Spunti per una rilettura della disciplina giuridica degli internet service provider
- Authors: Fabrizio Piraino
- Publication year: 2017
- Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/278863
The essay addresses the issue of the so called Internet Service Provider's Liability under artt. 12-14 dir. 00/31, with specific regard to the violations of copyright. The study aims at demonstrating that European Law on ISP is not a law on tort, but regulates a sphere of lawful action in favor of Internet Service Providers. The analysis of the Court of Justice's case-law reveals that the primary remedy against offenses committed on the internet is an injunction, while damages are only a secondary relief. This confirms the hypothesis that artt. 12-14 dir. 00/31 draw the perimeter of the legitimate activity of the Internet Service Provider. The essay ends with a re-interpretation of the Italian provisions set forth at artt. 14-16 d.lgs. 70/2003 in order to align them, with the European directive, expecially with regard to the hosting performance rules.