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A. Sciortino, A. Panniello, G. Minervini, N. Mauro, G. Giammona, G. Buscarino, M. Cannas, M. Striccoli, F. Messina - Enhancing carbon dots fluorescence via plasmonic resonance energy transfer - Materials Research Bulletin, Volume 149, May 2022, 111746;

S. Chandra, A. Sciortino, S. Shandilya, L. Fang, X. Chen, H. Jiang, L. Johansson, M. Cannas, J. Ruokolainen, R. H. A. Ras, F. Messina, B. Peng, O. Ikkala - Core-Selective Silver-Doping of Gold Nanoclusters bySurface-Bound Sulphates on Colloidal Templates: FromSynthetic Mechanism to Relaxation Dynamics - Adv. Optical Mater. 2023, 11, 2201901;  DOI: 10.1002/adom.202201901 ;




M. G. Cusimano, F. Ardizzone, G. Nasillo, M. Gallo, A. Sfriso, D. Martino Chillura, D. Schillaci, F. Baldi, G. Gallo - Biogenic iron-silver nanoparticles inhibit bacterial biofilm formation due to Ag+ release as determined by a novel phycoerythrin-based assay - Applied microbial and cell physiology (2020), DOI: 10.1007/s00253-020-10686-w;
A. Coppola. P. Cancemi, L. Tomasello, V. Guarnotta, M. Pitrone, V. Failla, S. Cillino, S. Feo, G. Pizzolanti, C. Giordano - Anti-inflammatory action of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A2/B1 in patients with autoimmune endocrine disorders - Journal of Clinical Medicine (2020), DOI: 10.3390/jcm9010009;
D. Ciluffo, V. Barra, C. Coronnello, F. Contino, S. Bivona, S. Feo, A. Di Leonardo - Aneuploid IMR90 cells induced by depletion of pRB, DNMT1 and MAD2 show a common gene expression signature - Genomics (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2020.02.006;
M. Buttacavoli, N. N. Albanese, E. Roz, I. Pucci-Minafra, S. Feo, P. Cancemi - Proteomic profiling of colon cancer tissues: discovery of new candidate biomarkers - Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2020), DOI: 10.3390/ijms21093096;
R. Puleio, M. Licciardi, P. Varvarà, C. Scialabba, G. Cassata, L. Cicero, G. Cavallaro, G. Giammona - Effect of actively targeted copolymer coating on solid tumors eradication by gold nanorods-induced hyperthermia - International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2020.119641;
L. Modica De Mohac, R. Caruana, G. Cavallaro, G. Giammona, M. Licciardi - Spray-drying, solvent-casting and freeze-drying techniques: a comparative study on their suitability for the enhancement of drug dissolution rates - Pharmaceutical Research, (2020), DOI: 0.1007/s11095-020-2778-1;
A. Madonia, M. Martin-Sabi, A. Sciortino, S. Agnello, M. Cannas, S. Ammar, F. Messina, D. Schaming - Highly efficient electron transfer in a Carbon-dot Polyoxometalate Nanohybrid - J. Phys. Chem. Letters (2020), DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c01078;


M. Gazzetto, A. Sciortino, M. Nazari, E. Rohwer, G. Giammona, N. Mauro, T. Feurer, F. Messina, A. Cannizzo - Photocycle of excitons in Nitrogen-Rich Carbon Nanodots: Implications for Photocatalysis and Photovoltaics -  ACS Appl. Nano Mater. (2020), DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c01259;


V. Cavalieri - Histones, Their Variants and Post-translational Modifications in Zebrafish Development - Front Cell Dev Biol. (2020), DOI: 0.3389/fcell.2020.00456;


M. E. Lombardo, G. Zito, F. Carfì Pavia, G. Pizzolanti, C. Giordano, V. Brucato, V. La Carrubba - 3D polymeric supports promote the growth and progression of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma - Biochem Biophys Res Commun. (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.07.062;


A. Coppola. P. Cancemi, L. Tomasello, V. Guarnotta, M. Pitrone, V. Failla, S. Cillino, S. Feo, G. Pizzolanti, C. Giordano - Anti-inflammatory action of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A2/B1 in patients with autoimmune endocrine disorders - Journal of Clinical Medicine (2020) DOI: 10.3390/jcm9010009;


D. Ciluffo, V. Barra, C. Coronnello, F. Contino, S. Bivona, S. Feo, A. Di Leonardo - Aneuploid IMR90 cells induced by depletion of pRB, DNMT1 and MAD2 show a common gene expression signature - Genomics (2020) DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2020.02.006;


M. Buttacavoli, N.N. Albanese, E. Roz, I. Pucci-Minafra, S. Feo, P. Cancemi - Proteomic profiling of colon cancer tissues: discovery of new candidate biomarkers - Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2020), DOI: 10.3390/ijms21093096;


V. Ferrara, G. Zito, F. Arrabito, S. Cataldo, M. Scopelliti, C. Giordano, V. Vetri, B. Pignataro - Aqueous Processed Biopolymer Interfaces for Single-Cell Microarrays - ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (2020), DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.9b01871;


C. Sartorio, G. Giuliano, M. Scopelliti, V. Vetri, M. Leone, B. Pignataro - Synergies and compromises between charge and energy transfers in three-component organic solar cells - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2020), DOI:;


P. Cancemi, F. Di Falco, S. Feo, V. Arizza, A. Vizzini - The gelatinase MMP-9like is involved in regulation of LPS inflammatory response in Ciona robusta - Fish Shellfish Immunol. (2019), DOI: 10.1016/j.fsi.2018.11.028;
G. Perconti, P. Rubino, F. Contino, S. Bivona, G. Bertolazzi, M. Tumminello, S. Feo, A. Giallongo, C. Coronnello - RIP-Chip analysis supports different roles for AGO2 and GW182 proteins in recruiting and processing microRNA targets - BMC Bioinformatics (2019), DOI: 10.1186/s12859-019-2683-y;
G. Arrabito, V. Ferrara, A. Ottaviani, F. Cavaleri, S. Cubisino, P. Cancemi, Y.P. Ho, B.R. Knudsen, M.S. Hede, C. Pellerito, A. Desideri, S. Feo, B. Pignataro - Imbibition of fL-scale DNA-rich aqueous droplets into Porous Nylon Substrates by Molecular Printing - Langmuir (2019), DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b02893;


L. Modica De Mohac, R. Caruana, Francesco Carfì Pavia, G. Cavallaro, G. Giammona, M. Licciardi - Multicomponent Solid Dispersion as formulation strategy to improve drug efficacy: a case study of the anti colorectal cancer Irinotecan - Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology (2019), DOI: 10.1016/j.jddst.2019.04.040;


G. Di Prima, M. Licciardi, F. Carfì Pavia, A. I. Lo Monte, G. Cavallaro, G. Giammona - Microfibrillar Polymeric Ocular Inserts for Triamcinolone Acetonide Delivery - International Journal of Pharmaceutics 567 (2019), DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2019.118459;


N. Mauro, C. Scialabba, R. Puleio, P. Varvarà, M. Licciardi, G. Cavallaro, G. Giammona - SPIONs Embedded in Polyamino acid Nanogels to Synergistically Treat Tumor Microenvironment and Breast Cancer Cell - International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2019), DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2018.11.046;
A. Sciortino, M. Gazzetto, M. L. Soriano, M. Cannas, S. Cardenas, A. Cannizzo, F. Messina - Ultrafast spectroscopic investigation of fluorescent carbon nanodots: the role of passivation - Chem. Phys. (2019), DOI: 10.1039/C9CP03063H;


G. Zito, A. Coppola, G. Pizzolanti, C. Giordano - Heterogeneity of Stem Cells in the Thyroid - Adv Exp Med Biol. (2019), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-24108-7_5;


A. Coppola, P. Cancemi, L. Tomasello, V. Guarnotta, M. Pitrone, V. Failla, S. Cillino, S. Feo, G. Pizzolanti, C. Giordano - Anti-Inflammatory Action of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A2/B1 in Patients with Autoimmune Endocrine Disorders - J Clin Med. (2019), DOI: 10.3390/jcm9010009;


M. Pitrone, G. Pizzolanti, A. Coppola, L. Tomasello, S. Martorana, G. Pantuso, C. Giordano - Knockdown of NANOG Reduces Cell Proliferation and Induces G0/G1 Cell Cycle Arrest in Human Adipose Stem Cells - Int J Mol Sci. (2019), DOI: 10.3390/ijms20102580;


P. Cancemi, F. Di Falco, S. Feo, V. Arizza, A. Vizzini - The gelatinase MMP-9like is involved in regulation of LPS inflammatory response in Ciona robusta - Fish Shellfish Immunol. (2019), DOI: 10.1016/j.fsi.2018.11.028;


G. Perconti, P Rubino, F. Contino, S. Bivona, G. Bertolazzi, M. Tumminello, S. Feo, A. Giallongo, C. Coronnello - RIP-Chip analysis supports different roles for AGO2 and GW182 proteins in recruiting and processing microRNA targets - BMC Bioinformatics (2019) DOI: 10.1186/s12859-019-2683-y;


G. Arrabito, V. Ferrara, A. Ottaviani, F. Cavaleri, S. Cubisino, P. Cancemi, Y.P. Ho, B.R. Knudsen, M.S. Hede, C. Pellerito, A. Desideri, S. Feo, B. Pignataro - Imbibition of fL-scale DNA-rich aqueous droplets into Porous Nylon Substrates by Molecular Printing - Langmuir (2019) DOI: 0.1021/acs.langmuir.9b02893;


M.C. D’Oca , M. Marrale, L. Abbene , A. Bartolotta, G. Collura, F. d’Errico, F. Principato - Alanine films for EPR dosimetry of low-energy (1–30 keV) X-ray photons - Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B (2019), DOI:;


A. Fricano, F. Librizzi, E. Rao, C. Alfano, V. Vetri - Blue autofluorescence in protein aggregates “lighted on” by UV induced oxidation - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics 1867 (2019), DOI:;


G. Arrabito, F. Cavaleri, A. Porchetta, F. Ricci, V. Vetri, M. Leone, B. Pignataro - Printing Life‐Inspired Subcellular Scale Compartments with Autonomous Molecularly Crowded Confinement - Advanced Biosystems (2019), DOI:;


M. Di Giuseppe, G. Alotta, V. Agnese, D. Bellavia, G.M. Raffa, V. Vetri - Identification of circumferential regional heterogeneity of ascending thoracic aneurysmal aorta by biaxial mechanical testing - Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology (2019); DOI: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2019.04.010;


E. Rao, V. Foderà, M. Leone, V. Vetri - Direct observation of alpha-lactalbumin, adsorption and incorporation into lipid membrane and formation of lipid/protein hybrid structures Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects (2019); DOI:;




F. Amato, C. Micciche’, M. Cannas, F.M. Gelardi, B. Pignataro, M. Li Vigni, S. Agnello - Ag nanoparticles agargel nanocomposites for SERS detection of cultural heritage interest pigments - The European Physical Journal Plus (2018), DOI: 10.1140/epjp/i2018-11907-2;

A. Talà, F. Damiano, G. Gallo, E. Pinatel, M. Calcagnile, M. Testini, D. Fico, D. Rizzo, A. Sutera, G. Renzone, A. Scaloni, G. De Bellis, L. Siculella, G. E. De Benedetto, A. M. Puglia, C. Peano, P. Alifano - Pirin: A novel redox-sensitive modulator of primary and secondary metabolism in Streptomyces - Metabolic Engineering (2018), DOI: 10.1016/j.ymben.2018.06.008;
T. Faddetta, L. Abbate, G. Renzone, A. Palumbo Piccionello, A.Maggio, E. Oddo, A. Scaloni, A. M. Puglia, G. Gallo, F. Carimi, S. Fatta Del Bosco, F.rancesco Mercati - An integrated proteomic and metabolomic study to evaluate the effect of nucleus-cytoplasm interaction in a diploid citrus cybrid between sweet orange and lemon - Plant Molecular Biology (2018), DOI: 10.1007/s11103-018-0787-9;

P. Cancemi, M. Buttacavoli, G. Di Cara, N. N. Albanese, S. Bivona, I. Pucci Minafra, S. Feo - A multiomics analysis of S100 protein family in Breast Cancer - Oncotarget (2018), DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.25561;

A. Sciortino, M. Gazzetto, G. Buscarino, R. Popescu, R. Schneider, G. Giammona, D. Gerthsen, E. J. Rohwer, N. Mauro, T. Feurer, A. Cannizzo, F. Messina - Disentangling size effects and spectral homogeneity in carbon nanodots by ultrafast dynamical hole burning - Nanoscale (2018), DOI: 10.1039/C8NR02953A;
A. Sciortino, N. Mauro, G. Buscarino, L. Sciortino, R. Popescu, R. Schneider, G. Giammona, D. Gerthsen, M. Cannas, F. Messina - β-C3N4 nanocrystals: Carbon Dots with Extraordinary Morphological, Structural and Optical Homogeneity - Chem. Mater. (2018), DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b05178;


L. Sciortino, A. Sciortino, R. Popescu, R. Schneider, D. Gerthsen, S. Agnello, M. Cannas, F. Messina - Tailoring the Emission Color of Carbon Dots through Nitrogen-Induced Changes of Their Crystalline Structure -  J. Phys. Chem. C (2018), DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b04514;


V. Cavalieri, E. Baiamonte, M. Lo Iacono - Non-Primate Lentiviral Vectors and Their Applications in Gene Therapy for Ocular Disorders - Viruses (2018), DOI: 10.3390/v10060316;


L. Anello, V. Cavalieri, M. Di Bernardo - Developmental effects of the protein kinase inhibitor kenpaullone on the sea urchin embryo - Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. (2018) doi: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2017.11.001;


P. Cancemi, M. Buttacavoli, G. Di Cara, N. N. Albanese, S. Bivona, I. Pucci Minafra, S. Feo - A multiomics analysis of S100 protein family in Breast Cancer - Oncotarget (2018), DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.25561;


M. Ciabocco, P. Cancemi, M.L. Saladino, E. Caponetti, R. Alduina, M. Berrettoni - Synthesis and antibacterial activity of iron-hexacyanocobaltate nanoparticles - J Biol Inorg Chem. (2018), DOI: 10.1007/s00775-018-1544-x;


G. Collura, S. Gallo, L. Tranchina, B.F. Abbate, A. Bartolotta, F. d’Errico, M. Marrale - Analysis of the response of PVA-GTA Fricke-gel dosimeters with clinical magnetic resonance imaging - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B (2018); DOI:;

S. Bortolussi, N. Protti, M. Ferrari, I. Postuma, S. Fatemi, M. Prata, F. Ballarini, M.P. Carante, R. Farias, S.J. González, M. Marrale, S. Gallo, A. Bartolotta, G. Iacoviello, D. Nigg, S. Altieri - Neutron flux and gamma dose measurement in the BNCT irradiation facility at the TRIGA reactor of the University of Pavia - Nuclear Inst, and Methods in Physics Research B (2018), DOI:;


V. Vetri, F. Piccirilli, J. Krausser, G. Buscarino, U. Łapińska, B. Vestergaard, A. Zaccone, V. Foderà - Ethanol Controls the Self-Assembly and Mesoscopic Properties of Human Insulin Amyloid Spherulites - J. Phys. Chem. B (2018), DOI:;



M. Buttacavoli, N. N. Albanese, G. Di Cara,  R. Alduina, C. FaleriM. GalloG. PizzolantiG. GalloS. Feo, F. BaldiP. Cancemi - Anticancer activity of biogenerated silver nanoparticles: an integrated proteomic investigation - Oncotarget (2017), DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.23859
A. Piazza , F. Giannazzo , G. Buscarino, G. Fisichella, A. La Magna, F. Roccaforte, M. Cannas, F.M. Gelardi, S. Agnello - In-situ monitoring by Raman spectroscopy of the thermal doping of graphene and MoS2 in O2-controlled atmosphere - Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology (2017), DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.8.44

A. Modica, M. F. Alberghina, M. Brai, M. Bruno, M. Di Bella, D. Fontana, L. Tranchina - XRF analysis to identify historical photographic processes: The case of some Interguglielmi Jr.’s images from the Palermo Municipal Archive - Radiation Physics and Chemistry (2017), DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2017.02.026
A. Sciortino, A. Madonia, M. Gazzetto, L. Sciortino, E. TJ Rohwer, T. Feurer, F. Gelardi, M. Cannas, A. Cannizzo, F. Messina - The interaction of photoexcited Carbon Nanodots with metal ions disclosed down to the femtosecond scale - Nanoscale (2017), DOI: 10.1039/C7NR03754F;

E. Baiamonte, R. Barone, F. Contino, R. Di Stefano, A. Marfia, A. Filosa, E. D’Angelo, S. Feo, S. Acuto, A. Maggio -Granulocyte–colony stimulating factor plus plerixafor in patients with β-thalassemia major results in the effective mobilization of primitive CD34+ cells with specific gene expression profile - Thalassemia Reports (2017) DOI: 10.4081/thal.2017.6392;
M. Buttacavoli, N.N. Albanese, G. Di Cara, R. Alduina, C. Faleri, M. Gallo, G. Pizzolanti, G. Gallo, S. Feo, F. Baldi, P. Cancemi - Anticancer activity of biogenerated silver nanoparticle: an integrated proteomic investigation - Oncotarget (2017), DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.23859;
A. Sciortino, A. Madonia, M. Gazzetto, L. Sciortino, E. J. Rohwer, T. Feurer, F. M. Gelardi, M. Cannas, A.Cannizzo, F. Messina - The interaction of photoexcited Carbon nanodots with metal ions disclosed down to the femtosecond scale -  Nanoscale (2017), DOI: 0.1039/C7NR03754F;


V. Cavalieri, G. Spinelli - Environmental epigenetics in zebrafish - Epigenetics & Chromatin (2017), DOI: 10.1186/s13072-017-0154-0;


V. Cavalieri, F. Geraci, G. Spinelli G - Diversification of spatiotemporal expression and copy number variation of the echinoid hbox12/pmar1/micro1 multigene family - PLoS One. (2017), DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174404.
L. Tomasello, R. Mauceri, A. Coppola, M. Pitrone, G. Pizzo, G. Campisi, G. Pizzolanti, C. Giordano - Mesenchymal stem cells derived from inflamed dental pulpal and gingival tissue: a potential application for bone formation - Stem Cell Res Ther. (2017), DOI: 10.1186/s13287-017-0633-z;


A. Coppola, L. Tomasello, M. Pitrone, S. Cillino, P. Richiusa, G. Pizzolanti, C. Giordano - Human limbal fibroblast-like stem cells induce immune-tolerance in autoreactive T lymphocytes from female patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis - Stem Cell Res Ther. (2017), DOI: 10.1186/s13287-017-0611-5;


M. Pitrone, G. Pizzolanti, L. Tomasello, A. Coppola, L. Morini, G. Pantuso, R. Ficarella, V. Guarnotta, S. Perrini, F. Giorgino, C. Giordano - NANOG Plays a Hierarchical Role in the Transcription Network Regulating the Pluripotency and Plasticity of Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells - Int J Mol Sci. (2017), DOI: 10.3390/ijms18061107;


E. Baiamonte, R. Barone, F. Contino, R. Di Stefano, A. Marfia, A. Filosa, E. D’Angelo, S. Feo, S. Acuto, A. Maggio -Granulocyte–colony stimulating factor plus plerixafor in patients with β-thalassemia major results in the effective mobilization of primitive CD34+ cells with specific gene expression profile - Thalassemia Reports (2017), DOI: 10.4081/thal.2017.6392;


M. Buttacavoli, N.N. Albanese, G. Di Cara, R. Alduina, C. Faleri, M. Gallo, G. Pizzolanti, G. Gallo, S. Feo, F. Baldi, P. Cancemi - Anticancer activity of biogenerated silver nanoparticle: an integrated proteomic investigation - Oncotarget (2017), DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.23859;

M. Marrale, L. Abbene, F. d'Errico, S. Gallo, A. Longo, S. Panzeca, L. Tana, L. Tranchina, F. Principato - Characterization of the ESR response of alanine dosimeters to low-energy Cu-target X-tube photons - Radiation Measurements (2017), DOI:;


G. Gambarini, I. Veronese, L. Bettinelli, M. Felisi, M. Gargano, N. Ludwig, C. Lenardi, M. Carrara, G. Collura, S. Gallo, A. Longo, M. Marrale, L. Tranchina, F. d’Errico - Study of optical absorbance and MR relaxation of Fricke xylenol orange gel dosimeters - Radiation Measurements (2017), DOI:;


M. Marrale, G. Collura, S. Gallo, S. Nici, L. Tranchina, B.F. Abbate, S. Marineo, S. Caracappa, F. d’Errico - Analysis of spatial diffusion of ferric ions in PVA-GTA gel dosimeters through magnetic resonance imaging - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B (2017), DOI:;


S. Gallo, G. Iacoviello, A. Bartolotta, D. Dondi, S. Panzeca, M. Marrale - ESR dosimeter material properties of phenols compound exposed to radiotherapeutic electron beams - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B (2017), DOI:;


S. Gallo, G. Collura, G. Iacoviello, A. Longo, L. Tranchina, A. Bartolotta, F. D'Errico, M. Marrale - Preliminary magnetic resonance relaxometric analysis of fricke gel dosimeters produced with polyvinyl alcohol and glutaraldehyde - Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection (2017), DOI:;


A. Longo, G. Collura, S. Gallo, A. Bartolotta, M. Marrale - Monte Carlo simulation of energy absorbed in phenolic ESR dosimeters added with gadolinium exposed to thermal, epithermal and fast neutrons - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B (2017), DOI:;


E.A. Ainsbury, D. Samaga, S. Della Monaca, M. Marrale, C. Bassinet, C. I. Burbidge, V. Correcher, M. Discher, J. Eakins, P. Fattibene, İ. Güçlü, M. Higueras, E. Lund, N. Maltar-Strmečki, S. McKeever, C. L. Rääf, S. Sholom, I. Veronese, A. Wieser, C. Woda, F. Trompier - Uncertainty on radiation doses estimated by biological and retrospective physical methods - Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2017), DOI:;


S. Gallo, G. Iacoviello, S. Panzeca, I. Veronese, A. Bartolotta, D. Dondi, A.M. Gueli, G. Loi, A. Longo, E. Mones, M. Marrale - Characterization of phenolic pellets for ESR dosimetry in photon beam radiotherapy - Radiat Environ Biophys (2017), DOI:;


A. Li Volsi, C. Scialabba, V. Vetri, G. Cavallaro, M. Licciardi, G.Giammona - Near-Infrared Light Responsive Folate Targeted Gold Nanorods for Combined Photothermal-Chemotherapy of Osteosarcoma - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b03711;



A. Modica, M. Bruno, M. Di Bella, M. F. Alberghina, M. Brai, D. Fontana, L. Tranchina - Characterization of foxing stains in early twentieth century photographic and paper materials - Natural Product Research (2016), DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2016.1180600  
M. Todaro , A. Alessi, L. Sciortino, S. Agnello, M. Cannas, F.M. Gelardi, G. Buscarino - Investigation by Raman Spectroscopy of the Decomposition Process of HKUST-1 upon Exposure to Air - Journal of Spectroscopy (2016), DOI: 10.1155/2016/8074297


A.Piazza, F. Giannazzo, G. Buscarino, G. Fisichella, A. La Magna, F. Roccaforte, M.  Cannas, F.M. Gelardi, B. Pignataro, M. Scopelliti, S. Agnello - Substrate and atmosphere influence on oxygen p-doped graphene - Carbon (2016), DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2016.06.077;
C. Cangialosi, S. Girard, M. Cannas, A. Boukenter, E. Marin, S. Agnello, S. Delepine-Lesoille, C. Marcandella, P. Paillet, Y. Ouerdane - On-line characterization of gamma radiation effects on single-ended raman based distributed fiber optic sensor - IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (2016), DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2016.2528584;
L. Tomasello, R. Musso, G.Cillino, M. Pitrone, G. Pizzolanti, A. Coppola, W. Arancio, G. Di Cara, I. Pucci-Minafra, S.Cillino and C. Giordano - Donor age and long-term culture do not negatively influence the stem potential of limbal fibroblast-like stem cells - Stem Cell Research & Therapy (2016), DOI: 10.1186/s13287-016-0342-z;
F. Valentini, E. Ciambella, A. Boaretto, G. Rizzitelli, M. Carbone, V. Conte, F. Cataldo, V. Russo, C. Spartaco Casari, D. F. Chillura Martino, E. Caponetti, M. Bonchio, F. Giacalone, Z. Syrgiannis, M. Prato - Sensor Properties of Pristine and Functionalized Carbon Nanohorns - Electroanalysis (2016), DOI: 10.1002/elan.201501171;
F. Armetta, M. A. Sibeko, A. S. Luyt, D. F. Chillura Martino, A. Spinella, M. L. Saladino - Influence of the Ce:YAG Amount on Structure and Optical Properties of Ce:YAG-PMMA Composites for White LED - Z. Phys. Chem. (2016), DOI: 10.1515/zpch-2015-0703;

M. L. Saladino, F. Armetta, M. A. Sibeko, A. S. LuytD. F. Chillura Martino, E. Caponetti - Preparation and characterisation of Ce:YAG - polycarbonate composites for white LED - Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2016), DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.01.009;


M.G. Di Carlo, V. Vetri, G. Buscarino, M. Leone, B. Vestergaard, V. Foderà  - Trifluoroethanol modulates α-synuclein amyloid-like aggregate formation, stability and dissolution - Biophysical Chemistry (2016), DOI: 10.1016/j.bpc.2016.06.003;

M. G. Santangelo, V. Foderà, V. Militello, V. Vetri - Back to the oligomeric state: PH-induced dissolution of concanavalin A amyloid-like fibrils into non-native oligomers -  RSC Advances (2016), DOI: 10.1039/C6RA16690C;

C. Sartorio, S. Scaramuzza, S. Cataldo, V. Vetri, M. Scopelliti, M. Leone, V. Amendola, B. Pignataro - Donor-Acceptor Interfaces by Engineered Nanoparticles Assemblies for Enhanced Efficiency in Plastic Planar Heterojunction Solar Cells -  The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2016), DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b07302;

G. Arrabito, F. Cavaleri, V. Montalbano, V. Vetri, M. Leone, B. Pignataro - Monitoring few molecular binding events in scalable confined aqueous compartments by raster image correlation spectroscopy - Lab Chip (2016), DOI: 10.1039/C6LC01072E;

E. Baiamonte, G. Spinelli, A. Maggio, S. Acuto, V. Cavalieri  - The Sea Urchin sns5 Chromatin Insulator Shapes the Chromatin Architecture of a Lentivirus Vector Integrated in the Mammalian Genome - Nucleic Acid Ther. (2016), DOI:  10.1089/nat.2016.0614;


G. Arrabito, F. Cavaleri, V. Montalbano, V. Vetri, M. Leone, B. Pignataro - Monitoring few molecular binding events in scalable confined aqueous compartments by raster image correlation spectroscopy (CADRICS) - Lab Chip 1 Lab (2016), DOI:;