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Curriculum and Research


Academic Year Subject identification code Subject name ECTS Course of study


Date Title Type Record
2025 Rad4XCNN: A new agnostic method for post-hoc global explanation of CNN-derived features by means of Radiomics Articolo in rivista Go to
2025 DicomOS: A Preliminary Study on a Linux-Based Operating System Tailored for Medical Imaging and Enhanced Interoperability in Radiology Workflows Articolo in rivista Go to
2025 Designing an Intelligent Cyber-Biological System for Enhanced Analysis and Monitoring of Organoids Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2025 Using AI explainable models and handwriting/drawing tasks for psychological well-being Articolo in rivista Go to
2024 An intelligent Medical Cyber-Physical System to support heart valve disease screening and diagnosis Articolo in rivista Go to
2024 Interpretable Radiomic Signature for Breast Microcalcification Detection and Classification Articolo in rivista Go to
2024 Shallow and deep learning classifiers in medical image analysis Review essay (rassegna critica) Go to
2024 MUGI-MRI: Enhancing Breast Cancer Classification through Multiplex Graph Neural Networks in DCE-MRI Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2024 Artificial intelligence-based, semi-automated segmentation for the extraction of ultrasound-derived radiomics features in breast cancer: a prospective multicenter study Articolo in rivista Go to
2024 The Clinical Relevance of Artificial Intelligence in Migraine Review essay (rassegna critica) Go to
2024 Breast cancer classification through multivariate radiomic time series analysis in DCE-MRI sequences Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Impact of Wavelet Kernels on Predictive Capability of Radiomic Features: A Case Study on COVID-19 Chest X-ray Images Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 CT Radiomic Features and Clinical Biomarkers for Predicting Coronary Artery Disease Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Breast Cancer Localization and Classification in Mammograms Using YoloV5 Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2023 Explainable Machine-Learning Models for COVID-19 Prognosis Prediction Using Clinical, Laboratory and Radiomic Features Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Epicardial and thoracic subcutaneous fat texture analysis in patients undergoing cardiac CT Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Transformer-Based Approach to Melanoma Detection Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Epicardial Adipose Tissue Changes during Statin Administration in Relation to the Body Mass Index: A Longitudinal Cardiac CT Study Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: Diagnosis, Follow-up and Role of Radiomics in a Single Center Experience Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Machine Learning for Early Diagnosis of ATTRv Amyloidosis in Non-Endemic Areas: A Multicenter Study from Italy Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 A Yolo-Based Model for Breast Cancer Detection in Mammograms Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 ML-Based Radiomics Analysis for Breast Cancer Classification in DCE-MRI Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2022 An Optimized Architecture for CGA Operations and Its Application to a Simulated Robotic Arm Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 A Novel System for Multi-level Crohn’s Disease Classification and Grading Based on a Multiclass Support Vector Machine Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2021 Fingerprint classification based on deep learning approaches: Experimental findings and comparisons Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 A computational study on temperature variations in mrgfus treatments using prf thermometry techniques and optical probes Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Geometric Calculus Applications to Medical Imaging: Status and Perspectives Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2021 A Novel Bio-Inspired Approach for High-Performance Management in Service-Oriented Networks Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 CNN-Based Prostate Zonal Segmentation on T2-Weighted MR Images: A Cross-Dataset Study Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2020 Recent advances of HCI in decision-making tasks for optimized clinical workflows and precision medicine Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Bio-inspired security analysis for IoT scenarios Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 A multimodal retina-iris biometric system using the levenshtein distance for spatial feature comparison Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Evaluation of a Support Vector Machine Based Method for Crohn’s Disease Classification Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2020 HCI for biomedical decision-making: From diagnosis to therapy Nota o commento Go to
2020 Implementation and evaluation of medical imaging techniques based on conformal geometric algebra Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 A novel solution based on scale invariant feature transform descriptors and deep learning for the detection of suspicious regions in mammogram images Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Computer-assisted approaches for uterine fibroid segmentation in MRgFUS treatments: Quantitative evaluation and clinical feasibility analysis Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2019 A novel framework for MR image segmentation and quantification by using MedGA Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Towards human cell simulation Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2019 Medical data processing and analysis for remote health and activities monitoring Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2019 A Survey on Nature-Inspired Medical Image Analysis: A Step Further in Biomedical Data Integration Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Use of the KSVM-based system for the definition, validation and identification of the incisional hernia recurrence risk factors Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 A semi-automatic approach for epicardial adipose tissue segmentation and quantification on cardiac CT scans Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 USE-Net: Incorporating Squeeze-and-Excitation blocks into U-Net for prostate zonal segmentation of multi-institutional MRI datasets Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 BIAM: a new bio-inspired analysis methodology for digital ecosystems based on a scale-free architecture Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Fully automatic multispectral MR image segmentation of prostate gland based on the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2018 A kernel support vector machine based technique for Crohnâ s disease classification in human patients Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2018 NeXt for neuro-radiosurgery: A fully automatic approach for necrosis extraction in brain tumor MRI using an unsupervised machine learning technique Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 An Empirical Set of Metrics for Embedded Systems Testing Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Energy efficiency evaluation of dynamic partial reconfiguration in field programmable gate arrays: An experimental case study Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 GTVcut for neuro-radiosurgery treatment planning: an MRI brain cancer seeded image segmentation method based on a cellular automata model Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 A framework for data-driven adaptive GUI generation based on DICOM Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 A bio-inspired approach to attack graphs analysis Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2017 Embedded Coprocessors for Native Execution of Geometric Algebra Operations Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 An enhanced random walk algorithm for delineation of head and neck cancers in PET studies Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Automated prostate gland segmentation based on an unsupervised fuzzy C-means clustering technique using multispectral T1w and T2w MR imaging Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Design exploration of aes accelerators on FPGAS and GPUs Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 A Bio-Inspired Cognitive Agent for Autonomous Urban Vehicles Routing Optimization Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 GAPPCO: An Easy to Configure Geometric Algebra Coprocessor Based on GAPP Programs Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Automatic multi-seed detection for MR breast image segmentation Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2017 Resource-efficient hardware implementation of a neural-based node for automatic fingerprint classification Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 A fully automatic approach for multimodal PET and MR image segmentation in gamma knife treatment planning Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 An edge-driven 3D region growing approach for upper airways morphology and volume evaluation in patients with Pierre Robin sequence Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Unsupervised tissue classification of brain MR images for voxel-based morphometry analysis Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Combining split-and-merge and multi-seed region growing algorithms for uterine fibroid segmentation in MRgFUS treatments Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Quantification of epicardial adipose tissue in coronary calcium score and CT coronary angiography image data sets: comparison of attenuation values, thickness and volumes Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Neuro-radiosurgery treatments: MRI brain tumor seeded image segmentation based on a cellular automata model Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2016 GAPP Compiler for Hardware Accelerated Geometric Algebra Computing Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2016 Quantificazione del tessuto adiposo epicardico in Calcium Score e Cardio-TC: confronto tra valori di attenuazione, spessore e volumi. Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2016 Studio quantitativo della densità ossea dell’ottava vertebra toracica in pazienti sottoposti a TC del cuore Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2016 A fully automatic method for biological target volume segmentation of brain metastases Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Feature Dimensionality Reduction for Mammographic Report Classification Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2016 Semi-automatic Brain Lesion Segmentation in Gamma Knife Treatments Using an Unsupervised Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Technique Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2015 An Ontology-Based Retrieval System for Mammographic Reports Proceedings Go to
2015 An automatic method for metabolic evaluation of gamma knife treatments Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2015 An Unsupervised Method for Suspicious Regions Detection in Mammogram Images Proceedings Go to
2015 Radial Basis Function Interpolation for Referenceless Thermometry Enhancement Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2015 Gamma Knife treatment planning: MR brain tumor segmentation and volume measurement based on unsupervised Fuzzy C-Means clustering Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Fingerprint quality evaluation in a novel embedded authentication system for mobile users Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 A Family of Embedded Coprocessors with Native Geometric Algebra Support Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2015 ConformalALU: a Conformal Geometric Algebra Coprocessor for Medical Image Processing Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Biometric sensors rapid prototyping on field-programmable gate arrays Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 A fully automatic 2D segmentation method for uterine fibroid in MRgFUS treatment evaluation Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 A novel numerical meshless approach for electric potential estimation in transcranial stimulation Proceedings Go to
2015 Assessment of volume and density of epicardial fat: comparison between CT calcium score and CT coronary angiography scans. Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2015 An heuristic approach for the training dataset selection in fingerprint classification tasks Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2015 An Automatic Method for PET Delineation of Cervical Tumors Abstract in rivista Go to
2015 Evaluation of Platinum-based Therapy Response in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Abstract in rivista Go to
2015 Metabolic response assessment in non-small cell lung cancer patients after platinum-based therapy: A preliminary analysis Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 An edge-driven 3D region-growing approach for upper airway morphology and volume evaluation in patients with Pierre Robin sequence Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Accelerating Clifford Algebra Operations using GPUs and an OpenCL Code Generator Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2014 Editorial Curatela Go to
2014 Message from the IEEE MCSoC-14 program co-chairs Curatela Go to
2014 EDITORIAL Curatela Go to
2014 Come effettuare il calcolo del volume del grasso epicardico mediante software semiautomatico in pazienti sottoposti a TC del cuore Proceedings Go to
2014 A text based indexing system for mammographic image retrieval and classification Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 A Novel Technique for Fingerprint Classification based on Fuzzy C-Means and Naive Bayes Classifier Proceedings Go to
2014 SINCONAPP: A Computerized learning tool for CBCT normal anatomy and variants of the nose and paranasal sinuses Proceedings Go to
2014 Referenceless Thermometry using Radial Basis Function Interpolation Proceedings Go to
2014 Usability analysis of a novel biometric authentication approach for android-based mobile devices Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Quantificazione del grasso epicardico mediante TC del cuore: associazione con i fattori di rischio cardiovascolare e con l'aterosclerosi coronarica Proceedings Go to
2014 An Osirix based plug-in for the study of dimensional and densitometric changes of hepatic metastases on CT images Poster pubblicato in rivista Go to
2014 Illumination Correction on Biomedical Images Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Disfunzione del tessuto adiposo e diabete mellito tipo 2: scarsa utilità diagnostica della quantificazione del grasso tramite RMN. Proceedings Go to
2014 Come quantificare la fibrosi del miocardio ventricolare sinistro mediante software semiautomatico in pazienti sottoposti a risonanza magnetica cardiaca per sospetta miocardite Proceedings Go to
2014 Confronto tra acquisizioni di Calcium Score e CardioTC per la quantificazione del volume e della densità del grasso epicardico Proceedings Go to
2014 Design and Implementation of an Efficient Fingerprint Features Extractor Proceedings Go to
2014 A Fast Fusion Technique for Fingerprint and Iris Spatial Descriptors in Multimodal Biometric Systems Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Welcome message from the workshop organizers : IIHCI 2014 Curatela Go to
2014 Proceedings - 2014 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoCs, MCSoC 2014 Curatela Go to
2014 A Novel Expert System for Non-Invasive Liver Iron Overload Estimation in Thalassemic Patients Proceedings Go to
2013 A Specialized Architecture for Color Image Edge Detection Based on Clifford Algebra Proceedings Go to
2013 Bayesian Network Based Classification of Mammography Structured Reports Proceedings Go to
2013 MRgFUS Uterine Fibroids treatments in Sicily: Preliminary Results and comparison of a Semi-Automatic and manual contouring Proceedings Go to
2013 A Graph-Based Method for PET Image Segmentation in Radiotherapy Planning: A Pilot Study Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2013 A graph-based method for biological target volume segmentation Proceedings Go to
2013 Welcome message from the workshops co-chairs of CISIS 2013 international conference Curatela Go to
2013 Design and implementation of an embedded coprocessor with native support for 5D, quadruple-based Clifford algebra Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Message from the workshop co-chairs BWCCA 2013 Curatela Go to
2013 Assessing Coastal Sustainability: A Bayesian Approach for Modeling and Estimating a Global Index for Measuring Risk Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Fingerprint and Iris based Authentication in Intercooperative Emerging e-Infrastructures Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2013 An Advanced Technique for User Identification Using Partial Fingerprint Proceedings Go to
2013 Smart Wireless Sensor Networks and Biometric Authentication for Real Time Traffic Light Junctions Management Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Welcome message from the IIHCI-2013 workshop organizers Curatela Go to
2013 A Novel Approach for Faulty Sensor Detection and Data Correction in Wireless Sensor Network Proceedings Go to
2013 An Embedded Biometric Sensor for Ubiquitous Authentication Proceedings Go to
2013 Welcome message from the program committee co-chairs Curatela Go to
2013 Visceral Adiposity Index (VAI) as a simple indicator of “adipose tissue dysfunction” in patients with type 2 diabetes. Proceedings Go to
2013 A semi-automatic multi-seed region-growing approach for uterine fibroids segmentation in MRgFUS treatment Proceedings Go to
2013 A Real-Time Network Architecture for Biometric Data Delivery in Ambient Intelligence Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 A novel web service for mammography images indexing Proceedings Go to
2012 A novel automated tool for calculating upper airways volume in patients with isolated Pierre Robin Sequence (IPRS) Proceedings Go to
2012 Fuzzy Techniques for Access and Data Management in Home Automation Environments Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 A dual-core coprocessor with native 4D Clifford algebra support Proceedings Go to
2012 Proceedings della Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2012) Curatela Go to
2012 Design Space Exploration of Parallel Embedded Architectures for Native Clifford Algebra Operations Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Fingerprint Traits and RSA Algorithm Fusion Technique Proceedings Go to
2012 Message from BWCCA 2012 international conference workshop co-chairs Curatela Go to
2012 Clifford Algebra based Edge Detector for Color Images Proceedings Go to
2012 Biologically Inspired Hardware: Status and Perspectives Invited Talk Proceedings Go to
2011 Fixed-size Quadruples for a New, Hardware-Oriented Representation of the 4D Clifford Algebra Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Multi-Platform Agent Systems with Dynamic Reputation Policy Management Proceedings Go to
2011 A New Embedded Coprocessor for Clifford Algebra based Software Intensive Systems Proceedings Go to
2011 A Programmable Networked Processing Node for 3D Brain Vessels Reconstruction Proceedings Go to
2011 Novel Human-to-Human Interactions from the Evolution of HCI Proceedings Go to
2011 Human-to-human interfaces: emerging trends and challenges Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Embedded access points for trusted data and resources access in HPC systems Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Topological Information, Flux Balance Analysis, and Extreme Pathways Extraction for Metabolic Networks Behaviour Investigation Proceedings Go to
2011 A real-time non-intrusive FPGA-based drowsiness detection system Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 An Embedded Processor for Metabolic Networks Optimization Proceedings Go to
2010 Bright Pupil Detection in an Embedded, Real-time Drowsiness Monitoring System Proceedings Go to
2010 An embedded iris recognizer for portable and mobile devices Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 Recent Advances in Mobile and Multimedia Applications Abstract in rivista Go to
2010 Reti metaboliche: studio e simulazione delle variazioni dei parametri strutturali al variare della temperatura Proceedings Go to
2010 Introducing Pseudo-Singularity Points for Efficient Fingerprints Classification and Recognition Proceedings Go to
2010 Visceral Adiposity Index (VAI): A Reliable Indicator Of Visceral Fat Function Associated With Cardiometabolic Risk. Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 Multi-modal biometric authentication systems Proceedings Go to
2010 A Frequency-based Approach for Features Fusion in Fingerprint and Iris Multimodal Biometric Identification Systems Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 Automatic Volumetric Liver Segmentation Using Texture Based Region Growing Proceedings Go to
2010 Multimodal and Agent-Based Human–Computer Interaction in Cultural Heritage Applications: an Overview Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2010 Proceedings della Fourth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2010) Curatela Go to
2010 BioAnalysis: a Framework for Structural and Functional Robustness Analysis of Metabolic Networks Proceedings Go to
2009 An Extended Jade-S Based Framework for Developing Secure Multi-Agent Systems Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 A SIR based method for pancreas iron burden measurement in MRI T2* GRE sequences. Proceedings Go to
2009 An Embedded Fingerprints Classification System based on Weightless Neural Networks Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2009 An User-Friendly Interface for Fingerprint Recognition Systems based on Natural Language Processing Proceedings Go to
2009 An Embedded, FPGA-based Computer Graphics Coprocessor with Native Geometric Algebra Support Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 Neural Networks and Metabolic Networks: Fault Tolerance and Robustness Features Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2009 An Embedded Module for Iris Micro-Characteristics Extraction Proceedings Go to
2009 A Multimodal Technique for an Embedded Fingerprint Recognizer in Mobile Payment Systems Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 GUI Usability in Medical Imaging Proceedings Go to
2009 Intelligent Interfaces for Human-Computer Interaction (IIHCI): Welcome message from workshop organizers Curatela Go to
2008 IIHCI 2008 - Welcome Message from the Organizers Curatela Go to
2008 Information Assurance and Advanced Human-Computer Interfaces Articolo in rivista Go to
2008 Semi-automated evaluation of small bowel mural attenuation at CT enterography using different temporal windows in patients affected by active Crohn disease Proceedings Go to
2008 Morphological Enhancement and Triangular Matching for Fingerprint Recognition Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2008 An Embedded Real-Time Lane-Keeper for Automatic Vehicle Driving Proceedings Go to
2008 An FPGA Implementation of a Quadruple-Based Multiplier for 4D Clifford Algebra Proceedings Go to
2008 An Embedded Fingerprint Recognizer Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2008 Biometric Authentication Technologies Proceedings Go to
2008 Multislice human organ extraction based on GVF Proceedings Go to
2008 Three Hours Ahead Prevision of SO2 Pollutant Concentration Using an Elman Neural based Forecaster Articolo in rivista Go to
2008 Reti Logiche Altro Go to
2008 Valutazione semi-automatica dell’impregnazione post-contrastografica delle anse intestinali sede di malattia di Crohn, utilizzando diverse finestre temporali. Proceedings Go to
2008 A Novel Embedded Fingerprints Authentication System based on Singularity Points Proceedings Go to
2008 A critical review of non invasive procedures for the evaluation of body iron burden in thalassemia major patients Articolo in rivista Go to
2007 “A Sliced Coprocessor for Native Clifford Algebra Operations” Proceedings Go to
2007 A Self-Contained Biometric Sensor for Ubiquitous Authentication Proceedings Go to
2007 Three Hours Ahead Prevision of SO2 Pollutant Concentration Using an Elman Neural based Forecaster Articolo in rivista Go to
2007 A Self-Contained Biometric Sensor for Ubiquitous Autentication Proceedings Go to
2007 A Novel Iris Recognition System based on Micro-Features Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2007 A Novel Iris Recognition System based on Micro-Features Proceedings Go to
2007 Fast Fingerprints Classification only using the Directional Image Articolo in rivista Go to
2007 Semi-Automated evaluation of small bowel mural attenuation at CT enterography using different temporal windows in patients affected by active Crohn disease Proceedings Go to
2007 Fuzzy Fusion in Multimodal Biometric Systems Articolo in rivista Go to
2007 Fast Fuzzy Fusion in Multimodal Biometric Systems Articolo in rivista Go to
2007 Two-days ahead prediction of daily maximum concentrations of SO2, O3, PM10, NO2, CO in the urban area of Palermo, Italy Articolo in rivista Go to
2007 Clinical Anatomy and information technology. Proceedings Go to
2007 An Embedded Real-Time Automatic Lane-Keeping System Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2007 A Novel Iris Recognition System based on Microfeature Proceedings Go to
2006 A New Directional Morphological Filter in a Automated Fingerprint Identification System Proceedings Go to
2006 Embedded Knowledge-based Speech Detectors for Real-Time Recognition Tasks Proceedings Go to
2006 Fingerprints and Smartcards in Embedded Authentication Systems Proceedings Go to
2006 Daily Urban NOx Peak Forecasting Using Recurrent Neural Network Proceedings Go to
2006 Hourly Forecasting of SO2 Pollutant Concentration Using an Elman Neural Network Proceedings Go to
2006 A MAS Security Framework Implementing Reputation Based Policies and Owners Access Control Proceedings Go to
2006 Fingerprint and Smartcards in Embedded Authentication Systems Proceedings Go to
2006 An Embedded Fingerprint Recognizer Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2006 Urban Daily Peak-Forecasting NOx Using Recurrent Neural Network Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2006 Biometrics Authentication and Reputation Based Policies in a MAS Security Framework Proceedings Go to
2005 CliffoSor: an Innovative FPGA-based Architecture for Geometric Algebra. Proceedings Go to
2005 Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Directional Morphological Filter Proceedings Go to
2005 CliifoSor: a Parallel embedded architecture for Geometric Algebra and Computer Graphics Proceedings Go to
2005 Applications of a neural network to forecast the hourly pollutant’s concentrations (SO2) in the industrial site of Priolo (Sicily) Proceedings Go to
2005 CliffoSor: A Parallel Embedded Architecture for Geometric Algebra and Computer Graphics Proceedings Go to
2005 Hourly Forecasting of SO2 Pollutant Concentration Using an Elman Neural Network Proceedings Go to
2005 Fingerprint Registration Using Specialized Genetic Algorithms Proceedings Go to
2005 An Intelligent Sensor for Fingerprint Recognition Articolo in rivista Go to
2005 Efficient MLP Digital Implementation on FPGA Proceedings Go to
2005 Efficient FPGA Implementation of a Knowledge-based Automatic Speech Classifier Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2005 Image Processing Chain For Digital Still Cameras Based On The Simpil Architecture Proceedings Go to
2005 Neural Classification of HEP Experimental Data Proceedings Go to
2005 Biometric Features for Mobile Agents Ownership Articolo in rivista Go to
2004 The Web as a Knowledge Base for Document Classification Tasks in Distributed Environments Altro Go to
2004 Efficient Rapid Prototyping of Image and Video Processing Algorithms Proceedings Go to
2004 Web Directories as a Knowledge Base to Build a Multi-Agent System for Information Sharing Articolo in rivista Go to
2004 A Mobile Agent Based System for Documents Classification and Retrieval Articolo in rivista Go to
2004 Un sistema ad agenti mobili per la classificazione ed il recupero di documenti - A Mobile Agent Based System for Documents Classification and Retrieval Articolo in rivista Go to
2004 An Enhanced Autentication System for the JADES-S Platform Articolo in rivista Go to
2004 Driver Assistance Systems: a Real-Time Road Signs Recognizer Proceedings Go to
2004 Fingerprint in User Authentication Process and Agent Ownership Proceedings Go to
2004 Daily Peak Temperature Forecasting with Elman Neural Networks Proceedings Go to
2004 Real-Time Road Signs Recognition on a SIMD Architecture Articolo in rivista Go to
2004 An Enhanced Autentication System for JADE-S Platform Proceedings Go to
2004 An Enhanced Authentication System for the JADE-S Platform Altro Go to
2004 Biometric Features for Mobile Agents Ownership Proceedings Go to
2004 An Enhanced Authentication System for the JADE-S Platform Articolo in rivista Go to
2004 Un Sistema ad Agenti Mobili per la Classificazione e il Recupero di Documenti - A Mobile Agent Based System for Documents Classification and Retrieval Articolo in rivista Go to