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A novel numerical meshless approach for electric potential estimation in transcranial stimulation

  • Authors: Ala, G.; Fasshauer, G.; Francomano, E.; Ganci, S.; Mccourt, M.; Vitabile, S.
  • Publication year: 2015
  • Type: Proceedings
  • Key words: meshless methods; method of fundamental solutions; numerical approximation; transcranial electrical stimulation; Physics and Astronomy (all)
  • OA Link:


In this paper, a first application of the method of fundamental solutions in estimating the electric potential and the spatial current density distribution in the brain due to transcranial stimulation, is presented. The coupled boundary value p roblems for the electric potential are solved in a meshless way, so avoiding the use of grid based numerical methods. A multi-spherical geometry is considered and numerical results are discussed.