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    31-ott-2016 12.00.22

    FORD DRIVING SKILLS FOR LIFE 2016 comunicato stampa, ford, driving Giovedì 27 e venerdì 28 ottobre, il Museo Storico dei Motori e dei Meccanismi (Viale delle Scienze - Dipartimento dell'Innovazione Industriale e Digitale - Scuola Politecnica - Sistema Museale di Ateneo) ospiterà la manifestazione “Ford driving skills for life 2016”, organizzata da Ford Italia, con il patrocinio dell’Università ... - Sistema Museale di Ateneo) ospiterà la manifestazione “Ford driving skills for life 2016

  • 2. Driving Urban Transition for a sustainable future | Consultazione nazionale online del MUR (75%)

    1-giu-2021 18.05.02

    Driving Urban Transition for a sustainable future | Consultazione nazionale online del MUR articolo, notizia, unipa, Driving Urban Transition for a sustainable future, DUT Giovedì 3 e venerdì 4 giugno il Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR) conduce una consultazione nazionale online per la definizione della nuova partnership europea "Driving Urban Transition for a sustainable future" (DUT) che affronta il complesso insieme di sfide urbane con un approccio integrato

  • 3. Driving skills for life 2016 - Piazzale Edificio 8 - Scuola Politecnica - 27 e 28 Ottobre 2016 (36%)

    26-ott-2016 9.36.13

    Driving skills for life 2016 - Piazzale Edificio 8 - Scuola Politecnica - 27 e 28 Ottobre 2016 articolo, notizia, unipa Driving Skills for Life (DSFL) è un avanzato programma di training creato da Ford e rivolto ai giovani dai 18 ai 25 anni, grazie al quale sarà possibile imparare tecniche di guida responsabile. Palermo (27 e 28 Ottobre 2016). In occasione dell’edizione 2016, Ford Italia ... BERTOLINO Driving Skills for Life (DSFL) è un avanzato programma di training creato da Ford

  • 4. ICAR05 - Transportation (26%)

    26-apr-2023 13.02.45

    in the field of the behaviour of the drivers, with particular reference to the driving techniques ... , most of the drivers do not have adjusted their driving technique to the adoption of responsible personal behaviour. This activity is made possible thanks to the availability of the driving simulator for heavy vehicles. The results obtained from a correct driving technique, not only in terms of fuel economy, but also on the cost of vehicle maintenance, safety and driving comfort, led some

  • 5. SAFE DEMON (24%)

    19-apr-2022 16.56.17

    SAFE DEMON Ingegneria, progetti, Unipa Descrizione SAFE-DEMON: SAFE Driving by E-health MONitoring ... dangerous substances). Professional drivers driving bus or truck are more exposed to pathologies due to the work stress and risk of an accident is very high, for the high number of hours driving compared ... driving as soon as they detect a slight discomfort that is difficult to perceive and detect without ... monitoring of the driver’s health and attention at the same time as monitoring driving performance

  • 6. SAFE DEMON (24%)

    19-apr-2022 16.56.29

    SAFE DEMON Ingegneria, progetti, Unipa Descrizione SAFE-DEMON: SAFE Driving by E-health MONitoring ... dangerous substances). Professional drivers driving bus or truck are more exposed to pathologies due to the work stress and risk of an accident is very high, for the high number of hours driving compared ... driving as soon as they detect a slight discomfort that is difficult to perceive and detect without ... monitoring of the driver’s health and attention at the same time as monitoring driving performance

  • 7. Gratuito Patrocinio - Manifestazione "FORD DRIVING SKILLS FOR LIFE" - 27-28 ottobre 2016 - Museo Storico dei Motori e dei Meccanismi - Inserimento della manifestazione Eventi 210 - (22%)

    30-set-2016 15.30.51

    0 75544 0,00 Gratuito Patrocinio - Manifestazione "FORD DRIVING SKILLS FOR LIFE" - 27-28 ottobre 2016 - Museo Storico dei Motori e dei Meccanismi - Inserimento della manifestazione Eventi 210 - patrocinio, cerimoniale, trasparenza ROSANNA CUFFARI /sites/portale/_categories/decreto/

  • 8. SMAART Laboratory (21%)

    14-giu-2019 18.31.00

    to the driving techniques to reduce the fuel consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases. In this specific ... in a significant way, most of the drivers do not have adjusted their driving technique to the adoption ... of the driving simulator for heavy vehicles. The results obtained from a correct driving technique, not only in terms of fuel economy, but also on the cost of vehicle maintenance, safety and driving comfort ... of a research activity in the field of road haulage and to implement the techniques of eco-driving through

  • 9. SMAART laboratory (21%)

    14-giu-2019 18.30.03

    to the driving techniques to reduce the fuel consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases. In this specific ... in a significant way, most of the drivers do not have adjusted their driving technique to the adoption ... of the driving simulator for heavy vehicles. The results obtained from a correct driving technique, not only in terms of fuel economy, but also on the cost of vehicle maintenance, safety and driving comfort ... of a research activity in the field of road haulage and to implement the techniques of eco-driving through

  • 10. ICAR05 - Transportation - Laboratory (21%)

    5-nov-2015 17.18.17

    reference to the driving techniques to reduce the fuel consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases ... improved in a significant way, most of the drivers do not have adjusted their driving technique ... to the availability of the driving simulator for heavy vehicles. The results obtained from a correct driving technique, not only in terms of fuel economy, but also on the cost of vehicle maintenance, safety and driving ... of a research activity in the field of road haulage and to implement the techniques of eco-driving

  • 11. cv-bordegoni (18%)

    17-apr-2018 9.36.08

    August 2017: Caruso G., Ruscio D., Ariansyah D., Bordegoni M., “Driving simulator system to evaluate driver’s workload using ADAS in different driving context" - ICoRD'17 “One of the most ... Covarrubias M., Bordegoni M., Cugini U., Force sensitive handles and Capacitive touch sensor for driving ... Regulation Contribute to Driving Violation? A Simulated Study on Familiar and Unfamiliar Road ... 2017. Caruso G., Ruscio D., Ariansyah D., Bordegoni M., Driving simulator system to evaluate driver’s

  • 12. Bifulco_CV (17%)

    10-apr-2020 9.14.54

    Traveller Information Systems), ADAS (Advanced Driving Asssitance Systems) e Driving-Automation ... Transportation Systems);  Modelli di driving behaviour orientati alla assistenza alla guida ... per l’interoperabilità veicoli-infrastrutture (Smart Roads);  Advanced Driving Assistance Systems

  • 13. Laboratories of "Structures and Infrastructures" section (16%)

    20-mar-2024 18.18.39

    both for the study of mobility and transport. The laboratory is equipped with a driving simulator ... to driving techniques capable of reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to the use of the driving simulator it is possible to reproduce the most frequent driving conditions and ... companies and associations to implement eco-driving techniques through high-level professional training

  • 14. Laboratories (16%)

    19-mar-2024 17.56.38

    both for the study of mobility and transport. The laboratory is equipped with a driving simulator ... to driving techniques capable of reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to the use of the driving simulator it is possible to reproduce the most frequent driving conditions and ... companies and associations to implement eco-driving techniques through high-level professional training

  • 16. AREA 06 - ONCOLOGIA CLINICA E MOLECOLARE - Fiorentino (15%)

    8-mar-2013 23.05.34

    changes driving the carcinogenesis in Barrett's esophagus: Which came first, the chicken or the egg ... A, Rizzo S, Fiorentino E. The molecular changes driving the carcinogenesis in Barrett's esophagus ... , Cicero G, Bertani A, Rizzo S, Fiorentino E. The molecular changes driving the carcinogenesis ... E. The molecular changes driving the carcinogenesis in Barrett's esophagus: Which came first

  • 17. bando_bs_133-2023_sanseverino-ronsivalle (15%)

    11-dic-2023 12.46.14

    borsa di studio post-lauream dal titolo “Driving Urban Transition for Climate neutral cities by and ... dal titolo “Driving Urban Transition for Climate neutral cities by and for the citizens”, da far ... della Missione Europea e del Partenariato ‘Driving Urban Transition’. Piazza Marina n. 61 – 90133 ... di ricerca dal titolo “Driving Urban Transition for Climate neutral cities by and for the citizens

  • 18. HE_Panoramica, opportunità, regole ed esperienze (15%)

    9-nov-2023 14.39.41

    Energy Transition CROSS-PILLARS II & III systems** European Open Science Cloud Driving Urban ... ** European Open Science Cloud Driving Urban Transitions Institutionalised Partnerships (Art 185/7 ... systems** Driving Urban Transitions Institutionalised Partnerships (Art 185/7) Institutionalised ... space Clean Energy Transition systems** Driving Urban Transitions Institutionalised Partnerships

  • 20. 20100310-verbale (13%)

    8-mar-2013 16.59.32

    Europea “ECDL European Computer Driving Licence”. PER UN TOTALE DI 4 CFU Per quanto riguarda ... conseguito la Patente Europea(ECDL European Computer Driving Licence) START (solo 4 dei 7 moduli ... conseguito la Patente Europea (ECDL European Computer Driving Licence) PER UN TOTALE DI 4 CFU La Giunta