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International Students

ERASMUS + Extra EU Study KA107


Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility


By taking part in the Erasmus+ Programme, you can spend part of your university career studying in another EU or non Eu country, gaining a unique and culturally enriching experience.


The Erasmus+ Programme is an EU funded mobility programme allowing you to spend from three to twelve months at a European or non European university.

You can attend courses, pass exams and earn credits for your studies.


Students apply for exchange mobility at their home University.

All applicants must be students of UNIPA’s International University Partners.

ERASMUS/international students may choose between one- or two-semesters mobility period depending on the active agreement between their home university and UNIPA.

Erasmus Incoming Students must refer to the International Relations Office for all the administrative documents related to their study period at the University of Palermo.

Concerning all matters dealing with Academics, please contact the Erasmus Delegate of the respective Departments.


For 30 years, Europe has been funding the Erasmus programme, which has enabled more than 3 million European students to spend part of their studies in another higher education institution (HEI) in the rest of Europe. Erasmus+ now opens up these opportunities to individuals and organisations from other parts of the world. Through the International Credit Mobility (ICM) action, European higher education institutions can now establish mobility agreements with their counterparts in partner countries on other continents, in order to send and receive students, and teaching and administrative staff.

The KA107 allows the implementation of mobility projects consistent with the strategy of internationalization of higher education institutions. The aim of this action is to attract students and teachers to European universities, supporting them in the competition with the world market of higher education and at the same time widening the range of possible destinations for students and teachers of Europe with an openness towards the countries of the rest of the world.

The KA107 International Credit Mobility for UniPa began in 2015 with Tunisia. Subsequently, in 2017 agreements were established with three other countries (El Salvador, Tunisia and Vietnam), in 2018 agreements were established with Belarus, Serbia, Tunisia, Ukraine, The USA and Vietnam, and in 2019 agreements were established with Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia, Ukraine, Albania, Canada and Viet Nam, thanks to the capacity of the administration of international programs and educational systems.