Novel Human-to-Human Interactions from the Evolution of HCI
- Authors: Gentile, A; Santangelo, A; Sorce, S; Vitabile, S
- Publication year: 2011
- Type: Proceedings
- Key words: human-to-human interaction; human-computer interaction; novel interfaces; mediated social interactions
- OA Link:
The interaction ways made available by the evolution of the human-computer interfaces, led to novel Human-to-Human Interaction (HHI) modes, enabling people to cooperate for almost any task any time and any where. HHI nowadays is largely indirect and mediated by a wide variety of technologies and devices. This new and exciting field of design originates from the convergence of a few well-established research fields within the HCI area, such as traditional Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), Tangible User Interfaces (TUI), Touchless Gesture User Interface (TGUI), Voice User Interfaces (VUI), and Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI). We analyze and describe the evolution of the HCI in those fields, and how it paved the way for novel current and upcoming human-to human interaction ways.