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Parole a doppio taglio. Per una nuova alleanza tra retorica e filosofia


The paper focuses on the ambivalence of logos and the consequences this ambivalence has on the relationship between philosophy and violence. By ambivalence of language I mean the possibility that the word can be at the same time a place of overcoming conflicts but also a place of production or escalation of the conflict itself. The thesis sustained is that philosophy cannot but take charge of this ambivalence. In order to do this, however, philosophy must finally learn to look at rhetoric no longer as a rival to be fought but as an indispensable ally. The first step is to question the topical opposition between logos and bia and to accept that there is a specifically human violence made possible precisely by logos. The second (and decisive) step consists instead in rejecting the anti-rhetorical prejudice and the consequent opposition between rhetoric and philosophy inaugurated by Plato.