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IT Services




Scientific Leader: Prof. Giuseppe Lo Re
Co-Leader: Prof. Roberto Pirrone

The laboratory offers the possibility to run HPC applications on the ATeN infrastructure. Additionally, it is possible to run CPU intensive programs as well as software codes that can benefit from running on GPUs.
AteN HPC system consists of an architecture distributed by over 32 independent nodes, each with 2 Intel Xeon E5-2650v2 2.60 GHz CPUs for a total of 512 cores and 4 additional nodes with 2 Intel Xeon E5-2650v2 2.60 GHz CPUs for a total of 64 cores and 2 GPUs per node for a total of 19968 GPU cores.
The presence of 2 additional master management nodes, on which it is not possible to perform processing, guarantees access to the calculation nodes through the Dell grid-engine system.
All nodes are interconnected via a high-speed InfiniBand communication protocol, with a 1Gbps outgoing network interface.
The technical details of the two units are shown in the following table.
Total Cores
Dell PowerEdge C6000
64 GB
2 Intel Xeon CPU
E5-2650v2 2.60 GHz
512 CPU core
Dell PowerEdge R720
64 GB
2 Intel Xeon CPU
E5-2650v2 2.60 GHz
64 CPU core + 19968 GPU core
The infrastructure is managed by a 64-bit CentOS 6.8 operating system, designed to provide an enterprise-class platform based on GNU/Linux.