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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (100%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

  • 2. European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme (2008), Green Paper. Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions (96%)

    13-feb-2024 12.57.38

    Green Paper Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission About this document Context This paper has been prepared by a partnership of Universities funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. The project was entitled: European Indicators and Ranking Methodology ... case study. 3.4. Rankings 3.4.1. We have stood back from developing a ranking methodology

  • 3. Research areas (89%)

    25-mag-2020 12.30.49

    to historical methodology, epistemology, logic, linguistic and theoretical analysis, and the history

  • 4. ESA21 - Conference programme (89%)

    29-set-2021 13.31.32

    Photography and Pictorial Style Canberra Plan Methodology for Good Taste and the Ideal: An The Aesthetics


    1-mar-2017 10.26.28

    CALL FOR PAPER TRANSLATION SYMPOSIUM 2016 dipartimento scienze umanistiche, traduzione, simposio, Palermo, transcreation, traduzione2016, call, transaction, translation, locandina Department of Humanities PhD in Literary, Philological and Linguistic Studies Second-Cycle Degrees in Modern Languages and Translation in International Relations, and Theories of Visual and Textual Communication Higher ... methodology - Translation criticism In the field of literature, we especially encourage presentations

  • 6. Linguaggi, emergenza, apertura logica (89%)

    8-mar-2013 16.27.39

    Università degli Studi di Palermo Dipartimento di Filosofia, Storia e Critica dei Saperi Dottorato “Filosofia del linguaggio e della mente” Progetto innovativo “Mente e Mondo” Seminari di Filosofia del Linguaggio Mercoledì 12 maggio ore 16:00 aula Seminari FIERI Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 15 Ignazio Licata Direttore ISEM Istitute for Scientific Methodology for Interdisciplinary Studies Linguaggi, emergenza, apertura logica Isomorfismo e analogia tra mente

  • 7. Abstract Prin Cervini inglese (89%)

    9-lug-2020 14.25.10

    the subject of previous research will allow us to use a new methodology and to open an important

  • 8. DEFEP - Distance education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market (89%)

    19-giu-2023 13.04.48

    Mohyla Black Sea National University (Ucraina) ed è realizzato in collaborazione con il Dipartimento ... National University of Horticulture, Ukraine Team Members (Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche ... of project management; 2. Background research of DE; 3. Development of methodology for providing DE; 4

  • 9. LOCANDINA A3_Defep (89%)

    2-ott-2023 16.30.28

    Study Visit and Training University of Palermo 9-13 October 2023 APPROACHES OF PEDAGOGY AND DIDACTICS THE METHODOLOGY OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Project: DEFEP, Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market 101083143 — DEFEP — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE LOCANDINA A3 Template vector design for Brochure, AnnualReport, Magazine, Poster, Corporate Presentation, Portfolio, Flyer, infographic, layout modern

  • 10. Programma - pieghevole unificato (1)_Defep (89%)

    2-ott-2023 16.31.24

    the necessary conditions for the implementation of the principle of THE METHODOLOGY OF barrier

  • 11. ARTmaggio2024ALLEGATO2 (89%)

    19-giu-2024 11.51.59

    projects will be investigated with the aim of analyzing how art, as a research methodology and

  • 12. ARTmaggio2024ALLEGATO3 (89%)

    19-giu-2024 11.51.59

    methodology and as a design tool, can integrate urban research, generating processes of reappropriation

  • 13. GAP_4th ISW Program_compressed (84%)

    18-ott-2022 16.34.46

    the methodology of Learning and Service in teaching, which has a long history at lower educational levels ... – Max-Planck-Institut; Università degli Studi di Palermo – Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle

  • 14. Progetti di ricerca (84%)

    15-mag-2024 11.40.40

    Progetti di Ricerca articolo, notizia, unipa Il Dipartimento SUM svolge un’intensa attività di ricerca partecipando a progetti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali. Le ricerche concernono un ampio ventaglio di tematiche nell'ambito delle scienze umane, considerate sotto l'aspetto della indagine e della riflessione culturale, filosofica, letteraria, linguistica e storica. BIAGIA RUSSO Contatti e Riferimenti articolo, notizia, unipa Delegato alla Ricerca Responsabile UO Prof. Angelo Cicatello

  • 15. NECS2021 Official Programme (79%)

    8-giu-2021 8.05.35

    14th annual conference, Transitions: Moving Images and Bodies, hosted by the Dipartimento