Educational activities
In accordance with the Regulations, doctoral students must obtain 60 CFUs per year as a result of attending teaching activities and developing their individual research. The training activities of doctoral students include:
1. training activities (courses, seminars and events) planned specifically for the Doctoral Course, organised through a calendar that includes the participation of the faculty members of the College, but also the participation of high-profile Italian and foreign scholars and experts from both the academic world and from research organisations, companies, or cultural and social institutions;
2. individual research activities, aimed at writing the doctoral thesis with the support of tutors and co-tutors and including a compulsory period of research abroad at an authoritative Research Institution agreed with the College in congruence with the objectives of the research project from a minimum of 3 months up to the maximum limit envisaged by the regulations in force. The Doctoral College encourages co-tutorships by national and international University professors and belonging to SSDs other than that of the tutor;
3. other training activities aiming at language improvement (courses provided by the Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (CLA)), at the valorisation and dissemination of results, intellectual property and open access to data and research products (with the collaboration of the Director of the Library of the Department of Architecture), at the correct use of the DARCH laboratories' instrumentation (upon request), as well as transdisciplinary didactic in-depth studies carried out in the University;
4. PhD students contribute to the achievement of the 60 annual CFU also through activities such as Summer schools or Internships at national or international Universities or research facilities, participation in conferences on topics relevant to the PhD curricula, editorial activity of a Scientific Journal, certified submission of one or more papers to scientific journals, publication of articles in Conference Proceedings or Essays in volumes, organisation of seminars or conferences within the PhD teaching activities (as defined by the specific tables of accreditation of the activities).
The verification of the achievement of CFUs takes place by means of a personal form that the doctoral student submits at the end of the year before the verification for admission to the following year. The passage of the year and admission to the final examinations takes place following an assessment by the curriculum selection board on the basis of the documentation produced by the doctoral student and endorsed by the tutor, in line with the distribution of CFUs reported in the tables "PhD in Architecture, Arts and Planning. Accreditation of activities" attached.
In the case of activities outside the Doctorate (both University and external), the authorisation procedure shall be as follows:
1. Approval of the tutor;
2. Inclusion of the activity in the timesheet and annual CFU table.
The doctoral student, from the XXXV cycle, is obliged to provide a monthly timesheet as a diary of his/her research activities.
The timesheet, signed by the tutor, must be delivered by e-mail every month to the doctoral secretary, who will arrange for its archiving.
Evaluation of PHd Students
EVALUATION OF PHd STUDENTSThe doctoral student's assessment is carried out on an ongoing basis through the supervision of tutors and co-tutors and through intermediate verifications by the restricted College of Curriculum before the passage of the year.
The passage of the year and admission to the final examinations is subject to assessment by the curriculum select committee on the basis of the documentation produced on the training activities carried out by the doctoral student (according to the indications on the distribution of CFUs indicated in the tables on the accreditation of activities) and on the results of individual research activities.
The evaluation criteria for individual research activities include:
- Evaluation of the methodological rigour and general structure of the research work (objectives, sources, bibliographical references);
- Significance of the case studies and level of depth;
- Scientific relevance, social and cultural impact of the research work;
- Originality.
Organization of teaching activity
The planned educational activities are organised for the first year according to a transversal teaching pathway addressed to the PhD students of the different curricula and, for the second and third year, differentiated according to articulated teaching paths based on the educational objectives of the specific cultural and professional profiles of the three curricula.
The first year offers a transversal teaching pathway aimed at doctoral students from the different curricula. A series of seminars by lecturers from the college is offered.
The following modules are listed: Role of the doctoral student: practices and activities; Ethical dilemmas in academic research; Transversal topics in scientific research and academic life: From green economy to blue economy. Green Public Procurement, Environmental Certification and Biomimicry; Research strategies and case studies; Research methodologies; Bibliographical research; IT tools for bibliographical management; Knowledge tools: surveying and representation; Internationalisation; Scientific societies and conferences; Enhancing research: publishing in international journals.
For the second and third year, thematic seminars are planned, subdivided by curriculum, to help strengthen the research path of doctoral students.
Every year, two professors from the curricula identify a prevailing theme based on the research needs of the doctoral students, prepare and plan the teaching activities of each cycle involving, as far as possible, nationally and internationally renowned professors. The annual teaching programme is approved within the first few weeks of the start of a new cycle by the Board of Lecturers and subsequently approved by the Departmental Council.
Starting with the XXXVIII cycle, the seminars for the second and third years are organised as follows:
The curriculum offers advanced specialist training in the field of architectural design and representation, the conservation of architectural heritage, and the history of architecture.
II year - The architectural and urban heritage between knowledge and representation 1 (40 hours);
Year III - The architectural and urban heritage between knowledge and representation 2 (20 hours).
The curriculum offers advanced training in the field of urban studies in the construction of analytical-interpretive frameworks for the understanding of urban transformation phenomena, through the study of theories, policies and practices, including planning instruments.
Year II - Applied research for urban studies and planning (35 hours);
Year III - The tools to accompany the ecological transition in the territories (25 hours).
The curriculum aims to train researchers in the field of Sustainable Design of Architecture and Design, orienting them in the cognitive, transformative/conservative and management processes of the built environment, artefacts and communication products. The human-centred approach, focused on behaviour and needs, defines design solutions that guarantee performance consistent with objective requirements.
Year II -Theory and methodology of sustainable design (40 hours);
Year III - In-depth studies for the purpose of writing the thesis (20 hours).
Educational activities 2024-2025
Calendar of teaching activities 2024-2025
- OFF. DOTT. AAP 24-25 II and III YEARS - Progettazione Sostenibile dell'Architettura e Design
- OFF. DOTT. AAP 24-25 II and III YEARS - Studi Urbani e Pianificazione
- OFF. DOTT. AAP 24-25 II and III YEARS - Rappresentazione, Restauro, Storia: Studi Sul Patrimonio Architettonico