Presentation of SSGES
The School of Juridical and Economic-Social Sciences (SSGES), with institutional headquarters in via Maqueda, n. 172, is composed of the following Departments:
- Department of Law (DIGI),
- Department of Economics, Business and Statistics (SEAS),
- Department of Political Science and International Relations (DEMS),
- Department of Cultures and Society.
The School has been chaired since March 2019 by Prof. Fabio Mazzola, former Vice Rector, Delegate of the Rector to the Presidency of the School.
The School of Juridical and Economic-Social Sciences covers three subject areas: Administration, International Cooperation and Tourism, Legal Studies.
Disciplinary field of Administration Sciences includes the Degree Course in Administration and Organization Science and Labor Consulting (L-16), the Master's Degree Program in Complex Administration and Organizations Science (LM-63) with the possibility of double title with Hanoi University (Vietnam). The Degree Course aims at acquiring basic knowledge, method and cultural, scientific and professional content for legal, economic, political-institutional and organizational-management training, in the field of Public Administrations and in that of Business Administration, as well as Labor Consultancy. The Master course aims to provide advanced knowledge and multidisciplinary methodological skills in political, social, institutional, economic, juridical and managerial disciplines suitable for training professionals with high planning, organizational and developmental skills in public services and private, specialized skills in important areas of the administration and to provide a critical, comparative and practical analysis of the issues related to administration in the public and private sectors.
Disciplinary field International Cooperation and Tourism includes the Degree Course in Economic Development, International Cooperation and Migration Studies (L-37), the Degree Course in Tourism Sciences (L-15), with two locations respectively in Palermo and Trapani, and the Master's Degree Program in Tourism Systems and Hospitality Management (LM-49). The Course in Economic Development, International Cooperation and Migration Studies aims to provide students with the tools necessary for understanding the problems inherent in economic growth and sustainable development, policies to combat poverty and the processes of modernization and change in social systems economic. The fundamental competences of the course concern both the economic and cooperation spheres at regional and local level, as well as the sociological dimension and political change processes. The Course in Tourism Sciences aims to train students with high skills and adequate tools to operate in the tourism field. The course is characterized by the specific educational objective of providing the tools to design and implement policies aimed at qualifying the tourism offer, with particular reference to the enhancement of cultural and environmental assets. It also aims to provide management skills to operate in a managerial perspective within companies and institutions. The Master's Degree in Tourism Systems and Hospitality Management is a professional able to develop, manage and promote development projects of the tourism system and to manage the hospitality system. The course of study, in collaboration with the Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management of Florida International University (Miami, USA) is entirely in English; offers an international preparation to face the new challenges of the tourism sector.
Disciplinary field of Juridical Studies proposes the Single-cycle Master's Degree Course in Law (LMG/01), with two locations in Palermo and Trapani respectively. The course trains jurists able to access traditional legal professions (magistracy, notary, advocacy) or careers in public, national and supranational institutions. The Degree Course in Business Legal Consultant, activated at the Trapani, aims to satisfy the most advanced demands of the labor market, linked to the emergence of the profiles of the company lawyer and the expert in financial markets.
The School of Legal and Economic-Social Sciences also includes the School of Specialization for Legal Professions "G. Scaduto".
The institutional seat of the School of Juridical and Economic-Social Sciences is located at the premises of the former Seventeenth-century Factory of the Teatine Regular Clerical Fathers of San Giuseppe (formerly the seat of the former Faculty of Law). The architectural structure of the Fabbrica is the result of several annexations that followed one another over time: it was 1603 when the ancient Church of S. Elia at Porta Giudaica, “so named because of its proximity to the ancient city gate that led to the Jewish quarter , which became first, on the orders of the Viceroy, of the 'ceto' of carpenters taking the name of Church of San Giuseppe ”, was granted to the Teatini Fathers. In 1805, with the establishment of the University within some rooms of the Convent, a part of the Fabbrica was transferred to the House of the Novices of the Chain and a project of formal reorganization of the envelope was elaborated by Giuseppe Venanzio Marvuglia A wall that provided for the redistribution of premises in response to changing needs. From 1818 onwards, as reported in numerous documents, Marvuglia's activity continued through the creative genius of various authors, including certain Marabitti and Gentile. The latter was responsible for the design of the Aula Magna, intended for the celebration of doctoral degrees, with its gallery paved with marble, and the architectural elaboration of the Vestibule of the access stairway. Between 1915 and 1917, during the Rectorate of Giovanni Baviera, the Engineer Antonio Zanca elaborated a decoration project of the Aula Magna, subsequently modified in 1930 with Baroque architectural inspiration and realized, around 1935, together with the access stairway . The painter Arduino Angelucci is the author of the frescoes that decorate the ceiling of the Aula Magna, as can be appreciated today. These frescoes, covered in the 1950s with wooden superstructures and curtains, were later unearthed with the rest of Billiemi's sculptural limestone decoration. A large central fresco depicting Garibaldi's entrance to Palermo and some panels containing portraits of illustrious exponents of the Sciences, Letters and the Arts are still visible today.
The School of Juridical and Economic-Social Sciences also has premises located in the former Convento della Martorana (via Maqueda, n. 175).