Mantle-derived helium in sedimentary basins of Central Mediterranean:Geologic and tectonic constrains on fluids accumulation and migration.
- Authors: Caracausi, A; Grassa, F; Pennino, V; Rizzo, A; Sulli, A
- Publication year: 2013
- Type: Proceedings
- OA Link:
The geodynamics of the central Mediterranean is characterized by the interaction between the European plate and
the African one. In this setting Sicily is a sector of the Appenine-Maghrebide accretionary prism, which is located
between two areas affected by extensional tectonics (Sicily Channel to the south and the Thyrrenian back arc basin
to the north).
In the present study we present the first dataset of helium isotopic composition measured in fluids released from
the central-western Sicily.With the aim to constrain the transfer system of fluids in this area we relate the results of
geochemical investigations with the stratigraphy and structural setting, derived from field geology, deep boreholes
and new seismic reflection, gravimetry and magnetometry data.
Significant mantle-derived helium (0.4