The lab provides a wide range of fluorescence microscopy measurements with technical assistance; Confocal and TIRF fluorescence microscopes are available, both for standard imaging and single molecule techniques that allows exploring the structure, dynamics and function of fluorescent molecules in different environments. Moreover, a pulsed Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) in this lab provides advanced chemical-physical analysis of target paramagnetic species suitable for applications in biological, medical, chemical and physical sciences application as well as for quality controls on different systems.
Dosimetry: Methods development for quality control, ionizing radiation dosimetry; detection of irradiated foods; dating of archaeological finds; paints and polymers degradation analysis; analysis of polymerization reactions; diamond defects; optical fiber defects; organic conductors; effects of impurities/defects on semiconductors; efficiency of cigarette filters; fermented beverage analysis; behavior of free radicals to corrosion; analysis of antioxidants and radical scavengers; enzymatic reactions analysis; analysis of oxidation and reduction processes.
Fields of application: Materials sciences, Bio-nanotechnology, Agribusiness, Archaeometrics, Engineering, Pharmaceutical and Medical.