Macroarea 2 - Biocompatible Materials and Systems
This area offers services related to the synthesis, development, analysis, validation, treatment and characterization of materials for biotechnological studies applied to human health, including prosthetics, tissue regeneration and drug release. It is able to provide services in the field of tissue regeneration and engineering, biosynthesis and development of reticular biopolymers, analysis services of biomaterials prepared by third parties, nano and microtransportation for drugs and biomolecules.
Representative on the Board: Prof. Roberto Scaffaro
Laboratories included in the Macroarea 2:
Preparation and Analysis of Biomaterials (Scientific Leader: Prof. Mariano Licciardi)
Electron Microscopy (Scientific Leader: Prof. Vincenzo La Carrubba)
Mechanics of Materials and Biomaterials (Scientific Leader: Prof. Massimiliano Zingales)