Ricerche sul testamentum per aes et libram, I. Il ruolo del familiae emptor (con particolare riguardo al formulario del testamento librale)
- Authors: Terranova, F
- Publication year: 2011
- Type: Monografia (Monografia o trattato scientifico)
- Key words: Successione testamentaria; testamentum per aes et libram; testimonianza; esecutore testamentario; trust; negozio fiduciario
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/61711
Among the problems long debated by the scholars of the testament called per aes et libram, the most interesting was the one concerning the original character of the mancipio accipiens-familiae emptor. The speech is based on a close anaysis of the principal sources, that describe two periods in testamentum per aes et libram evolution’s (especially, Gai 2.102-108, PT. 2.10.1), but it also concern – more generally – the analysis of well-know passages (see, in particular, Tit. Ulp. 20.2-9; Gell., Noct. Att., 15.27.3; I. 2.10.1) about the treatment of genera testamentorum recognized by ius civile (testaments called calatis comitiis, in procinctu and per aes et libram of classical period). Furthermore, the investigation aims rediscussing the problems concerning the restitution and reconstruction of the formulas in making testamentum per aes et libram, pronounced by the parties, both by mancipatio accipiens-familiae emptor (only a source – contained in Verona’s Palimpsest – hands down these verba: Gai 2.104) and by mancipio dans-testator (about these verba, see Gai 2.104, Tit. Ulp. 20.9; Isid., Etym., 5.24.12; Apul., Metamorph., 2.24). The basic idea of the author is that the original familiae emptor position’s in the so-called mancipatio familiae is not assimilable sic et simpliciter to the one of an heir, or a trustee, or an estate owner’s, or a mere executor. His function, in fact, depend on the testator instructions’ to the familiae emptor – person of confidence of the testator (amicus) in the original phase of institut – regarding the familia pecuniaque distribution’s after the testator’s death.