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Full Professor of Hydraulics

Department of Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy

Scientific chief and Co Founder S.e.eng LTD

Scientific chief and Co Founder Safety Environmental Engineering srl (IT) – academic spin-off University of Palermo

Past positions

- 2005 – 2019 Associate Professor, University of Palermo

- 2001 - 2005 Assistant professor, University of Palermo

- 2000 - 2001 Contract Professor, University of Palermo

- 1998 -2000   Post-Ph.D. position, University of Palermo

- 1997             Scientist of Hydraulic and Hydraulic Applications, University of Palermo


Educational qualifications

- Philosophy Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Hydraulic Engineering, University of Naples “Federico II” (Italy)

- Degree in Civil Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Palermo


Vising professor and Research fellowships:

-2019 Visiting Professor for didactic and research activities at the “Federal Rural University” of Pernambuco (Brazil); from November, 15 2019 to November, 30 2019, funded by CAPES (Brazil) – collaboration with prof. Ramon Cantalice.

-2019 Visiting Professor for didactic and research activities from October 10 2019 to November 10 2019 at Queen’s University - Kingston – Ontario – Canada, funded by University of Palermo (Italy) – collaboration with prof. A.M. Da Silva

-2018 Research staying at "Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels" (LEGI) – Grenoble, France, in the ambit of the project “Adaptation for Climate Change (JEVERB)” supported by the Horizon2020 programme of the EC(Invited at the LEGI by Dr. Joel Sommeria)

-2015 Research staying at IGB - Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, IGB, Germany (from 3rd August 2015 to 3rd October 2015) - collaboration with Dr. Alexander Sukhodolov.

-2007 Research staying at Queen’s University - Kingston - Ontario – Canada- – (duration 21 days funded by CNR Italy) - collaboration with prof. M.S. Yalin.

-1993 Research staying at Queen’s University - Kingston - Ontario – Canada (duration three months from 15th May to 15th August);– collaboration with prof. M.S. Yalin.



-2019: International Award of Best Researcher 2019 in Hydrodynamics and Fluvial processes by RULA AWARDS & IJRULA (Accredited by, Idamas Learning Center,; World Research Council; United

- 2018 " Sapio" Award for the Italian research and Innovation – XVI edition

- 2017 “Eureka Prize” With the PV project of Safety Cover An automatic protection and safety system for photovoltaic systems has won the: the idea becomes a Final Enterprise in November;

- 2010 best poster in Hydraulic Constructions - by GII-Idra 2010

- 2007 International Award “Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize”, by ASCE (American Association of Civil Engineering,

-She is in the “Who's Who in the World” since 2008.


Research interests
-    River morphological response

-    Eco-Hydraulics

-    Interactions vegetation/sediment transport

-    Local scour

-    Evolution and stability of meandering rivers

-    Sediment transport

-    River plane-form evolution

-    River re-naturalization

-    Vegetation effects

-    River hydrodynamic response

-    Secondary flows

-    Flood mitigation

-    Hyper-concentrated flows

-    Optimization models

-    Cluster analysis

-    Water network simulation

-    Water consumption models

-    Chlorine concentration prediction for water quality in pipe networks  

-    Neural networks

-    Machine Learning techniques for faults identification in discrete systems

The aforementioned research activity is testified by more than 200 papers published in proceedings of national and international congresses and in international scientific journals.


- Member IAHR (International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research)

- Member EUROMECH (European Mechnics Society)

- Member CIRF (Centro Italiano per la Riqualificazione Fluviale)

- Member iEMSS (International Environmental Modelling and Software)

- Member IAHS (International Association of Hydrological Sciences)

- Member of Alumni DAAD (Deutcher Akademischer Austausch Dienst)