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Rinvenimenti monetali e contesto di scavo. Un ripostiglio di monete puniche da Gela


The excavations in Capo Soprano country at Gela (1999-2001) have hallowed to recover a living quarter, in which was a hoard of 17 bronze coins of Punic Sicily with female head and horse in front of palm-tree. The stratigraphic excavation of the quarter has permitted to find two living phases, sealed by collapsed roofs and walls. The excavation has supplied information concerning the relative chronology of the layers and the walls, while the stratigraphic association between pottery and coins offers information concerning the absolute chronology. These elements also make it possible to consider the siege of Gela by Agathokles (317-309 B.C.) as the terminus ante quem for the ancient phase. Since the hoard can be linked with the ancient phase, it’s possible to point out that the coins with female head and horse in front of palm-tree circulated and were issued in the period ante 317-309 B.C.