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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Progetti di Ricerca_pub (100%)

    30-nov-2023 14.39.10

    European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility", EAC/A03/2018, “European Universities ... ;, EAC/A03/2018, “European Universities” Azione 2 del Programma Erasmus+ 2019-09-01 Todaro Vincenzo ... ", EAC/A03/2018, “European Universities” Azione 2 del Programma Erasmus+ 2021-01-25 Todaro Vincenzo FIT FORTHEM - Fostering Institutional Transformation of R&I Policies in European Universities ... within European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility", EAC/A03/2018, “European

  • 2. Terza Missione - Progetti di Ricerca vinti in bandi competitivi (100%)

    29-dic-2023 18.51.23

    Mobility", EAC/A03/2018, “European Universities” Azione 2 del Programma Erasmus+ 2019-09-01 ... Education and Mobility", EAC/A03/2018, “European Universities” Azione 2 del Programma Erasmus ... , Transnational Higher Education and Mobility", EAC/A03/2018, “European Universities” Azione 2 ... Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility", EAC/A03/2018, “European Universities ... Transformation of R&I Policies in European Universities 2023-01-01 Sottile Francesco Conservazione

  • 3. Bollettino Bandi 2023-10 (79%)

    17-ott-2023 15.40.51

    online una sessione informativa “EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES - Erasmus+ 2024 call for Proposals ... di candidatura per la European Universities 2024 Call for Proposal nell'ambito dell'azione chiave 2 ... Online information Grant session: EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ... del Dipartimento Culture e Società nell’ambito del Bando CORI 2023, distribuiti in tutte le azioni

  • 4. Presentation and educational aims (79%)

    1-lug-2024 15.30.53

    by at least two professors from two European universities different from each other and from the university ... from two European universities different from each other and from the university where the thesis ... European universities different from each other and from the university where the thesis is discussed

  • 5. Presentazione e Obiettivi formativi (79%)

    1-lug-2024 15.32.40

    given by at least two professors from two European universities different from each other and ... two professors from two European universities different from each other and from the university ... two professors from two European universities different from each other and from the university

  • 6. 2024_REP_1522_Grant Agreement - GAP-101128861-1 (77%)

    20-mag-2024 10.30.19

    , summer and winter schools, and training in European universities. There will also be an online and face

  • 7. Piano-Strategico-Dip_-Dichirons-2021-2023 ver. 09 feb post Dip (68%)

    14-feb-2022 9.30.51

    DIPARTIMENTO DI DISCIPLINE CHIRURGICHE, ONCOLOGICHE E STOMATOLOGICHE Piano ... e-mail: – PEC: DIPARTIMENTO ... del Dipartimento ............................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Gli Organi di governo e di gestione del Dipartimento ..................................................... 4 1.3. L’assicurazione della Qualità del Dipartimento

  • 8. Decreto_n_64_del_15_05_2024_SUMMER SCHOOL_2024 (65%)

    17-mag-2024 9.39.30

    + EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES Project: 101089463 – FORTHEM – ERASMUS-EDU-2022-EUR-UNIV) per il quadriennio ... DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA E CHIMICA Emilio Segrè Direttore: prof. Gioacchino Massimo Palma ... IL DIRETTORE DI DIPARTIMENTO Richiamato il vigente Statuto dell'Università ... Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica Emilio Segrè dell’Università di Palermo ... DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA E CHIMICA Emilio Segrè Direttore: prof. Gioacchino Massimo

  • 9. Elezioni 2 2022-Coordinatore LM64-CV D'Avenia (56%)

    24-feb-2022 15.36.24

    –  Fostering Institutional Transformation of R&I Policies in European Universities, Call H2020-IBA-SwafS-Support-1-2020 (Support for the Research and Innovation Dimension of European Universities ... dei Beni Culturali e del Turismo, Regione Sicilia e Dipartimento di Beni Culturali-Univ. di Palermo ... Culturale • 2015-2018: membro della Giunta del Dipartimento di Culture e Società • 2014-oggi: membro ... della Giunta del Dipartimento di Studi Storici e Artistici INCARICHI PRESSO ALTRE ISTITUZIONI • 2018

  • 10. 000-Bando FORTHEM Campus “Experiencing Europe” aa 2023-24 (56%)

    10-nov-2023 11.33.18

    all’Alleanza FORTHEM (ERASMUS+ EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES Project: 101089463 — FORTHEM — ERASMUS-EDU ... dell’iniziativa comunitaria “European Universities” del programma Erasmus+ KA2 e coinvolge un partenariato ... da selezionare per ciascun Dipartimento, con indicazione delle aree disciplinari di riferimento, dei Corsi di Studio (CdS) e dei docenti coordinatori: Tabella 1 Dipartimento ISCED Docente Contact Person Posti di Eventuali limitazioni coordinatore di Dipartimento mobilità SEAS 0311 Nicola Romana

  • 11. leaflet_smart_rehabilitation_EN_online version (47%)

    16-apr-2020 9.30.58

    for the education offers.perspectives and objectives. Despite of this, most European universities consider

  • 12. High_leaflet_smart_rehabilitation_EN_online version (47%)

    26-feb-2020 9.36.34

    for the education offers.perspectives and objectives. Despite of this, most European universities consider

  • 13. 3_Némethy_0204 (47%)

    16-mar-2021 12.48.18

    planning, renewable energy systems and climate change. Sándor Némethy is teaching at several European universities, a wide range of subjects, including genetics and biotechnology, biochemistry

  • 14. Bando per mobilità brevi collettive e individuali FORTHEM 2021 (47%)

    19-mar-2021 10.05.34

    FORTHEM, promossa nell’ambito dell’iniziativa “European Universities” del programma Erasmus+ KA2

  • 15. FORTHEM Alliance: Bando di mobilità breve individuale e collettiva per studenti - Edizione 2021 (47%)

    26-apr-2021 8.30.32

    , promossa nell’ambito dell’iniziativa “European Universities” del programma Erasmus+ KA2, coinvolge

  • 16. Solar Energy Course during EuroSun 2016 (47%)

    12-giu-2016 13.12.02

    Solar Energy Course during EuroSun 2016 articolo, notizia, unipa, news, deim, didattica, studenti, corso, dottorato As in recent years, an international Solar Energy Course open for master students from interested (European) universities will be held in connection with EuroSun 2016 Congress in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 11-14 Oct. 2016. The period of the course is 15 Sept. - 15 Oct. 2016. From 10 to 15 Oct. the students will be in Palma to attend the course. It is conducted by Prof. Víctor

  • 17. International PhD course in “Environmental Agronomy” (47%)

    30-mag-2013 17.22.26

    . Partners of the International Doctorate in “Environmental Agronomy” are 6 European Universities and 1

  • 18. Sándor Némethy (47%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.39

    European universities. 1988 – 1990 Care worker at Högsbo Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden. Working with old

  • 19. 7528 - Fulbright-Fondazione CON IL SUD Award for Teaching (47%)

    21-lug-2016 15.32.05

    by Italian or European universities, under the Fulbright Inter-Country Program

  • 20. FORTHEM Alliance - Bando Short-term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 (47%)

    29-lug-2020 8.04.58

    FORTHEM Alliance - Bando Short-term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 dseas-bacheca, dseas-cds, dseas-statistica, mobilità internazionale, forthem, L’Università degli Studi di Palermo, nell’ambito dell’Alleanza FORTHEM, promuove il Bando "Short-term collective mobility projects 2020-2021" per realizzare progetti di mobilità collettiva della durata di 5 giorni rivolti a studenti. La "Alleanza FORTHEM” - nell’ambito dell’iniziativa “European Universities” del programma