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Université de Tunis el Manar
Polytechnic School
LM 56: Economic and Financial Sciences
- Agreement (Prof. Romana)
- Contacts +39+3909123895219
- Study program
- email: nicola.romana@unipa.it
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Université de Tunis el Manar
Humanities and Cultural Heritage School
LM 59 - Advertising and communication for the public and private sectors
- New Agreement
- Contacts +39.09123897911
- Study program
- email: marilena.macaluso@unipa.it
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Université de Tunis el Manar
Humanities and Cultural Heritage School
LM 81: Cooperation and Development
- New Agreement
- Agreement (Prof. Marcenò)
- Contacts +39091/23863333
- Study program
- email: serena.marceno@unipa.it
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Université de Tunis el Manar
Humanities and Cultural Heritage School
LM 92: Communication Theory
- New Agreement
- Agreement (Prof. Spallino)
- Contacts +39.09123863319
- Study program
- email: patrizia.spallino@unipa.it