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Scritti criminologici. Dalla teoria dell’associazione differenziale ai crimini dei colletti bianchi


Author of one of the first general criminological theories that unmark deviant and criminal behavior from any biologist hypothesis and founder of the first foundational reflections on the crime of the powerful, Edwin H. Sutherlandcan be recognized as the most influential criminologist of the 20th century. The volume outlines in critical terms the main stages of the development of the author’s thought by presenting to the Italian public unpublished reflections on the genesis of the theory of differential association, on its revisions and applications, on the themes of epistemological reflection and the dimension of control policies. In particular, it highlights Sutherland’s deep relationships with the classical theories of the Chicago School of Law and the attention to the procedural dimension of symbolic interaction, These are fundamental aspects for critical theories and that place his criminological enterprise within a purely sociological analysis.