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International Students

COT - Centro Orientamento e Tutorato




Welcome to the COT! The acronym stands for Centro Orientamento e Tutorato - Vocational and Guidance Center.
COT follows the students along the academic life with different modalities.
All our services are free and they consist of:


Vocational Service: provides students with general explanations and information about degree courses and programs at Palermo University; enrolment procedures and admission tests. Moreover, the Center offers professional help and individual counselling for the choice of academic studies, taking into account attitudes and motivations and the opportunities offered by the labour market.


Tutoring Service: provides methodological support for those students who encounter difficulties in organizing study planning and who do not succeed to have exams in time.


Psychological Counselling Service: provides psychological help for those students who show difficulties to fit into academic life and to improve social relationships.


Labour Market Service: provides students with general information about professional opportunities and promotes stage and training connections. Moreover, by means of the VULCANO database, the Service facilitates interactions between students and companies to find subsequent employment.


Our contacts: