Scienze della Terra e del Mare
Delegato al Centro nazionale per la Biodiversità , per coordinare le attività tecnico-scientifiche dei componenti afferenti agli spoke della NBFC s.c.a. r.l. in cui è coinvolta l'Università degli Studi di Palermo.
Orari di ricevimento
Giovedì dalle 09:00 alle 12:00 presso Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare, Sezione di Ecologia, Plesso Edificio 16, STANZA 1
Martedì dalle 10:00 alle 12:00 presso Per gli studenti del CdS in Biodiversita e Innovazione Tecnologica, presso le strutture del polo didattico di Trapani o della struttura "Principe di Napoli". I ricevimenti, su richiesta, possono essere svolti anche su piattaforma teams. Ulteriori o differenti incontri possono essere concordati con il docente
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Gianluca Sarà (Ph. D., 1994) is Professor of Ecology at University of Palermo (Italy) and leads the Ecology Laboratory (EEB) at Earth and Marine Sciences (DISTEM) Department of Palermo University (Italy). He graduated for his PhD in 1994 at University of Messina (Italy) discussing a thesis dealing with bioenergetics and growth performance of cultivated bivalves in the Mediterranean Sea. He is connected with a large international network to study the effects of anthropogenic factors and environmental change on biological and ecological responses of marine organisms. He has been invited many times to offer seminars and talks in various world top-rank universities such as Honk Kong (China), Aix-en-Provence (France), Columbia (SC, USA), Lisbon (Portugal), Dublin (Ireland), Nantes (France), Moscow (Russia), Adelaide (Australia). His research, through more than 20 national and international research projects as PI and co-PI, investigates the causes and consequences of environmental change, including climate, on biodiversity and the distribution, vulnerability and productivity of fishery and aquaculture. The main aim is to study the potential ecological rebounds on the ecosystem services and sustainability through experimental, modelling and reviewing approaches. Ecology Lab people is composed by post-docs, PhDs, young researchers to graduates and undergraduates. All members face similar issues with quantitative rigor and innovation and they altogether are contributing to build a functional trait-based framework based on the Dynamic Energy Budget theory to get “quantities” and provide reliable mechanistic modelling to study effects of global environmental change on ecological responses. Synergies activities are intense in the last 5 years and they include roles as Delegate for University of Palermo Rector for National Strategy Plan Committee 2021-2027 (Area 13. Bioeconomy, Food and Blue growth and Area 14. Natural Resources, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction) up to being Designed Member by the Foreign Italian Ministry for the Dubai Expo 2020 Scientific Committee, Member of the National Committee to select Ecology Professors for the Italian Universities (ASN) and EU commission designed Expert for Blue Growth and Climate Change projects. Gianluca Sarà is Associate Editor of Aquaculture Environment Interactions (AEI) and an Editorial Board member of Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture Journal; he is author of more than 400 scientific articles including 161 ISI peer-reviewed articles; his scientific articles realized 3300 citations and 33 H-index (SCOPUS sources 30/09/2020). He is co-author of the book entitled “Ecology” for University students (UTET, Italia) several book chapters and over 45 program research reports on subjects ranging from marine benthic organisms to fish and marine mammals.