Adriano BIONDO
Tutor: Prof. A. Galati
Co-Tutor: Prof. D. Vrontis
Research Interests:
- Innovative technologies in the viticulture and olive-growing Italian sectors
- Digitisation of the Italian agrifood sector
- Analysis of European and national policies to favour digital transition in the agricultural sector
- Definition of ICT-based communication strategies
Tutor: Prof. V. Farina
Co-Tutor: Prof. G. Sortino
Research Interests:
Rosaria CIOTTA
Tutor: Prof. M. Iovino
Co-Tutor: Prof. M. Crescimanno
Research Interests:
- Soil physical properties
- Thermal and hydraulic behaviour of artificial substrates for green roof
- sustainable materials to be used in extensive green roof
Simona CONTI
Tutor: Prof. E. Peri
Co-Tutor: Prof. P. Bella
Research Interests:
- Chemical ecology
- Behavioural ecology
- Integrated pest management
- Plant-insect-microbe interactions
Tutor: Prof. N. Francesca
Co-Tutor: Prof. Vasileios Englezos, Prof. A. Alfonzo
Research Interests:
- Food and wine microbiology
Tutor: Prof. P. Ruisi
Co-Tutor: Prof. R. Ingraffia
Research Interests:
- Microplastics in soil
- Nitrogen cycling
- Plant-microorganism symbiotic relationships
- Crop science
- Ecology
Tutor: Prof. M. Todaro
Co-Tutor: Prof. M. Alabiso, Dott.ssa M.L. Scatassa
Research Interests:
- Animal feed and nutrition
- Parasitology and animal health
- Animal production
Tutor: Prof. V. Farina
Co-Tutor: Prof. D. Neri, Dott. G. Gugliuzza
Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. Mugavero
Co-Tutor: Prof. L. Sabatino, Prof. S. La Bella
Research Interests:
- Application of microbial and non-microbial biostimulants to evaluate the effect on vegetables
- Creation of new biostimulants using by-products of the dairy supply chain
- Evaluation of plant protein hydrolysate fractions on vegetables and determination of mechanisms of action via metabolomic analysis
- Sustainable agronomic strategies to maximize resource use efficiency in the horticulture systems
Tutor: Prof. S. Orlando
Co-Tutor: Prof. M. Mammana
Research Interests:
Tutor: Prof. N. Francesca
Co-Tutor: Prof. Debeaufort, Prof. Maggio, Prof. A. Alfonzo
Research Interests:
Salvatore RIZZO
Tutor: Prof. T. La Mantia
Co-Tutor: Prof. E. Badalamenti, Prof. De Silveira
Research Interests:
- Wildlife management
- Forest sustainability
- Mammal population ecology
- Wildlife elusive species
- Wildlife stresses
- Evolution of forest systems
Faryadi SAMIRA
Tutor: Prof. A. Bonanno
Co-Tutor: Prof. A. Di Grigoli
Research Interests:
Sezin KETE
Tutor: Prof. G. Migliore
Co-Tutor: Prof. V. Borsellino
Research Interests:
- Digitalization in Agriculture and Forestry
- Forest Fire Economy and Management
- Agricultural and Forest Economics
- Sustainable Resource Management
- Climate Change Adaptation in Agri-Forestry
Carmelo TALMI
Tutor: Prof. R. Di Lorenzo
Co-Tutor: Prof. A. Pisciotta
Research Interests:
- Development and evaluation of new seedless varieties for table grapes, buddormancy
- Training systems and planting density
- Eco-physiology
- Fertigation and irrigation strategies
- Postharvest storage and quality management
- Climate change
- Sustainable viticulture practices
- Management of biotic and abiotic stresses in table grape cultivation