Research Area
Active Research fields
Migrant's expulsion
Hate speech
Principles of criminalisation (harm, moralism, offense, paternalism)
Penal theories (state punishment and private vengeance)
Research projects of the last 5 years
- HIDEANDOLA - Hidden Antisemitism and Communicative Skills of Criminal Lawyers and Journalists (EU CERV-2022) (
- EUMoSIT - Europe between Mobility and Security: the challenges of illicit trades in the Mediterranean Area (Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence) (
- NESMeS - The New Era of Smuggling in the Mediterranean Sea (funded by PMI) (
- Mobility, Security and the New Media (Jean Monnet Module) (
- Eurocoord-Bestpratices for European Coordination on investigative measures and evidence gathering'- Call JUST/2015/JCOOTAG/1 (
Alberto di Martino, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa (Hideandola)
Antonio Vallini, Università di Pisa (Hideandola)
Carlo Sorrentino, Università di Firenze (Hideandola)
Centro di documentazione ebraica contemporanea - CDEC (Hideandola)
Osservatorio "Media analisys and research", Pavia (Hideandola)
Luigi Cornacchia, University of Lecce (The Crisis of the Fundamental Political Concepts Through the Lenses of Criminal law)
Luisa Marin, Twente University, The Netherlands (Crimmigration and Human Rights in Europe)