I delitti di inquinamento ambientale e di disastro ambientale in una recente proposta di riforma del legislatore italiano.
- Autori: Siracusa Licia
- Anno di pubblicazione: 2015
- Tipologia: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/149898
Abstract The reform concerning “ecocrimes” recently approved by the Parliament impressed a significant change to environmental criminal law in Italy. Amongst the most important novelties introduced by the reform, this paper considers the criminal offences of “Inquinamento ambientale” (environmental pollution) and of “Disastro ambientale” (environmental disaster), which are paradigmatic examples of the legislator’s attempt to balance the criminal-political needs for repressing the most serious forms of aggression against environment with the need for adopting a legislative technique of description of the offences coherent with the peculiarities of the protected legal good and with the modalities of realisation of the harmful behaviours in the environmental field.