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Language Mediation and Aspects of Accommodation in the Use of ELF


This study is part of a research project on language mediation in public services in Italy. Previous research has shown some shortcomings in this field of study such as translation quality and the lack of recruitment methods for mediators despite the European directive coming into force next month and thus the need for training opportunities. This study focuses on instances of interpersonal communication bewteen migrant users of ELF and italian service providers in this case the centre for identification in Bologna. The main assumption is that a given language code standardized diatopically and diachronically, evolves over time into a proliferation of what we have called mutant genes, that is different varieties, that interact with indigenous cultures and languages. There are many factors which may influence these changes such as colonial context, (pressures by colonial forces to adopt hegemonic language), the type of sociolect adopted and taught for each particular group and the institutional context.