specialization, as well as managerial roles in public bodies of all levels that deal with architectural heritage, city, landscape and territory.
In particular, then, the individual curricula can develop more certain skills.

Curriculum in Representation, Restoration, History: studies on architectural heritage
The curriculum program offers advanced specialized training in the field of architectural drawing and representation, conservation of architectural heritage, history of architecture, aimed at a career in research and university teaching, or at the placement in research centers, public administrations and institutions or private bodies responsible for the study, cataloging, conservation, enhancement and promotion of the architectural, urban and landscape heritage.
In particular, the training of specialized researchers provides the following job opportunities: historical research, for public and private institutions, to support restoration projects; coordination and research within the Archival Superintendencies and the Superintendencies for Cultural Heritage; survey, graphic restitution and virtual reconstruction of architecture and urban spaces for the restoration projects or for the enhancement of architectural heritage; cataloging, archiving, exhibition g and installation planning for museums, permanent and temporary exhibitions; restoration design within the Superintendencies for architectural heritage; project of cultural tourism circuits.

Curriculum in Urban Studies and Planning (from the 37th cycle) (Urban, Regional and Landscape Planning up to the 36rd cycle)
The curriculum program offers advanced training in the field of urban studies in the construction of analytical and interpretative frameworks for understanding the phenomena of urban transformation, through the study of theories, policies, practices, including planning tools. This path is primarily aimed, in other than the transversal and previously mentioned outcomes, at the insertion in the field of research in Institutes, Research Centers and Scientific and Technological Laboratories, both public and private, engaged in the field of environmental, social, economic research of urban/territorial phenomena.
Moreover, a relevant occupational basin is constituted by public bodies of urban and territorial level, or by international governmental institutions, which operate in the field of territorial government, in the control and management of urban and territorial transformation processes, in the perspective of sustainable development.
More recently, a further prospect of employment comes from private agencies engaged in the field of urban/territorial development through the use of new information technologies for the analysis, interpretation and evaluation of environmental transformations.
In these areas, the demand for employment extends to associations of the Third Sector and NGOs operating on the basis of competitive public calls for EU, national and local (both regional and municipal) funding.

Curriculum in Sustainable Architecture and Design: Human Centered Approach (from the 37th cycle)
The curriculum program is aimed to prepare researchers in the field of sustainable Architecture and Design, by orienting them in the cognitive, transformative / conservative and management processes related to the built environment, the artefacts and the communication products. The human centered approach, focused on behaviors and needs of users, defines design solutions that ensure performance in relation to objective requirements.
The training activity is aimed to provide adequate knowledge through studies and research that focus on theories, tools, methods and techniques for the project related to the concept and the construction of building systems, artifacts, products and innovation, for allowing PhDs to rapidly find job. The long-term vision, the attention to the life cycle and the holistic and experimental approach allows PhD students to prefigure processes and solutions based on technology transfer and innovation, with the aim of quality, coherent with production models, materials (traditional and innovative) and different contexts of application.
The systemic vision, integrated with socio-cultural aspects, connects the possible research application fields to environmental and energy issues (recovery, reuse and regeneration of the built environment; retrofit and sustainable architecture; innovative systems, technologies and materials; product design, artefacts and communication both, interactive and multimodal).
In particular, the employment opportunities for PhDs are related to project, research and consultancy activities for public and private entities, companies and enterprises, including the activities related to freelance professionals.



The research topics of the Ph.D. Program are arranged intro three curricula.
The first one, History of Architecture, deals with the research topics related to history of architecture, urban history, construction history, history of architectural literature, history and theory of architectural restauration, history and theory of representation, survey as a tool for knowledge of architectural works, environmental and urban contexts, its direct and instrumental methods, its procedures and techniques, including digital ones, for metric, morphological and thematical restitution.
The second one, City, Region and Landscape Planning, is based on and referred to two research clusters: Planning Theory and Practice, and Spatial Development and Planning. The first cluster focuses on the development of analytical and normative understandings of planning activities through the study of theoretical concepts, policies and practices. Emphasis within the program is given to the role of space and of collective action on the part of governments and civic organizations, adopting the interdisciplinary perspective of urban studies. Of particular concern are the issues of social justice and democracy. The second cluster is focused on spatial planning models and related policies through the deepening of their interrelationships with the physical, economic and normative spheres. The main issues addressed are related to the control of the spatial development and land use transformations.
The third one, in Sustainable Architecture and Design aims to develop skills in the cognitive, transformative/manufacturing, construction and management processes of the built environment and communicative products.

The Collegium of the PhD Course in Architecture, Arts and Planning (AAP) for the XL Cycle has formally defined its design vision in the "Design Document" approved by the Collegium on 03.06.2024. Within the Document, the motivations, potential, articulation and training objectives (specific and transversal) of the training course are identified.

Ciclo XL- Documento di progettazione del Corso di Dottorato in ARCHITETTURA ARTI E PIANIFICAZIONE (D001)
 - Academic Board 03.06.2024

The Collegium of the PhD Course in Architecture, Arts and Planning (AAP) has formally defined its design vision in the "Design Document" approved by the Collegium on 23.05.2023. Within the Document, the motivations, potential, articulation and training objectives (specific and transversal) of the training course are identified.

 Documento di progettazione del Corso di Dottorato in ARCHITETTURA ARTI E PIANIFICAZIONE (D001)
 - Academic Board 23.05.2023

Estratto verbale Collegio dei Docenti del 23.05.2023